My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Yo ppl i see some of you made it back to this blog. That could be for two reasons, your bored and enjoy cats or you simply slipped on the keyboard and ended up here by mistake. Either way,,your here, so lets make the best of it and check out whats going on in the news today,,,,
News at a glance,,,,

read it, its your money thats paying for it.Is this yet another example of piss poor management skills by the state department regarding the US embassy in iraq? seems no one really knows as its not fit to be lived in anytime soon. oh and its also over budget too. I see a pattern here folks,,,
deny, lie, throw blame on others but for jipes sake, dont do anything constructive and find where the source of the leak came from. Dragging the feet again, thw white house spoke up and denied that it was the enity behind the leaking of a tape from binny and the boys . Needless to say, whoever leaked the tape on fox news, destroyed a years worth of hard work for our fine friends inside the smoke and mirror departments.
If there is one thing that america can do with great zest and zeal , its to hate another group of ppl . Now we all heard about the jenna 6 and how that started by a few morons who thought it would be funny to hang some noose on a tree. But that turned out to be a bad idea. Now another similar event has taken place at another college. It begs the question , why are there haters in the world that enjoy another persons pain , fear and ill at ease?
Talk about really sticking it to someone. Never mind these folks served the longest tour in iraq, never mind due to that , some familes sufferd and some paid the ultimate price. But to come back home and find that the money of which the army promised you , is suddenly deemed not available due to a convientent time line, its really got to make some of these folks alittle bit angry , no? Of course every excuse possible was offerd up when asked about this latest ´´see ya wouldint wanna be ya´´ attitude on the troops.
oh this is rich! Quiting your job because a new boss demands you work the hours you originaly were assigned to work? seems unbelieveable but its true and guess who the quitters are? members of congress.Must be nice to do a few yrs of money running to thier districts, kissing ass , shaking hands and making promises, and in the end leave because your just to damn lazy oh but you get to keep your health insurance and pension too!
I stated prior that some may commit crimes and think they will get away with it. But in the end the truth comes out and its blaring light is shed upon a 40 yr old lie. Good read for history buffs who already knew this but just wanted someone else to have the balls to put it in print!
well i read this after i found its websight. Its 82 pages long but pretty much all the pages say the same thing. The wide spread corruption in Iraqs goverment and the failure of many to do a damn thing about it. I thought id post it on my blog because once you read it, it makes one wonder why not one news media group, has published or even mentioned it. How can the president of the united states claim things in iraq are going well and smoothly and the new goverment is running ok? This pdf will make you go,,,wtf?

News bites via yahoo,,

Palestinian negotiator says open to possible land swap
TalksGunman dead after injuring five at Cleveland school
WitnessGates: Army should transform to combat warfare seen in IraqChrysler, UAW agree to contract after brief strike
Walk outKremlin insider calls for Lenin to be buried
MausoleumNoose found on Columbia University professor's door
Rival?Some cell phone, PDA users report feeling 'phantom' vibrations
World News Via Yahoo.

Iraqis want answers from security firmsEx-nuke envoy raps Ahmadinejad policiesTurkey attacks rebels near Iraq borderMyanmar dissident dies under questioningPalestinians open to possible land swapGerman wins Nobel chemistry prizePakistan elections set for early January


Tony snows haunting numbers,,,Tuesday: 51 Iraqis Killed, 102 Wounded,,,,
Wednesday: 2 GIs, 112 Iraqis Killed, 84 Wounded,

um, after drew came around from his drunken coma, did he wonder where the piss smell was coming from and why? unreal dude,,,
for video gamers out there , check this one out. brings back mega memories and kudos to the conductor too!
for the know it all in your family, hit em with these facts.
after she said FU i dont think the dude got any that night,,or that week perhaps!
um dude,, thats why they invented helmets! damn,,,iam surprised his brains are still intact in his skull.
guess no one calculated the g force on the wings did they?
son, your wife had the look a dead man gets from the hangman. Be glad she didint rip your balls off after that stunt!
i had to laugh when his friend tells em , dont stop you can get your stomach pumped later. wtf? hope he made it back home alive.
the correct way to dry hump? um wtf?!!!
another one coughs some dust!!!!
movie trailer,,,,,,,,not for everyone iam sure.
why do they always tap the shit onto the spoon? its a measuring spoon for jipes sake!
being how the S&M boys forgot to add audio, just use britney spears song, hit me baby one more time for more shits and giggles.
nice board tricks but smashing it due to anger was really juvy.
MMAF!!!! oldie but still a goodie. and so true too!
no comment
shopping carts from the early 80s were better made, try and find one and try that stunt again.The power of stupidity commands you!!!
thats some serious bad shit that happend.
well hes direct and to the point when it comes to girlfriends isint he?
not as impressive as the mentos trick they did but,,
Mcguyvers back , more cool things to do for halloween.
ok this little shit creeped me out after one min with his laughter,,
way to cute . for cat lovers world wide.
iono about this one,, pretty sure folks will get pissed off,or not.
check out this guys face when he knows he kinda screwed when the fuse was still fizzing and no boom boom.
no idea what this person was attempting to demostrate with this vid
think he stopped the camera alittle to soon to show us his self made boom boom?
very strange ppl with dirt bikes and whips,,,,um,,,,get help soon ok´?
why credit cards just arent good for some ppl. funny song though,,,
turbo tax tune,, not bad, for a white guy!
more of the same from the same dude above, this time its a rap about MCdonalds.
more fun facts !
MMAF!!!!!!!!!!! it made me jump too,,,,,
mom of the year award (another winner) goes to this woman.
another school shooting. man,,,its like some evil fad nowadays?
hey butts i dare you to grow the fuck up ok? can ya do that?
hope folks on board were ok after this.
very sad and shameful on the parts of the boot camp employees.
what the title says,,
to bad it wasint caputerd on VENT!!
mini dough boy just trashed a nice scooter.


News from around my house here,,, nothing new or exciting. Falls arrived since awhile ago but you wouldint know it with the warm temps during the day. About the thing that gives it away is the sun setting early. Then i just go back to doing what i do best at night time,, stalking cain!

Well thats it from here,, thanks for stopping on down and reading my blog,, or not. Take care and talk to ya come tomorow ,maybe. If not then cains got sunday coverd for sure. Oh please let the can in before going to bed? Danke.


WORDS OF WISDOM,,,Primum viveri deinde philosophari - Live before you philosophize, or Leap before you look.




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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