My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Thursday, December 28, 2006

So much for listening to the troops! Eveing yet again folks. Hit that above link and read what some of the troops over in iraq are saying. Why you are at it, read alot more on that websight. It might help in understanding the war in iraq. Or not.
Yet for more entertaining news, his this link to find out 100 things you didint know ! Its great for the know-it-alls .
if your lucky you can remember all 100 and impress your friends during the new years eve party,, er something.

As my owners were searching the internet to read news and other stuff, they found this and they really hope it works.

Heres hoping that the news media catches wind of this story and this yr wont be like the last with bird flu scare storys! Is it me or is that all the press has lately? scare tactics? First its the terrorist, well thats stopped since the changing of the guard came from the Nov elections in the states! Hmmm,, wonder why ? If that isint enough to help thier slumping tv cable news ratings, they have on the most boring guest to fill a 15 min blank. I think the worst is the CBS eveing news.!
Katie colic,, errr curic is just boring to watch. To me,as a cat, looking at her , shes the sleeping pill the dr. prescribes humans who cant fall asleep. No wonder rene styler left! The reporting lacks any deep feel to it and its mostly the same pro bush war gung ho crap spun on a differant angle. Pete and repete news!
Second worse news is CNN international. Who cares about bizz asia? its 3:00am in the morning and my owner wants to watch larry king, not some bizz asia report.
they dont live in asia, nor will they invest in anything asian. At least over at the BBC, at that ungodly hour there is hardtalk. a talkshow that well, has some grit to it. So, as the networks see thier ratings slip and slide and lose out to internet news, its probably once again, back to the terror threat levels, or some other terror stuff, to keep the huddled mass togeather like scared sheep. And folks wonder why cats like to play and run around the house at night, theres nothing good on tv, thats why!!! any ways,, nuff of the news rants, lets find something fun to blog about already.

Sometimes in life, there are ppl that are winners , and there are those that are losers. I think these guys represent the losers.
I wont ask why,, or wonder, or even try. These are the type of humans us cats walk wide around and hiss at when they attempt to pet us. I think cats are built in with a loser /winner detector. Shame other species dont have this talent yanno?

Onto News from The House Of Murphy! Tonight the humans played poker. and we arent talking for a couple of hours either. more like 8 hours. I guess with xmas presents that consist of a poker set and a back up poker chip set that contains 500 chips, its easy to see why it took so long . No one won. they called it a night and used ziplock freezer bags to hold thier chips so they can play again tomorow night. Now one of em is complaining about a backache. Well yes, EDDDIOTT sit on the couch for 8 hours only moving to drain the bladder or get some soda. And i bet ya one of em hides thier ziplock bag due to some fear of being ripped off by the other one as they sleep! Some folks and poker, geeze,, they get nutty over it. I cant wait untill they start using the roulette wheel that came with the set! OMG! ill never be allowed on the couch again from all the poker stuff laying on it .

Other then the poker game from hell, the boring news here, and the snow storm in colorado, not alot to blog about tonight folks. Bush is still a EDDIOTT leading the US down a wrong way turn into something that resembles shit. The worlds ppl still hates one another for thier belief in god or other gods or not . wars are still being fought, crooks still getting pats on the back and padding thier wallets, and dead men who really didint do shit for thier country , get medals or overdone funerals. Yep, ya didint miss much if you just came in from work and hadint had anytime to watch the news. Thats where being a cat is cool. because stuff like the above wont phase us. we eat, sleep, clean ourselfs, use you humans for a launchboard whenever and where ever possible, and our litter box is scooped!

ya cant live any better then that :) !!

this is what happens when you hide inside garbage cans.

A time for someone to wish they were dead!

Elks lodge 65+ seniors batting practise! but its cool to have built this.

YAWN!!!!!!!! yes folks its that time where I, must depart and head on upstairs and take a catnap inside the pethut! thanks folks for stoping on by and reading this blog,, or not. Talk to ya fine folks tomorow, till then,,

WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,Adversus solem ne loquitor - Don't speak against the sun (don't waste your time arguing the obvious)


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