My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, September 27, 2008

THE WEEKEND EDITION! Hiya folks and welcome back to my ´´cains ´´blog for the weekend. Well there is snow much shit out there for folks to believe in or worry about. Compliments from Uncle Scam errr Sam, that there is alot of overseas investors buying up property within the USA!
Thats just to save the states ass from greedy, conceded twisted minded fucks who thought their shit tactics at wall street didint stink and by the time it caught wind, well here we are today. Arent ya just so glad ya voted republican twice? Regardless, Paul newman died, some sick bitch who nuked her baby is in jail for life and china feeds its kids plastics. Oh and there is that Debate we all saw the othernight.
The ´´checkmate pig´´ and his helping hand in Iraq.

pssss yo dude,, you wont get your own way,but here are the numbers.
The few, The Proud The sick, The Insane,,,,videos online.
awwww poor little ole lady. hope she was ok after.
now that had to leave a scar or more!
and this chick now wants to be vice president?
thanks dumb ass for tips on how NOT to ride a atv.
radical but watcht the gov yank it to spy on your backyard bbqs
guess these guys dont hunt much let alone play any video games.
must have been the local IRS building or something.
WOW! now that is quite the catch.
iam surprised he didint burry this dummy in the sand after her foul up.
looks cool but iam sure some kids will try this in real life and probably end up,,,,in bad shape?
frigging ammies!
ok then,, DUDE!!!!
thats pretty pre mike tyson dudes,,,,
pretty sure someone will lose thier jobs over this but WOW!
awwww,, another watch for falling prices mishap?
talk about shitting your pants. eewww
my gosh it sounds like one of those late night adult commericals call now!?
that was some excellent driving skills on the trucker behind the poor bastid that jack knifed!
Excellent and well stated.
glad that wasint my house they were going to install such flimsy shit.
talking about a smoking hot radio dj .
the road to oz?
perhaps he asked to many ?
Damn,,,talk about hot buns.
I want one of those,,dude make me one please!!!!!
Iam sure it hurt your face,but might have made those teeth of yours look better?
kids today,, HA!
fake or the little numbnut got into the booze .
no comment!
might be a repost but damn!!!!
yanno how it goes with the little sibling and bigger one etc. but at least she tried.
d-rods rapping.
News From The House Of Us Cats And Humans.
why is it that mortal ex military suck? Yanno the ones that were kicked out of the service,, served barely one year but carry thier time in country as a act to behave like a complete asshole? Its worse when they drink, my god those damn fishing stories get bigger and bigger. SO if you are a marine for life reading this and know of a kicked out marine in upstate ny, drop me a line. Semper fi,, isint meaning to pull knifes on thier wifes or attempt to claw hammer a staff sgt son from the army during the vietnam war, to death either.
Any and all comment are welcomed regarding the above. But If one bad apple can get inside the word Corp, it really gives the rest of the marines a bad name.
Same with the US army during ww2 and Namm.
Other then above,, things here are great. Humans are excellent wise and enjoying the fall weather. Soon one hopes to return back to the states and see what small part is left of thier family. Family is life, but one isint to lie for em a crime is commited yano? Lemme end this by saying there is one ex marine asshole living in columbiaville ny whos talking about killing ppl and really likes to slap his wife around. I REALLY hope this gets spread on the internet too. Due to the fact the dude is on probation for a class c felony. SO if slapnuts is reading this or one of his moron friends,, TADA!!!!!!!!! oh and they were also recorded via phone call too :)
There is no reason to beat your wife abuse your pets or beat some one up due to a fucked up ??? life one had. Seek help d-bag or find the end of your life in some wacked stand off with the BCC and state police . PS touch my brother,,, your ass is, well no longer called one.
Thats the news and for that iam outta here. BUT not before i give great thanks for those first responders that rescue ppl and pets and save lifes!!!! hats off to you both.
Talk to you folks come next weekend. Till then love the one your with,!!
REGARDS,,,,,,,,,,,,,, MR.CAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing You The Weekend Editon For The Love Of Sanity.

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