My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Hiya Hiya Folks! Well its official . Murphy had the papers drawn up and it seems that iam now a fixed body here on the blog. Weekend editions only but, yanno how it goes, some good looking co anchor gets hired and soon the regular host is kicked out , kinda like what happend to Arron Brown over at CNN when andy cooper came waltzing his suave ass in ;)

We begins tonight blog with this story.
HES DEAD! move on, lets put it past us, and see if we can get the troops out of iraq.
otherwise, we are there beating a dead dictator. Mission accomplished! yadda yadda,,
for those that wished they coulda been there, heres a link for the morbids,

On to other news this eveing. The owners decided to watch DOG! thats the show about a bounty hunter? well as i was cleaning my toes i happend to look up at the tv screen and OMG folks! Beth, his wife has the biggest fake boobs a cat has ever seen! No really , she puts to shame my old neighbors cat who had 3 litters in one and half yrs, so yanno she was bagged out bigtime! It didint even look normal for this woman on the tv screen. shes all boobs and stilettos heels! How can she chase down bad asses ? how can she tackel anyone fleeing from the dog? I suppose if she played buffer and the perp ran straight into her, they might bounce back say a good 20 ft into the waiting arms of DOG and he gets his man! Either way, all i could do was finish cleaning my toes and mutter words like ´´damn´´!!

More stuff to tell ya folks about. It seems that when one of the humans here use the comp to like pay online bills, they can become quite frustrated over aol saying bye bye in mid transaction. So they get into what i call the PANIC PAY!!!
work fast, light cigarettes one after the other, throw the pack of cigs off to the left after lighting one and peck fast and furious at the laptop in hopes of finishing the online transaction befour aol says GOODBYE!

It can be at times amusing to watch this form of human behaviour, as the PANIC PAY really brings out the worst in ems. Snippy, worried, hyper,, like they just sucked back a gallon of caffe expresso. And never make the mistake of like talking to em either during this non athletic event either. No distractions, all must be quiet and hush for this brain surgery to take place. ODD!!

And it seems that as is custom here in Germany, the day befour New years eve, some ppl decide to test out some of thier fireworks they brought, to make sure they work? folks, its got a fuse, its packed with black powder, the only thing that might, cause the fireworks to not ignite is if you drop em in water. So as murph and i were upstairs sleeping, sure enough, comes the 30 hours befour the end of the newyear, testing of fireworks! I ran, murph followed and we hid downstairs under chairs, or behind the couch. Finaly, whatever numbnutted neighbor it was, figured out that yes,, they lite and ignite and it goes BOOM BOOM , after 23 tries!

EDDDDIOTTTS! Our owners have a plan this yr for us, as they wont be home. They will leave the tv on hit24 music videos all eveing and night long for us cats along with the main light too. That way we wont hear the loud booms or see the blasts of fireworks and i think in the end, when the humans come home it will be good.
I mean, panic poops arent something a human wants to be greeted by as they come home and get knocked out from the whiff of em. I hope hit24 plays alot of heavy metal,, all those drums, etc.

Speaking of poop, it seems that murphy has a new game going on. And its a one minute warning too for our owners.
When murphy has to like make some deposits inside his litter box, after this number 2 deed is done, he races back out into the living room. Oh and makes meowing noises too. Perhaps hes announcing to the humans, look what i can do?
Regardless, this is ´´wasderfaces´´ last chance to get to the bathroom, grab the pooper scooper and flush that Mt.Lion pile far far away. The other night, as the humans were waiting on the pizza delivery guy, murphy pulled this stunt! i mean he had all day to make a deposit but noooooooooo,,,,, he decides to do it right befour the expected ETA of the pizza man! The action from the humans was fast and furious! One scooped , the other grabbed the Axe body spray and purified the air ! They test sniffed the air,, deemed it not good enough and closed the bathroom door, untill the pizza man came. If the dude did smell anything , he didint let on. I spied em from the top of the stairs and he didint wrinkle his nose or cock one eyebrow . Thank god for AXE body spray!

Now heres the part where i could leave you folks some links to the on going events in the world but nah,,, theres a time to say, pffft to political shit and a time to just sit back and have fun. So heres some cool stuff for ya to check out !

love it when bad asses get beat down :)

thats alot of suds to suck back!

Epileptic´? Or just a moron? I am thinking its the latter!

I think its my time to say later! Befour i leave, I along with Murphy and the humans, ´´wasderface ´´ and ´´the spoiler´´ want to wish you all a Happy New Year! dont drink and drive and grab the keys from other humans who drank to much punch, beer , etc.

Ill be back on monday to fill ya fine folks in on my owners newyears eve!

Um,, i dont speak latin like murphy so,, ok heres a parting shot,

its a german saying and believe me humans ITS REALLY TRUE!!! oh and yes ill translate !

´´Bier auf Wein, das lass sein.

Wein auf Bier, das rat ich Dir!"

(Beer after Wine, let that be. Wine after Beer, that I recommend.) in other words, dont drink any beer after any wine!!! otherwise, its gonna hurt the next day!!


MR.CAIN, Sub Blogger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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