My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Greetings yet again folks and welcome back to MVFTLB. Its midweek, hump day as others call it. News out there making headlines and headaches too. So lets jump right in the mix and give it our best to bring it to you, of course with opinions .Look heres one to start with,,
nice and congress kills a bill for oversea drugs saying its to dangerous?
Try as i might i still cant understand how ppl will hide behind big drug companies even though they are to blame for deaths. Maybe its the money of which they shove down drs and Lobbyists throats, or the little perks that come along the way for pushing a drug thats known to kill even in small dosages. The above story details such this . The NYT were given documents that showed how this common practise works. For instance in one northeast cancer clinic, drs there received 2.7 million dollars for selling about 9, million dollars of drugs that the FDA now says can cause strokes. But what do we expect from drug makers such as,Amgen and Johnson & Johnson, whos last yrs sales werr ten billion dollars? Heres hoping medicare digs deeper and exposes this as nothing more then fraudulet practise and illegal too.
falling on deaf ears yet again.
No matter how hard the whitehouse tries to spin away from its responsiblitly on making sure states have enough Nationl guard troops and equitment, the truth simply wont let them. In a new report issued, it found that last yr the Gov. of Kansas,Kathleen Sebelius warned that the national guard wa facing a loss over its equitment and troops needed if a natural distaster were to hit. It turns out now that the Kansas NG only has about 40% of its equitment , as the rest are in Iraq. And its not just kansas either. Other states have voiced thier worry over lack of national guard troops and equitment. Just like what happend in hurricane Katrina, the whitehouse seeks to blame the state officials after a natural distaster hits. There is no accountablitly or care in the whitehouse it seems. When shit hits the fans, blame the ppl standing in front of the fans.
raids in germany.
Thats alot of states here in Germany that today saw mass raids on left wing radical groups that were hell bent on doing some major damage during the g-8 summit set to take place in Heiligendamm. Now news of another ´´immeidant attack have been issued by US officals based on ? and forwarned german officals that some form of terror attack(s) are in the final planning stages. Folks here fully expect one coming. With the USA now off limits , the nut cases are seeking to take their revenge elsewhere. All that will accomplish is fear and hate towards the many muslims here, and probably give the skin heads a cause to go out and do damage on immigrants here. Some ppl will never learn.,1518,481019,00.html
Now we know why this was built.
Its 7 miles long, and looks like it belongs to some large prison . But its the wall that was built to combat protestors and others from getting inside during the G8 summit meetings here in Germany. The local town folks arent happy of its looks nor looking forward to what many are worried will become a cause to trash shops and do damage to its community. But thats how it is today. Some folks think that by getting thier point across, means burning cars, throwing bricks and smashing store fronts. Heres hoping the riot police are ready for what many are saying is going to be a ugly scene from about 5000+ protestors.
EDDIOTS! power to change is not thru violence but thru silence. Dont they remember the peace walks to bring down that damn wall in 1989? Every monday hunderds of thousands did peace walks to bring down the communist control and thus the fall of the berlin wall. Without violence, without arson attempts and without trashing the city either.
Hmm wonder why Fox news or CNN didint cover this story?
I didint find this on any cable news . NONE! it seems that it was overlooked. Why? Because if it was covered, it would show ppl what many already know. Iraq wants the United states and its coalition troops OUT! Iraqi parliment voted on this, heres a taste of the above story.

On Tuesday, without note in the U.S. media, more than half of the members of Iraq's parliament rejected the continuing occupation of their country. 144 lawmakers signed onto a legislative petition calling on the United States to set a timetable for withdrawal, according to Nassar Al-Rubaie, a spokesman for the Al Sadr movement, the nationalist Shia group that sponsored the petition.
It's a hugely significant development. Lawmakers demanding an end to the occupation now have the upper hand in the Iraqi legislature for the first time; previous attempts at a similar resolution fell just short of the 138 votes needed to pass (there are 275 members of the Iraqi parliament, but many have fled the country's civil conflict, and at times it's been difficult to arrive at a quorum).
the sneer travels to the mideast to beg for war support.
Beg. I like that word. Knowing that mr. sneer has to eat crow and beg for more time and support from iraqs neighbors must be one hell of a insult to mr.sneer. But hes acting under orders from his ´´boss´´ jr.dipshit. While he was in iraq, vp sneer, admited to some bad ideas and set backs in iraq, but promised that if given more time due to the 35 thousand more troops set to arrive in iraq, things will start to turn around in a few months.
Well,, didint mr. sneer side with Donny rumsfeld when rummy said more boots on the ground were NOT needed? yes . And didint mr. sneer say 2 yrs ago that the ´´insurgents were in thier last throes´´? yes he did. Now VP sneer is back to offer up excuses and promises to just give em more time and this time he swears it will work. Great con artist, worst VP ever as well!

More ´´numbers´´ for Tony Snow,, Wednesday: 1 GI, 80 Iraqis Killed; 137 Iraqis Wounded other news out there,
Bush makes promise to saudi´s.
more unrest in paris.
now its 2008 for the troops?
Dick wants press ´´kicked out´´ during iraq visit.
more foul ups in afghansastian.;_ylt=Ajct91lTTJf51Rbu4EMQBjd0bBAF
is he really material for sainthood?
bad weather all around.

------its time once again for,,,---------------------------------------------------
ughh this is plain sick .
think MTV pimp my ride can help with this one?
just what was on her mind?
someone was prettttyyyy bored.
none of the morons wore any helmets
sports !
i have NO idea what this is ,,,,
kitty no likey kid.
time to move! Holy Moly.
duct tape isint as strong as some think.
grape attack?
ok then.
piss poor parents !
ahh the british charm.
that was smart.
oldie but still worth hearing it again.
complete MORONS!

well looks like my time here is up. Thanks for stopping on down and reading my blog,,, or not! Talk to you fine guys and gals come tomorow. We made it thru humpday!!! 2 more to go before the weekend. And ´´ the spoiler´´ starts thier vacation too come friday! 3 weeks with em.
Have a good one and enjoy the evening. Oh and make sure you let the cat in before going to bed. Danke.

WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus - Mountains will be in labour, and an absurd mouse will be born. (all that work and nothing to show for it)



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