My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Sunday, April 15, 2007

( ok i missed saterday.!)

Hiya Hiya folks, and heres hoping your doing good. Things here have been more busier then the vatican and the world food bank combined. Massive spring cleaning going on here. Give you a hint, this morning there was a couch, then it was gone. While i was sleeping it came back this evening!

Ok so lets start the blog off with these.
see, it didint take long for some assclown to step forward for paul wolfowitz!
gates plans to plunder money from the air force/navy, but once again the language is wrong? is it not mandotory to speak english now? so wheres the problem?
iraqi parliment says US protection worth jack shit after bombings there and bridge.
its ready they say, after 30 lives lost during its 20 yrs in fixing at BELL helicopter.,1518,477071,00.html
the pope vs iseral? just admitt the chuch ignored it and be done with it already!
so paulie dictated what was given and how much? and this smuck runs the world food bank still!
so excommunication for lawmakers in mexico who back a law for abortion?
the blood count in iraq ,
News from the house of ,,,well it used to us cats! Seems new rules were somehow slipped into gear . No more begging for food period! This means i cant sit on the couch while one of the humans peels a hard boiled egg and eye candy it untill they give in and gimme me some of the yolk. I cant even be on the couch when they are eating anymore too. No more sleeping on the dinning room chairs unless i can get used to plastic cover slip overs. I guess the humans , during this spring cleaning fit, decided that cat hair was a enemy and must be stopped in its tracks.
I dont mind it, but murphy he isint into plastic, so hes done for sleeping on the dinning room chairs. Since this spring madness began the humans are walking around with the dust buster strapped to their hip. Dust bunnie police have invaded. i can understand their need for order in this place. I dont like it when the humans get ready for work and one of em uses to much hair spray and it gets inside my cat box. They wonder why there is sometimes kitty liter flung from the cat box, its the hair spray duh! As for moving things around here, well i can relate. Humans dont like it when they walk around a cat and think they are going to not move but do and they almost trip. So when the couch dissapeared today as i went to jump on it from the stair case, it hit me.
We have to share this place in peace. Iam sure as hell not going to move out. Got it made here. Free food, board, tv 24 /7 . Where else can ya live and your toilet bowl is cleaned for you daily? or your water is fresh and cold, and always there for my convienance too? Think ill accept the new rules. But tobe honest , this shit better stop soon! Its messing with my blog time. They can take my blog when they pry my cold dead paw from my mouse! or touchpad in this case!!
ok yanno the drill,,
hope the morons understand that cameras are around!
at least he wore a helmet!!
see he didint wear a helmet!
well then,, i guess hes being sued as we speak?
ahh fox news affliates , always wondering about sex!
remember ,only he can prevent forest fires!
pretty sure the cat was thinking ´´GET OUT OF MY LIFE´´!!!
MMAF!! Mr. Turner meets video!
rocking out in the kitchen?
poor Donkey.
human domino day!
he liked dad better with the mask!
excellent socor skills!
great video of planet earth. Hurry and see it before its gone.
what happens when you cant speak german, in germany?
mine,, mine, and thats mine. oh that too, yep mine. all of its mine!
my owners remember this back in 1983! HOLY MOLY!!!
Ok folks. Thats my weekend (i missed a day iam sorry) edition!! I know, it lacked , but time here isint letting me do it like it once was done. I blame spring cleaning and neat freaks, but for now, heres hoping you enjoyed your time here.
Take care fine folks of the world and fine pet owners/lovers too! And mega thanks to the first responders for rescuing ppl and pets. Heros you guys and gals are.!
See ya next friday, till then have a good week.

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