My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Friday, April 13, 2007


Hiya folks how are you doing? good ,glad to hear it. Its been awhile since the weekend edition. But now that i have some time, lets not waste it . So lets get it going with this story and others out there.

I cant believe its not butter!
Not much can be said about this latest development. Here you have a man who pretty much lied about his lovers sudden pay increase due to her having to quit the world bank and got a nice gravy job over at the office of state department. Why she remained on the banks payroll after the job change? its anyone guess. Hell she was making more clams$$ then Condi rice. At first ole paulie denied any wrong doing. It wasint untill the world bank did some of its own digging and found the indiscreptions in paulies account. Now calls are being made for ole paulie to step aside like the good little crook he is. At his lame press conferance he claimed he was new to this game and didint know the waters.

BULLSHIT ALARM! Paulie helped during the first stages of the Iraq war overseeing daily daily memos and briefings and not to mention had access to the much money that was pumped into Iraq. For paulie to play the ´´didint know what i was doing ´´ means that he didint know jack shit what he was doing over in Iraq when Bush appointed him there. Now that sock hole wearing cheat has been found out, paulie is playing dumb. Sorry Paulie, not this time. Remove your corrupt ass from the world food bank pronto. And spare us your claim about attempting to clean up the corruption there too. If anything , paulie made it even more corrupt.
FIRE THIS LOSER!! But knowing how things work in the world, some assclown will stand up for paulie and say he deserves a second chance. oh and the money that lovie gave his girlfriend by over seeing her promotion? Guess who has to pay that back? Yes, you, the tax payer.

A typical ?
6 million ready to eat meals destroyed due to lack of warehouse space and not enough fridges to contain them? So says this articule regarding fema and its wonderfull planning its been world wide known to do. Fema claims that in the yr 2006, fearing another Katrina, they stockpiled to much food for storms that didint come. Then came another case of lack of oversight, making sure that the food stored would be in safe warehouses where any chances of spoilage were zill.Come to find out , that didint happen.

40 million dollars of food are currently being destroyed or reviewed and offerd to other aid agencys , once its determined its safe to eat.
In more cases of waste money, fema spent 900 million on trailers that couldint be used in some flood damaged zones. and another 1 billion in payments to folks that didint qualify or simply lied. So much for any oversight and proper accounting . Iam sure all of it can be writen off as a tax loss for the govement. But for the tax payers, iam sure that leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling in your belly knowing , yet again, tax dollars you had to pay, were being used for half ass goverment run agency. But since when is a surprise anymore given the current Bush admi?

The war czar idea and the moron who also came up it?
Looks like its Newt whos the one behind the sponsoring of looking for mr. war czar! Nice. This coming from a man who slammed former president clinton over his fling with a whitehouse aid, yet at the same time was banging boots with another whitehouse aid , the same one he left his wife for too.
Lets look at newt and past track records. His famous attempt to make himself come across as reaganish is pathetic and iam sure reagan would have throttled the fat bastard if he were alive. Like a worm in the apple, newts looking to get back inside the Republicans good side, if there is such a thing, and take over where he was kicked out from. And dont forget,, his ole buddy tom delay now cant stand him and will write a book slamming newt for his antics and actions thats due sometime soon.

and dont forget this,, Newt helped draw this puppy up and pledged to america back in 1994 that this would be the new way for america and the republican party. Read it and have a good laugh. Its full of bullshit and lies. Wait,,,,,,,kinda like what the republican party is full of today!!

Stop picking on me!!!
In a public huff, pakistans musharraf threw a fit and said that if hes always the one to blame for not doing enough to combat the war on terror on his side of the fence, it will give him no other option but to quit the global fight on terror and start his own version of it only for his country and not surrounding borders. Um,, sounds like what hes doing now, but hes serious and wants the leaders of the US to stop picking on him for what they say is musharrafs lack of control or desire to control and crack down on terror camps now inside parts of pakistan. He denied this . Lets see where this finds us in the coming months. Hes pretty good at detaining members of parliment and firing judges.

Money for Mistakes.,1518,476866,00.html
I wonder if Donald Rumsfeld personaly signed the letters that came with the checks too? ´´dear mr and mrs,,,,,,,. my deepest regret for hearing the news your one and only son and his family were shot by accident today as they fled a shoot out eariler and were looking for a hospital that was better fitted to suit the gun shot wounds your family received due to mistakes being made. Please take this money as a offer of my condolances and try to forget about that tragic day. sincerly,, rummy´´! 34 million dollars being paid out for mistaken killings of iraqis and afganistains too. Buy em off for accidental mistakes by troops. Iam sure there are some that will say hey,, they got 15 grand, thats more they make in one yr. Might be the case but if your entire family is wiped out by a botched check point, whats the money going to be used for? Think about it very very carefully. If your family was killed and you were given compensation,, and had a massive hate towards the ppl that did this, what would you use the money for.

The blood count in iraq for Friday,,, Friday: 3 GIs, 26 Iraqis Killed, 55 Iraqis Wounded

Other news out there for you folks to read about,
two yr high.
human trafficking in the USA?
the return of FITZS?? some are calling on him regarding karl rove.
well who else could have pulled that off?
The pat robertsons family tree, right up into the whitehouse!
A tale of two cities, in 2007? dickens would barf iam sure!!!
Kyle caught in a under oath lie! ok so now what .


Its been pretty warm here folks. And seems murphy has caught spring fever. This entails chasing me around the house and starting trouble too! And spring cleaning is offical here. I hate the vacume cleaner, hate the noise of furiture being moved and us cats being told to ´´MOVE´´ course we dont. I just sit there and watch the humans turn blue from holding a large heavy box as they expect me to move out the way. Only when their face turns purple , do i give in and slowly move from their exit. Its called being a cat folks. Other then that, my spikes are gone ! no more icky hair clumps and iam feeling mighty fine over that. So thats about if . Lets move on to ,,

JA VOLL! HLS at its best in training?
MMAF! ok animals have sex. But these sound like Popeye!!
Never pays to tempt fate with the opposite sex? OUCH
Spine readjustment in the future?
now we know WHO WHY WHEN AND ??!!! FIRST?
stay away from them! how stupid do humans have to be? ones a calf elephant. EDDIOTS!
make up your own minds.
good talent for a little guy!!
go son go,, wait,, hang on, ok go son go!
MMAF!!! no i wont translate it either.
good tune,,shame the band didint think that way about another!!!!!

Ok folks. thats my time to end this blog for friday and get ready to settle down for a nap. Take care folks and thanks for having a read here, hope you enjoyed yourself too. And mega thanks to the first responders that rescue ppl and pets! Heros you guys and gals are. Take care fine pet owners/lovers of the world. See ya tomorow night.


MR. CAIN!!!!!!!

Bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity.

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