My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Greetings folks and welcome back to my blog. I know, ive been lacking on my blog due to massive spring cleaning here by the humans other various sources of aggriavations too. So with that , let me try to play the catch up game here and start the blog off with this!

Imus, coulter,hannity,Rush, Beck, etc.
Since this began, it now seems that cbs has fired Imus. Thats two strikes against Don . Let this be a wake up call for some that dont think twice about using words that might sound funny to them, at the time, cause hurt and inflame violence towards the person(s) it was directed at. There are countless others out there like Imus, Oh no hes not alone with his direct disrespect. Anne Coulter for one injoys bashing on gays, Glen Beck from Cnn , isint a stranger to controlversal commets either and of course the bunch over at fox news, love a good bashing on anyone who isint like them. Rush, ahh there are no words for that bozo. So , lets hope the trend continues and folks that like to bash and say harsh words against ppl , due to hair, creed, religion or sexual preferance , are also shown the door.

Iam telling yall its PROGRESS!
Yes, in the presidents eyes, what transpired today in iraq is progress! and it wont detor Bush and his push for spreading democracy either. How a green zone can be targarted is easy. Mortar Rounds are lobbed at the green zone sometimes weekly, but the bomber getting inside? getting past all those saftey stations? Not to mention that prior to todays events, folks inside the green zone were told to wear protective vests if they go outside for a walk or a smoke INSIDE the green zone. Dont tell me no one saw this coming. Hours befour the bombing, bomb sniffing dogs were brought in. Why the sudden change in what was the standard protocal? Someone knew , and yet it still happend. Its sending a message, two perhaps. First, it could mean that , it was a inside job done to help speed up the departure of american troops in iraq, or it was done to show the world that no matter what is done to protect ppl in Iraq, some one always finds a way to do harm. Today was one hell of a powerfull message.

Looking for a war czar and no one wants the job!
Oh, iam sorry, i thought that Bush was the war czar? Now hes looking for one to do what again? over see the planning and daily operations in iraq? So far 3 generals have turned down the job offer. Probably because they know its a shit job thats going to amount to being blamed for bushs mess ups. I think that its juts another attempt by bush to shuck off the responsiblity of his error, and save his ass . And if this means the creation of a ´´war czar´´, so be it. Its a new word and job description made up and pass the buck. Besides, whos that dumb to take the offer? It would be like trying to fight with one hand tied behind your back.

criminal investigations are not a good sign!
When wording like the above pops up, its not a good sign that things are running in accordance with the plan . Now after numourous complaints by civilians and investigationg work, its clear there was some misconduct By the marines in afghanistan. Hell, even the reporters /photograhpers on the scene, reported thier cameras being deleted of images after the above incident. Demands by soliders to not take any pictures etc.
Then to top it off, the DOD, offers up new rules for tour time. 15 months as compared to the 12 it orginaly expected from troops. Iam not excusing anyone here, but just how much more does washington expect the folks in afghanistan take , let alone the troops stationed there and in iraq? Everyone has a breaking point and Bush and co can temp the patience of a St.

No money? Of course not. Its all tied up in iraq, or still missing somewhere with the 7.3 billion that was allocated for the iraq reconstruction. Someone is sure getting rich fast from this. And in the process, the ones doing all the hard dirty work , come home and face this piss poor excuse. Forget any private insurances that can help with the war wounded. Theres not alot of folks in the states that can afford that long lost luxary. So they depend on a goverment run service that promises to help mend them once back home and instead they get the worst care possible. Even vet offices as in animal vets, are cleaner, and more sanitary then walter reed and other VA hospitals. Never saw dead cock roachs , nor mice shit. Or a maggots in wounds and pets laying in their own piss and feces for hours at a vets clinic. So i guess the old saying, ´´treated like a dog´´ does not apply to walter reed right?

Knüts not that cute says this dude.,1518,476566,00.html
Knüts ´´surrogate dad´´ speaks out over what its like to be a 24 hour baby sitter for a poloar bear cub. I dont think he literaly ment it with his words about slamming Knüt into the wall , during his 3 am poop attack. Wonder what this guy feels about diaper changing for his kids if he has any? anyways, in time the polar cub will let his ´´mom´´ know hes ready for the great big world without ´´him´´ and start to get more aggresive once Knüt hits the teenage yrs for polar bears. Then its that time to give em space, and pray knüt turns out good. Could be worse, if knüts ´´mom´´ has kids and they become teenagers, i bet hes hoping they dont crank the music too loud or get into the liquor cabinet either.

The Blood Count For Iraq,,

Other news out there making headlines or headaches!
more splendid news .
comon Paul, step aside. you did it and you know you did it and thought it would go un noticed.
more crappy news for pet owners!
waxmans warming.,1518,476324,00.html
what happens when Bush didint keep his eye on the runner on first, with bases loaded!
forget the sunni triangel,, its going to become sector city.
yummy!!! BBQ t-rex?

News from the House of Murphy and co!
The humans went on a spring cleaning spree! and they still arent done. dust busters, vacs, icky smells of bleach and mr.clean, moving furniture around, boxes of stuff being packed and ready to be hauled off somewhere. YIKES! my last few days here have been that of, ´´hey wheres the table again´´? moved! And cain is now officaly spike free. ´´Wasderface´´ and ´´the spoiler´´ managed somehow to rid cain of his icky matted fur he had on his back. looks good, cept hes got a small bald spot. oh well. better him then me. Spring is here officaly. its getting warmer out and things that fly find there way inside the house. The other night, as ´´wasderface´´ was looking for pop corn balls inside the litter boxes, something flew inside the bathroom window! of course if flew in under the light, giving its apperance as something bigger then it was. The human ran off, and got a news paper to kill the ? But cain beat em to it. As they came back inside the bathroom, there was cain, smooshing a moth so it couldint fly and then ate it!
Other things, here,, well, i couldint poop for 3 days. yep it happens. I was given some paste stuff to lick and the next day well,, i pooped. When the humans came home they were like UGH and opened the windows. then the OMG! yeppers, it did look like a Mt. lion laid some fresh piles inside the cat boxes. 4 of em too! ;)~
OK its that time for,,,,

just not one of his best days?
AHEM!!!! ok then
a complete asshole! Give the NRA more bad names!!
something tells me he didint have this against his nads like the moron above!
spoiled bitch? i think so,,
the black version of Don Imus?
oppps , think he was blushing after that?
ahhh more morons!
Imus and sharpton talk!!!!!
They say these are the only swords to own,, looks like so.
odd yet cool to watch!
Seems there is alot of nad videos today?!
no, america wouldint air this on tv. those fundies,,,,tst tst tst
gives a whole new meaning to row row row your boat huh?

Ok folks, thats my blog for tonight! thanks for stopping on down and reading it or, not!! Sorry i was lazy last week. But the holiday and then the spring cleaning, well it might be that i can only manage to blog 3 times a week untill that mess with the spring cleaning is over. Keep checking in ok? Talk to you come monday, dont forget cains ´´weekend edition´´ for friday. Till then,, have a good one.
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,Bonum vinum laetificat cor hominis - Good wine gladdens a person's heart.
Murphy von Bauer.

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