My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I know some of you probably have heard that saying before. Some of you probably have experianced it as well. For some of you reading this, it even might have been the norm for you , your whole entire life. Chasing that old american dream, where you work hard, get paid, save your money and make that final payment on the house you lived in for many years.
After that, its off to enjoy retirement. Well, lets assume this is the way it works. So after retirement, there you sit, waiting for ? The grandkids to start coming your way, more family dinners on sunday, phone calls from everyone of your kids weekly. Used to be that way a long time ago in america. Truth be told its not happening the way it was supposed to. Getting old now in the states for some, means disease, excessive medical bills, insurance companys that wont play fair and creditors breathting down your neck. If some are lucky enough, they wont have to dip into thier savings to make some extra payments on meds that the insurance company wont pay. Even luckier are the ones that might be retired vets from other wars, free health care.
But just how great is that free medical health care the US goverment is offering its war vets and wounded? Well, we all have heard of walter reed and its blunders. So that cant be counted on . New advancements in the medical profession have brought about some outstanding treatments in treating various dieases. But if the insurance company wont pay for it, your stuck witht the bill. Some are even going to the ER in a effort to just have the bill tacked on to the already pile of bills that the insurance company wont pay. After they come back home , there they sit watching tv and lo and behold a political canidate pops on the screen making promises of fixing this and fixing that for the ppl. So, finaly some good news right? a good person out there running for office in hopes of bringing some norm back to america. Didint work like that. A election happend, the drug companies still are thriving with billions every year from the sales of the meds they produce.
Lobbyist roam washington like a pack of drooling hyenas, looking for anyone to tap into in order to get thier product endorsed and made into law. Soon that person you voted for , the one that promised to fix this and that for the ppl, isint living up to thier end of the bargin. Why is that? You gave them your vote, i mean they said on tv they would do certian things and well here it is and nothings been done. Corporate greed has taken over them. Dollar signs in thier sights as they push even harder to stronger thier foothold in washington and perhaps run for something bigger, more meaningfull to them. Got to have those lobbyist make that money for them. In the meantime , you the voter go without. If your were above middle class before the elections, chances are your middle class now. If you were middle class before the elections , chances are your poor now. And if you were poor before the elections, chances are your house went on the market and your living with mom and dad or some friends untill you can ´´get back on your feet´´.
Sounds easy right? get back on your feet. But its now, due to some in washington, that simply allow greed and money to make it impossible for the little guy to get out from under. So now you lost that house, lost your job, are faced with a enormous amount of debt and that politican you voted for ? Thier war chest is in the millions. They have insurance, even the sick ones. Something tells me Tony snow and Fred thompson will never be out a job anytime soon, let alone lose thier house due to unpaid medical bills. If hillary clinton took ill, chances are she wouldint lose her job or home.
The politicans in washington are so out of touch with the american ppl its becoming a joke when they appear on tv to make a speech. More promises, more false hope and still the jobless, homeless, and uninsuraed are slowing losing more ground. What ever happend to those insurance companys that were supposed to pay for damages after Katrina hit the gulf states? There are some ppl still fighting them in court to get what they paid into . In the meatime , they can live in fema trailers that have cause some ppl to become sick. So no insurance check for the house you lost, and no health care either because chances are your job went under the water as well. What to do now? Tax the elderly? That was mentioned a few months back. But lets look at the old folks today. More isolated then ever before. Americans are the most lonely ppl on the planet. Maybe someone can come up with a birth tax. I mean they already have the death tax.
Wait, lets go further, let start taxing the amount of air a healthy 20 something breathes and then calculate that for the rest of thier lifes using a computor model payed for by taxpayers. Once the results are in , washington can introduce a new tax called the air tax. Based on how much oxygen a average person breathes in during thier life. Funny how though some in washington are trying to get rid of tax that would make the rich pay more. Ahhhh that old catch. Tax the ppl that work ,and pay taxes but dont tax the rich and drop the inheritance tax too. Only when some in washington might feel the pinch, do they react. But not in your favor, but ,, thiers.
Gay ppl cannot become legaly married in the states except for one state one out of how many? But the goverment can tax them and in some cases take away thier partner benifits too if a state sees fit. Thier are some in washington that say, ´´ppl are living longer, lets raise the retirement age again´´. Great , and by the time they are allowed to retire is the same day they drop dead and darn it wouldint you know,, you get a tax for dying!
Death. The Iraq war has cause over 3,500 american lifes so far. There is no list for the civilains that washington made. That list was made by non goverment adgencies. If iam wrong please tell me so, last i checked the death toll for iraqi ppl was over 500,000 and millions displaced and now refugees. The current cost of the Iraq war now stands at this $436,233,014,104. Thats well over the 21 Eiffel Towers made of pure gold price tag from two yrs ago. The vets that made it out of iraq alive, come home to some horrible medical conditions imagined. Some arent even coverd for any assistance because thier PDS cannot be proved in a court and if they were seeking any SSI benifits,, forget it. They were good enough all the vets to fight for thier country, come back home in once piece and once they take ill, there is nothing to offer them.
Now the ppl that voted for the money greedy politicans are starting to cry foul. Now they are feeling the pinch as thier factory closes, or thier job was outsourced overseas. Sure you could go over seas to work, But still, expect to pay taxes to the IRS once there. Well then ill just ask to seek permenent citizenship overseas right? Wrong, The USA still insists that those who give up thier status as a US citizen, must pay taxes for 10 yrs afterwards.
Look it up if you dont believe me.
Theres something seriously wrong with the United states of america. Its called corporate greed and its getting worse ever day. Sure, go protest, picket, sign a pettion etc. That will only get your name put on a ,,,list. The list from HLS that now has over 500,000 names on . So if you ever marched in a parade or signed a pettion or protested (all peacfully i might add) chances are you name in on the Goverments list of ppl who might be terrorist. Sounds impossible right? Its not, and its happening more and more each day.
There are some that say, the states are becoming like nazi germany. Not YET! The states are the MCcarthy period. Where neighbors were encourged to inform on neighbors, drop a name to someone in HLS and be terrified of everything.
Give it another 5 yrs tops, and then you will see another Nazi Germany emerge.
When that happens , make sure you have your two cans of tuna, powderd milk, duct tape and plastic sheeting to cover your windows. You might need it to avoid the sights and sounds of ppl being rounded up. Eat the tuna when a curfew is in place and use the dry milk to drink from as well when the events unfold .
Some want change, some arent willing to change thier party for the presidental elections. The republicans as we have seen, cannot be true and honest let alone trusted. The Dems, cannot be trusted to stick to thier words they promised befour the elections in nov 2006. Its all money and you, him, her, they and me, are thier pawns in the game of greed.
You want some change? rethink your political partys way of thinking. There are some Independants out there that are looking more and more like a excellent choice for a canidate . And no its not ralph nadar or joe liberman either.
I mean , what other choice do the ppl have? The republicans are corrupt and the Dems, lack any backbone. And through it all as they fight inside the house and senate bickering over the little things, america slips further and further into the aybiss. Theres nothing anyone can do untill George W Bush leaves office. But you can send the more popular canidates a powerfull message come 2008.
Do the damn job you were elected to do period.! End the money game of war chests and clean up washington and its lobbiyst.
Getting back to retirement and waiting, the phone isint ringing anymore and if it does, its a creditor that wants money.
The grandkids arent there, because the parents are working overtime to make ends meet, and family dinners are a thing of the past due to rising cost of gasoline.
And you just recieved a approvement for a mortagage for a home equity loan the same week you made the very last payment on the house you brought, worked hard for, paid for and thought you would retire in it, due to a illness that the insurance companys, didint deem worthy to cover.
Still think America is the land of the free?
The Crew From MVFLTB!
Oh and if you want to see morons on tape tonight?!!
Turn on FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and there is where one will find the morons on tape!

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