My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Another ´´Hump Day´´ has arrived, are you prepared?!

WOW, all that news out there, Ted Kennedys brain tumor,and folks on blogs wishing for his death. Id like to ask those scumbags if they felt the same if it was a family member that was given the same diagnose? Lot of those ppl bitching have no idea what JFK(who alot of ppl compare to barrack obama) did for the civil rights movment. Never mind Ted gave alot of his work to helping the poor too, or the fact that he saw two of his brothers brains blown out via the cia! OR mob you can make up your own mind.


There are some that use this as a fall back to bash kennedy,,´´Kopechne's parents did not allow an autopsy to be performed on their daughter.[4] They did not bring any legal action against Senator Kennedy, but they did receive a payment of $90,904 from the Senator personally and $50,000 from his insurance company.[4] The Kopechnes later explained their decision to not take legal action by saying that "We figured that people would think we were looking for blood money."[4]´´

Which would have rang true back then. Some even say its the ghost of kopeche . Come on morons,, wake the fuck up already. Is teddy a saint? No but hes done alot to help the poor ppl have a right to say a few things and so forth. I mean, we could look at laura bush´s boyfriend of which she slammed into with her car, killing him on impact and how that was shhh and NO MONEY was ever given.-


Iam getting sick and tired of the cunts on some blogs who YAAAAAA OBAMA and leave hillary in the dirt. Clint eastwood summed it up best, ´´if that was you, kicking ass and taking shit, would you quit because some ?? ppl told you to do so´´? Fuck no.


If that were the case then those bloggers who COLLECT money and yearn for the blogger year award , would stfu when they saw thier blog losing to some other blog. Do they fold tent? fuck no, they ask for MORE MONEY in hope of beating the other blogger for next year. Iam getting sick and tired at the USA car makers coming here to the EU and selling shitty cars. Have you seen the chevys here? No ac, piss poor disel /gas mileage and it lacks any extras Which FORD EU has out done themselfs.


Iam getting pissed off at the likes of Elizbitch hallentwat from the view , being the most stupid blonde on the planet for supporting BUSH and his speech when his own family was elbows down with the Nazis in making MAD MONEY! Iam glad someone finaly spoke the truth about how the BUSH family made thier money. Prior to that, they didint own jack shit. You go goldberg! And Of course Its nice to see that california has passed a same sex marriage law. Who the hell are some of these law makers to say ´´ no you cant be with that person´´ while they hide porn on thier OFFICE computors and send and exchange etc of such material.? Since when is being gay a crime ?


Iam really sick and tired of seeing the sick and tired of being sick, have their homes seized due to lack of payments because the MEDICAL bills ate thier mortage payments. Is anyone doing jack shit about that? NO! And I am really sick and tired of GWB touting his lets save the middle east as his term comes to a end. Dude, you pro sucked like a 2 dollar whore twice in terms at the whitehouse.


You lied, cheated and stole. Your family loved the Nazis, and you DARE speak in iseral about what hitler did? Why you sniffining twat! Half of the leaders there are NOT survivors of the death camps, and those that are , are treated like shit, and given crappy payments from the goverment.


Now some ppl are easy offened, but let me ask you this,, 8 years ago,, was your job still in the states, was your health care affordable? was your paycheck making more then ends meet and was your health not comprimised by A LACK OF GOVERMENT oversight? Iam done,, if you the americans wish to play the great white hope of? Knock yourself out, BUT dont come here in Europe and expect handouts. You kicked the native americans from thier land, and decided to settle in the new world. Surely this new world is all you need no?


Scum bag of the blog goes to,, this shit below. Here are the numbers tony snows famous words. For Monday:
Tuesday:,,,Wednesday: 29 Iraqis Killed, 19 Wounded.
Sadar your ass is going bye bye very soon. Enjoy the murder of which your men commit under your command. You too will be denied a place at the table in death!

Laughs at others expence?!?
Hes one lucky SOB!
Could be the reincarnation of the Babe?
well duh.
Heres a real couple of winners. What a bunch of douchbags.
Iam getting so very sick and tired of these morons and i mean both! GTFU and learn to live togeather.
kids today,, heh,,,
MMAF!! but i think females would need some mirrors to play this toilet game.
looks like hes not had any teeth in years,, ahem,,,
LOOK! its Hary Reid and Dick Cheney playing ,, awwwww
zare radical.
well isint that just so special?
Now remember folks that a jet crashed in to the pentegon, larger then this one, and yet NO cars were blown over or ppl. Kinda makes ya wonder wtf did hit the building that day no?
no comment. but looks good.
Think he was fired? MMAF! least he has a good sence of humor over the teenie tunes.
Never saw a dog do something like that before.
Never heard someone say ´´oh ´´like that before either.
This isint surprising at all folks.
Get the steak sauce ready folks !
Great for those young lungs to breathe all that tire smoke in.
I feel sorry for the cat that has to live with these morons.
MMAF!!! This game reviewer rocks.
pissed yet?
the drum set was nicer,,,,
Now that is adorable! Ok aside blasting it in your ears with headphones on.
sure, why not try that when ones already drunk off thier ass?
check out how fast his body guards respond, and listen to the audiance errupt in laughter when they see what it is! MMAF!!!!!
After watching that clip, Iam pretty sure where the missing link is now in regards to human beings!
whoa dude,,,why take all that abuse? I hope you were paid mega for that stunt(s).
The Trailer looks funny as hell, might be a movie worthwhile to go see.
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum?
Think the army gives out merit badges for stunts like that? crazy dude
Funny song and its probably true ,,,ahemmmmm. ADULT CONTENT
nice video of family time. great actually in this world we live in.
um,, ok,, whatever.
Oh yo,, a new websight,, trailer park. lets go see how the poor and stupid live?
Iam sure your parents couldint be more proud of you after that.
Guess they dont call them ´´baby ribs ´´ for nothing huh?
You know my stance of shit like this,,,,,,
Might wanna lighten up on the booze before you take to the green there lad!
Another Bill O liely remix, this ones slightly diff and funnier.
You fat overweight non PORK eater!!!!! how dare you jack up the health care.
This grease ball chances were one million to zero.
no more mr blue balls,,no more begging for heeeelp.
are we really surprised at this ASSHOLE and her ??
Iam sure he would do well as a cabin boy on a old ship,,,
The Roos revenge,,hey its a animal,, give em some space folks.!
Hide you overpaid piece of shit! Its called EU and ppl are alllowed to egg scumbags :)
WHAT a bunch of pussys!
all over a might be bought car system via the stereo?
my onwners did that stuff back in the 70s,, 1979 and1981. ooooooooh been there and done that DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Have we all NOT played this tune since 1983?
Very Odd!
HEY!!!! damn is that dude fast.
someones in big time trouble after that ´´i didint see em´´ mess up.
you cant make this shit up.
what kind of a dipshit would do something like that?
dont know whats more entertaining here, the pizza fight or the background chatter at the DA´s office.
america,this is how it works now for middle class or anyone whos not $?
Kids today,, they blow up so fast.
WORDS OF WISDOM: We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about. -Charles Kingsley.
There is no news here, Its just the same old stuff Abber my owners are really starting to dislike alot of ppl . Cheering for a cancer patients death is beyond scum and contempt. Wishing to bomb countries that have ????? shit to do with? is once again scum and contempt.

WAKE UP HUMANS! your going to fuck up my world as a cat here. And when the machine breaks down, you break down, and i just simply cannot allow that,, from anyone of you´´

Learn to get along for the love of life and end the fighting folks. Thats it here from my blog,, hope you had fun here if not,, dont come back again now,, ya hear?
Talk to you folks come again next week. Keep a eye out for CAINS blog come this weekend and his comments etc.

Till then folks,, be kind,, be strong, dont take any shit and THINK for yourself NOT what BLOGS tell you to or whom to THINK for!




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