My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Monday, April 23, 2007


Greetings folks and welcome back. Granted its been awhile since MVFTLB has seen much action blog wise. Lotta things transpired last week making it impossible to blog like normal. So, i think its safe to say that for the next 4 weeks, i can blog like i used to . Untill the window man comes back and rips, cuts, saws, hacks and replaces old windows with new in this place i call home. So lets see where or what or whom this blog can get started off on ,,,,heres one.
yet another goverment agency lacks its man power in keeping ppl safe. pets too.

It always gives my owners a warm fuzzy feeling when they read about how more and more goverment agencys dick around with the lifes of ppl and pets. New reports confirm what many were whispering about regarding the FDA lack of oversight and control in what goes into the food chain, be it imported or from its own source. The FDA sights lack of man power and were flooded with other food contaminated sources and pretty much let food companies police themselfs. Nice. Tell that to the family that lost a pet due to the FDAs titantic steering methods.

Its not the pure arogance of paulie, its the fact that hes so oblivious to his misdoings and thinks hes still in the right. Even when overwhelming edvidence and his own admittance say hes guilty . So today former members of the world food bank sent out a op-ed letter, stating their reasons why they believe why pauie should step back from his position. But like any good Bush croonie, paulie wont. I dont think the moron knows hes hurting the WFB by his by his lack of care. Iam sure there will be some that wont even bother to donate anymore. Hes made it a joke.
The ninth amendent. a must read!
In this above articule, is a load of info that most americans didint know exist. Not only that, but it can be used for personal rights in case HLS decides your looking to much like a terrorist due to ???? A good read and a must read too. It will open your eyes.
the healing process begins. Heres hoping the tv reporters leave the students alone finaly.
There were reports of students asking reporters to leave them alone today. And that the students wouldint comment anymore on what took place last week either. GOOD! Its enough now. The constant cnn breaking news, fox news, and NBC showing the nut case cho, was even getting on the nerves of ppl who lived thousands of miles away.What happend was a global tragic horor. Now its time to let those kids and their familes put the past behind them and try to pick up the pieces and go on with their lifes. And not with cameras pointed at them either.
Think about it, if you lost a loved one and turned the tv on, would you want to see the nutcases face who did it over and over again? or return to the scene of the crime daily? didint think so.

Malki in the middle says NO to it , the US goverment says ´´we cant hear you ´´ and builds it anyways. So now we see whos running the goverment in iraq. Walls, are made to keep ppl in or keep ppl out, depending on the way you look at it. Some welcome the idea of having gated communites while others say it will further make the divide of sunni/shia even more so. To be honest from what the news here shows( not the watered down version in the states) i think its safe to say that its too late to hope for any reconsiliation from both . Maybe a wall is a good idea. Its working well for the folks in the Green zone.!

NEWS FROM THE HOUSE OF MURPHY AND co. Seems i got sick again today. The humans dont know why. Untill they caught me drinking from the toilet. Perhaps the toilet cleaner thing that flushes cleaner ever time the toilet is flushed isint made for cats to drink? either way, i barfed twice and slept. When i awoke, i saw my water bowl was full to the top with fresh cold water and the toilet lid closed. Ive been 86 ed!!! No more toilet on tap. But i did drink lots of water from my water bowl and so far havint barfed anymore.
as cain pointed out yesterday, the window dude came out saterday . What a mess that was. I dont like strangers in my house. And this dude had a loud laugh too. So he didint score any points with me on that. There i was upstairs, eyeballing the dude from above. He looked up once and saw me. I gave em my best william shatner snear and he looked away. Good, the mans learning , i rule this house. I hear he comes back in 3 weeks or more to start the process of replacing windows and building blinds. Lucky me. other then that, not alot to talk about . Its warm and getting warmer out here. We went from fall, to one week of winter , one week of spring to summer in warp speed here. But its NOT global warming right?? ok its that time where we sit back and watch it,,, the famous
pot smoke you can drink? ok then.
could this be your gym?
some recoiled in disgust oh my!!
more eddiot.!
yeah, kinda looks like a soccor game in england!
i wont ask why.
ahh youth!
why its not a good idea to pass out among friends.
such anger in the world today. over a ball?
dinners ready,,,,,
Go dad!!!!

And with that , i must depart. Thanks for stopping on by and reading my blog, or not!! Talk to you fine folks come tomorow night. Bring a friend,,bring two. and BYOB too. Till then have a radical monday evening.
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,Ab/Ex uno disce omnes - From one person, learn all people.

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