My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Weekend Edition.!

My how time flys. This was me, taken back in 2000. I was 10 months old and had the body of a excellent tom. Then came the ´´snipping´´ And I have been Gaining weight ever since. I will have more to talk about later on, but for now lets get this blogging underway.

The Blood Count In Iraq,,,

Thursday: 2 US Soldiers, 93 Iraqis Killed; 212 Iraqis Wounded,,,Friday:,,,Saturday: 6 Americans, 2 Georgians, 44 Iraqis Killed; 122 Iraqis Wounded,,, Sunday:

The many morons of the internet and various other outakes via video.
well it is inside the east. pretty sure those folks dont duck from explosion sounds.
yes, let us all stand outside during a t storm and attempt to film lighting strikes.
the dark side? alittle one sided but funny none the less.
old but still funny . poor kid, trying so hard to stay in control.
someone hates america it seems. wtf?
poor cat,,,,,
someone never did grow up and put away thier toys. kind of cool. i think,,,
remember when that happend to you humans as kids? mom had to take tweezers and remove the small stones and whatnot from the road burn scrapes on the knees and elbows? then dump some pink stuff on it and that burned like hell!
creepy children.!
UM,,, whatever happend to using a toilet when doing the now overdone cinnamon prank joke yadda?
OMG! what a rack on this woman. um no lets not even go there.
gotta admitt that was some slick trick dance moves.
leave the kite flying to the pros in holland dude!
MMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not only is his aunt looking alot like the wizard of oz witch, shes pretty hysterical funny when shitting bricks. TIP? lock your doors.
if thats the class nerd id really wonder what the super jock has talent for? other then banging the cheerleaders,, wait, thats not american, this is europe.
some of these are works of art actually!
I really have no comment at this clip. Its funny but way wacked. Someone tell me what this is and how to become involved,, for shits and giggles.
now you can tell these two guys are former miltary. One would be the spotter, the other the sniper.using a scope of course and working as a team. To better understand the rifles they are using, use this link
shes wearing Barots swimsuit? ok nice body yes but her face is that of a bondo project.
MMAF!!! ahem no comment.
MMAF!! doubt the game would sell if the theme from tooties was included.
tickle them ivorys dude!
The unknown dude asking unknown ppl about thier pets and thier unknown life. thats like 4 times now.
More from dave hart. nope dont know the dude, i just like classic piano.etc.
oldie but a goodie.
if you cant ride, then abide it from others!
for stock car folks out there,, is called a POWER SLIDE, this drifting shit has to go.
not cool whoever threw the drum at the cop. I mean bass drums are not made to be used a weapons. Hope the cop found the dillwad and gave em a bitch slap.
MMAF!!!!!!!!!!!!! well what did anyone expect from the mullet wearing has been from the 90s?
um, i bet alot of those kids will grow up and have fear of heights and hate men in white hats too.
And there are those that say soccer is a pussy sport?
My owners do that from time to time. Only when the stores are like empty. least some one bitches they were eggplant bitched slapped in the head by a miscalculation throw.
If i was the police officer on the scene I would look the other way while grandma whipped that little pricks ass untill he was crying , then have his ass shipped to county juvy where he can fake play bad ass! what a DW!
early BMX bikes sucked . Huffy made some nice ones with back wheel pegs, but the brakes on most pretty much made one do a chinese sumersault.
next time dad should take a librax or valium. damn that was close!!!
oh jeeze another so called wanna be talk show host whos only major credit is taken a few head shrinkage courses. Shawn Bell was fired at 50 times. Get your facts Straight, oh and lose the ugly chick next to you !
what you should know about Kendo sticks before playing with them. Link,
87 huh? its 2008. why bitch about a car that took you so far for so long?
ok nuff with the morons that are part time porn actors. dude your lacking some serious package, and you have a gut! Thats not something to be proud of. Now,, come out of the closet and embrace your life style!
think they spit inside of it this time? losers!
sad. You can see the dogs eyes pleading to stop fucking with me. But of course the owner wont. ASSHOLE!
To bad the wanna be bulls got in the way of this fight.
to bad americans cant even visit cuba let alone smoke a cigar made from there. HEhe, my owner did though ;)~
FAKE! unless the one dude is acting out his farmer agressions?
well,, Its known andy is part of the family .
and his point would be again?
ok and there are many that say american football contains no gays? ende this clips. wtf happend to
MMAF!! some of these pics are a case of no way or wtf? long but funny.
awesome kid!
AHEM Warning,, graphic adult content .sexual ha ha s.
is that David Lee Roths son?
dude are you selling this bike or like having multi orgasms over it? i mean the camara shook at 50 seconds into it.
just how drunk was kevin? i mean how many blow gun shots to the ass does one need to wake up from being passed out?
omg! i doubt that was by accident. what a scumbag. hope a large mob finds his sorry ass.
Huh? you can get body lice in that shit? dude, did you mean like ticks /lime disease?
maybe he ,,,,never mind!
I thought i had seen pretty much everything. I was wrong.
shammo coming at you live!
maybe he needed the bricks to complete his hut? or added on a car port?
MMAF!! the dudes face into the camera is funny, sick twisted yet funny.
perhaps he wasint wearing any AXE and didint smell like fun?
phil did his final say,, but how. damn ppl dont drink so much and act like morons.
damn, those white asses looked like two hundered pounds of chewing gum , chewed.
phill and jason ,, um dudes,, iam having my ?? about your love hate relationship.
looks more like blown knee then a broken leg. cheer up dude, you can always get hired as amy whinehouses personal body guard. (psst, you might wanna use anti bacterial soap if you take the job)!
Now that had to leave a scar,, or two.
Buzz killer for kids?
now , if only one them laughed like DINO!!
pretty sure the skateboards are glad your fat ass isint doing that shit anymore too!
african grey parrot. can live to be 70 yrs of my owners parents had two, due to the winters in the NE one died early the other died from a heart attack at the age of 12!
um, so its all about the prostrate and where is the goat again?
dude,,,better control of the convo might have been the idea to fool this clever lady!
Two words one name,, TED BUNDY!
Hes probably alive from the fire truck.. the rest,, tuck and roll he didint do so well!


NEWS FROM THE HOUSE OF ME and of course murphy and the humans.


Folks i dont what to say anymore . Ive been reading the kentucky derby news and was sad that eight belles sufferd such a fatal ´´accident´´. Now for some, there are those that just have to split hairs and say well hillary clinton picked that horse and big brown obama picked which came in first. (true but obama didint pick BB to come in first, thirds at best) Regardless of this shit, its getting to be a fucking drag reading blogs lately. And iam speaking for the big $$$$$ blogs too.


wtf does a horse who ran her ass off, far to young if you ask me to do so under the conditions she was the only philly on the track, have to do with politics? Ok there is one link i can note. The Bush admin did ban on line gambling, yet didint ban live horse race betting. Probably because of the multi billion dollar s it reaps yearly. Also to take a swipe a kentucky , where men love thier livestock more then thier wifes and treat em better too. Now thats a direct quote from someone of whom i know lives in the state of Kentucky. So now there are some out there, laughing at the death of a horse and comparing that to the current race between the two dems for the nomination for president.


Just like when Tony snow announced his cancer came back and the same time John edwards wife was told she has terminal cancer. PPL or those that pretend to be , posted some rather hidious comments on how they think why either mrs. edwards or mr. snow deserve to die.Id like to ask those assholes, who the fuck died and made you god? A horse died on the track, ever know a horse owner? work on a horse farm? have one for a pet? not to make CHING$$ but just enjoy the beauty of one? Most of you will say no. Then stfu already over a race that most of you reading this cannot afford to bet on , let alone know jack shit about the care and raising of a horse. That goes for the same dipshits that made cancer comments about who should die first and how badly it should be. HINT!

If you nothing nice to say or constructive to add to the on going prez race then dont say anything at all. Spare ppl your sour over paid pissed off attitude. Dont tr to sway ppl and make them see it your way and use the death of a horse or cancer to score more blog hits either. Its rather scummy actually and I dont condone such actions.


lotta ppl seem to forget their life and how they were so far lucky to be alive. They shun any god, shit even aliens they shun. All they have in thier lifes is hate, jelly for brains and a contempt for others who dont see it thier way. You humans are fucking up the planet of which i have to share it with you. Grow up and end the 7th grade my friends your friends shit. And if you dont like this message, wtf are you still doing here?

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! to the moms around the world. Here in germany it was sunday and the humans enjoyed the day with the mom and mom in law. They also took in to much sun and now have pink faces and arms. But oh well, it was worth it! Ok take care fine pet owners /Lovers of the world. And mega thanks for the first responders that rescue ppl and pets too. Heros you guys and gals are. Talk to you folks come again the weekend. Till then have a good monday, dont hit your boss or road rage and remember to hug your ten grand a pop cactus thats planted out front of your yard too. Oh and giving the family a hug wouldint hurt either.




Bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity.

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