My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Hiya folks and glad you came back for another installment of the weekend edition. its sunday, the last day before having to go back to work. Sucks i know. Just make sure you have all your stuff laid out the night before and dont drink to much sauce while watching any sports. Oh and call your MOM!!!!!!!!
Lots of news out there , some good some bad. Elections in france, seem to be the buzz for some. So lets jump right into this blog and not waste anymore time.
Bad medicine .Nice to know this come cold season.
When my owners read this they were taken back. All this could have been prevented if not it was not the case of most of the deaths taken place in poor countries. If this had happend say,, oh in mudville USA, bet your ass there would have been a investigation. But it didint. Some smuck took advantage to make money, rigged shipping orders, made his own blend and lied thru his teeth all for money. In the end? As one D.R. described it,, it could be tens of thousands who died from this poison . China better get their shit together and fast ! They lied about S.A.Rs, they lied about the AIDS epidemic, and now they are found out to have lied about this.
more tornados slam kansas
Where can over 1000 ppl go and find shelter? take their belongings, , the ones they found, pets, the ones that lived, Leave knowing a relative is dead, where can those ppl go? Seems in a big show of support, neighbor towns are offering some temp shelters for those effected by the tornados that slammed in to Kansas this weekend. Shame this didint happen when katrina hit. Hell, local law enforcement were shooting ppl on bridges during the aftermath of Katrina.
Now maybe some folks have woken up and thought´´ that could have been me´´! Oh and washington,, MOVE YOUR ASSES ! stop the dicking around with having to gather data etc. the pictures are enough to prove these folks need help and NOW!
discharged for being gay, now hes called back to service.
I gotta admitt, this guy has some true grit and loyality to the US.NAVY for agreeing to go back for another service tour. He was honorably discharged after his COs found out he was gay. With a excellent service record too. Come to find out, later on, he recieves a letter telling him to report to duty? Huh? Wait a second,, he as tossed on his ass for being gay, back then, NOW since the war is going badly and hardly anyone is willing to join the service, the military is ´´overlooking´´ a homosexual ? But but wait,, didint the pentagon say that ´´homosexuals were afflicted with a mental illness´´? YES they did. Look it up some time, there it still states that being gay means your nuts. Apparently, the NAVY , loves Nuts. Hes back serving his country.
a pr problem? how nice.
You know what a problem is to me? Lying. Because no matter how small the lie, it snowballs into something bigger. Lying only gets those doing the deed into more shit. Of course along the way , they might at times, convince a few higher ups, a news outlette, even TIME mag, but it gets you in the end. And so with that , more information emerges regarding the Haditha slaughter. The gall of the US to view the slaughter as a P.R, problem is disgusting. Whats a major problem to them? its not murder,, cant be having gays serve anymore either. So what is thier problem?
they dont want him.
NO! that was the clear indication that a majority of folks in turkey did not want thier nation to become another islamic state. Its the same in the states folks. NO ONE, wants to be told of whom they can marry, whom they can be friends with, what music they can listen to, when they can leave thier homes, and be back at a certian time, what foods they can or cannot eat, its ok for dad or hubby to bitch slap the wife around, women are second status, men have to look this way, and god forbid you are friends with some ppl who arent ´´good enough´´ in the eyes of the bible thumpers in the states. Look at it this way and you might even think ´´wow, they have fundies too´´! Bet your bottom dollar they do. But now due to public protest, their fundie is gone.

The Blood Count In Iraq,
Bloody Sunday: 12 GIs, 110 Iraqis Killed READ THE DAMN NUMBERS BUSH!!! or maybe he cant do the math. other news out there making headlines,,,
the ass kissing has begun!!!
action washinton the ppl want to see some damn action and not foul ups!!
Repubilcans say Bush has untill the fall, to show em the money!
they reap what they sowe.
of course, he knows Bush and his mentality. so more then likely they will stay.
found! heres hoping there are survivors.
giving Olmerts cabinet members , it might be true!
if it goes BWARKKK . dont eat it!!!

a self goal and a yellow card too!
my my my , such potty mouths .
does moron on man know its illegal to modify a semi to full auto?
MMAF!!! this is what you get for playing around . EDDIOT!!
this guy must have had a guardian angel on his shoulder.
stallone will be proud. Love the grab by soda thing.
um,,,,no comment.
MMAF!!!! maybe she should have got milk?
sadly iam sure there are guys out there like this one.
I know what you were thinking watching this! PERV!
more nakend reading, i swear one of em had man boobs!
that wasint part of the show was it it? OOps.
OMG. one way to lose a blind date i suppose!
Thinking about buying a nitendo Wii? check out this review.
very odd!!!
Ö ahhhhhhhh!
american, now the home of brown shirts? EDDIOTS for the police.
ahhh, the ugly truth comes out how he really feels about black ppl.
i want one of these for the squirels !!!
alrighty! thats my cue to like head on out of here and make my way to the food bowl and fill er up :) Hope you enjoyed your time here with the weekend edition.
Murphs up tomorow night with more of the same,, but with a attitude.
Take care fine pet owners/lovers of the world. And mega thanks to the first responders , that rescue ppl and pets. Heros you guys and gals are.

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