My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Hiya Hiya Folks How are you doing? Good iam glad to hear this
Its here, saterday, and with it more news for the weekend. Notice a pattern here on this blog with the stories below and the ppl who all somehow or another hooked up with Bush? anyways lets get this blog going now , and start it off with this,
From 5th gear to reverse the whitehouse downshifts its Iraq progress talks.
who knows, maybe the vaction planned by the iraqi parliment for two months might be the reason why there will longer be anymore progress touting. two months vacation for iraqi parliment, while thier fellow countryman fight and struggle just to stay alive for another day? Shit even Hitler didint take a break when the russians were 5 blocks away in berlin. But i guess thats how things are done under the current iraqi/US goverment in iraq. Take a break,, have a kitkat!
after his temper tantrum, bush eases off his hard line talk.
probably after blowing a gasket , and then a piston over the vote to withdrawl troops, Bush sobered up enough to realize this time he has to be held accountable for HIS choices in regards to who HE put in positions of power for the Iraq war. Bush cant blame every general hes had for the current snafu in iraq. Nor can he blame every member of his cabinet, past and present and for some posts soon to be current.(think AG) . Bush can only blame himself, cept he wont. cause doing that means defeat and he cant have any of the tom foolery talk around him. His daddy sent baker and hamiliton to help out, the wrote up a report to get out, he picked thru it like a fruit salad, just like baker said it shouldint be done. So suck it up Bush. You wanted the war, ,, enjoy it, heres your fucking war. And hear the ppl now. Even your personal pet lap rats are jumping ship.
whats up with republicans and their massages?
Iam sure if i was married to this man, that i would fully understand his need to rent a hotel room and call a madame, who in turn sent over a couple of gals to give him a ´´massage´´! Why id stand by my man twang twang twang if he insists there was no sexual intercourse just some good rubs. WTF? this makes two so called ppl who preach absteince , who just had to have a massage by escorts. Remember ted hagerty? but he only got a massage too! However, there is the fact the the man above, didint smoke any ice. So i guess for his non drug use, hes still ok in the eyes of some. Just say no to drugs,, But,thru sickness and health, phone some hookers! i get it now.
the ten easy steps ?
Its so easy,, and its happening now as you read this and i clean my toes. (cats do that). Open up your eyes folks. recall history, go back and re read what you read in global studies in High school. It can happen anywhere anytime . Owning a ps3 and 100 acres of land isint freedom when you cant make a phone call over seas without someone listeing in. Voiceing your opinion in some eyes means your for the terrorist? being against the war, means your against the troops? gay is evil, black is ghetto , Dems are soft on terror, corruption is cool and no new taxes?
HO HA!!!
more rats come forward and admitt their roles about WMD.
I had to literly choke on my friskies when my owners read this . He claims he couldint tell anyone because of the sworn to secret bullshit. Uh huh. Wonder if say, a member of congress was targeted for assaination but due to his oath he took, he couldint tell anyone and let it happen? Now this sorry SOB comes out and admitts he knew that the WMD was a lie from the get go and didint do shit about it. At this point of the game , i dont care whos who anymore in washington, they all lie repugs and dems it seems. So while he slept at night knowing the war was a joke from the get go, and countless ppl died and continue to do so, he couldint speak up? Not even his own conscience was enough to suffer the consequences for breaking the vow of shhhh? spare me the bullshit.

WOLFIE honey,, they got your money!!!! seems more concrete proof has turned up regarding wolfie and his dirty deeds hes done while as president of the world food bank. In sudden talks this weekend, world bank members and foundation higher ups, are in meetings to discuss what to do about this. Well i can give you a hint, FIRE HIM! then turn the info over to the non corrupt arthorites and start a trial. Hes guilty as sin. Theres no way wolfie poo can wiggle free now. He has to resign , period. Are they afraid of him? i mean after all, its rumored hes a former paid to higher killer who worked in prior republican presidents office. This is the dude they pick for world food bank director? Hitler would be proud.

nothing new FROM THE HOUSE OF MURPHY AND CO!!! so lets watch the,,
winging it live.
holy moly!!!
for math geeks,heres a song writen for you.
pretty desperate bull.
good but he should try real guitar.
DUH! love the lingo he uses to describe his friend. EDDIOTT!
FORD no comment.
IKEA = gross.
perhaps shutting the tv down abit might help! EDDIOT!!
MMAF!!!! marked and owned.
american assholes?
MMAF!!!! good impression of Alec Baldwin.
alrighty then folks. Thats saterdays weekend edition for you. Hope you enjoyed your time here. Talk to you fine folks come tomorow night. take care till then.
And for you fine pet owners/lovers, take care too :) and mega thanks for the first responders that rescue ppl and pets.! Heros you guys and gals are!!!
bringing you the weekend editon for the love of sanity.

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