My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Hiya folks and how are you doing? Good iam glad to hear this. Ok, welcome to saterday and with that lets see whats cooking in parts of the globe. Heres one to start off the blog with. This one isint pretty!
DO NOT, let these ppl down washington!!!
Imagine after a f-4 or possible f-5 tornado slams into your neighborhood and after its over, most of your town is gone! Thats just what these poor folks experianced in ," Greensburg, Kansas, . Congress has promised that this will be not another katrina and help and supplies will get there as soon as possible. Now the aftermath begins of finding survivors that may still be trapped under houses or still inside cellars that are blocked from exit due to parts of houses laying on top . My heart and prayers go out to these folks and DEMAND that washington act swiftly and set these folks up in some shelter. If Fema messes this up, there is no brownie to blame. For the love of whatever god congress and the whitehouse love, act now and send help NOW. and not red tapping the shit out this distaster. Check out any online legit donation drives that will be coming soon. The red cross is a start, and other charitys.
Nice thing to happen while serving your country.
Or it could be the luck of the drawer upon the person whom you married. Turns out more and more courts are giving custody of children over to ex spouces who use the Iraq war as a excuse to gain full custody. Seems either the mom or dad is serving their country and upon coming back for a visit or discharged, they are faced with a new war. The war to get their kids back. Most judges are ruling with the non military spouce and revoking custody that was previous argreed upon or court orderd befour mom or dad was deployed to Iraq or elsewhere. Not only is this not fair, its also sending a wrong message to the child. Mom or dad is wrong , because they are fighting in iraq, so therefore, the other parent knows whats best.
Sure hope a good lawyer reading this will take up some cases pro bono for some of the military folks coming back home and not having their kids anymore.
well this just decided for alot of ppl about Mitt the dimwitt.
Mitt just blew his chance. By claiming the robertson is ´´Dr. Robertson’s dedication to strengthening and then nurturing the pillars of this community and our country: education, fellowship, and advancement.” after you choked on that, read the entire articule and see just where robertson stands on things. You will be amazed at some of the garbage that comes from this so called man of god. Its nothing but pure hate and contempt for man. Mitt, you just sank your own ship. enjoy the swim back to shore. EDDIOT!
wonder if MCCain still wants to walk around there?
Id say its pretty bad just outside the greenzone walls when folks are told to stay inside the green zone and if they have to venture out, try to avoid direct confrontaion with either the iraqi police or army. Seems death squads are tied into the two, and the sad part is, no one knows whos who anymore and the trust level is so low, it make Veto Vitos current approval ratings shine! But as sen. john MCcain said, not to long ago, its perfectly safe to take a stroll outside the green zone . Sure johnny, so long as your heavily armed and have 100 troops protecting your sorry ass. Just what §$%&/( World, is the whitehouse and some republicans living in? oh yeah,, they all sit in denile isle.

The Blood Count In Iraq,, Saturday: 60 Iraqis Killed, 61 Wounded
seems the humans here arent taking any chances and are going to to a shot that prevents the tick born disease encephalitis and lime disease as well. Its now clearly here a epidemic so say the docs in charge of things like this. I mean look at some parts in the states where there are rabbie ratcoons springing out of control, when the folks in charge say something like the ticks and ratcoons, it means they are serious. ´´wasderface´´ is from both of those parts of NYS. had a friend get bit by a tick and sufferd for a month after he noticed the tick. headaches, and massive antibiodicts were the standard. Sure glad us cats are indoor ones and not outdoor. ICKY! Other then the bug /ratcoon news, things here are WARM! no rain, no humidty nothing. grass is turning brown from my view point in the bedroom looking out the backyard. and water levels are low too in certain rivers here in Germany.
But try to tell some numbnut that its global warming and in the states, they say al gore is hitler. WTF????? back up folks,, Hitler killed millions of ppl. all Al Gore is trying to do is save perhaps Many millions. But thats the morons the select few in the states. To those EDDIOTS i say,, "§$%&/( MY ASS!!

Its time for,,,,,,
Poor little guy, at least he was worried for his lil bro.
simply amazing!!!!
OMG!!!! i hope that was fake.
orange mustache is a give away.
boy was he toasted or what?
yeah, think ill go rub some poison together and make smoke.
its called boxing now .
Um,,,,,might some blinds have been a good idea? AHEM!
arson turns into a free fireworks show. what a MORON!
a very large food fight.
storm chasers.
now thats pretty fast.
MMAF and GOOD! give it back to those §$%&/(!!
why shoot at police?
too cute!!!!!!!!!
ok folks, thats my blog for saterday. Hope you enjoyed your time here. Thanks for stopping on down and i´ll talk to you again come tomorow.
Take care fine pet owners/lovers of the world!!! and Mega thanks to the first responders that rescue ppl and pets!!! Heros you guys and gals are.

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