My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Well here we find ourselfs again. Greetings again fine folks too! Blogging with me and hopefully bringing you some news that you just wont find being coverd on the T.V. My View From The Litter Box Will start off tonight with this story my owners spied and did a double take on it. Its really unreal shit folks.

since a few soliders broke their silence over the conditions at Walter Reed Medical Center, the story above now have some Senior staff making it a living hell for them there . I guess its called pay back for not keeping their mouth shut, like the lousy conditions in which they live in untill deemed fit enough to leave . How wonderfull for the troops. Put their life on the line for their country, come back home to be treated like the mold that grows in walter reed medicals rooms , un noticed and un treated, and then having scare tactics placed upon them as punishment? Is this what the Goverment is all about? Use em abuse and then if they dare speak up, pull rank on em?

More icing on the cake for the war pigs who are lacking new recruits, so heres a idea, lets have a bill that could reappeal the dont ask dont tell law!

Iam pretty sure you folks are wise enough to know that the real reason for this sudden interest isint from the kindness of the heart. Just need some more folks to fill in the blanks for the military. I pray it wont pass. If the ´´straight soliders´´ are treated like shit once they come back from a tour in iraq, i hate to see what lies in wait for the gay and lesbians troops!

being how no one knows their name s of what they look like , the picture above is the only thing i could find to give you a idea. over 38 men still being detained and their cases are not being reviewed. So they sit there, and are called ghost prisoners by the goverment. Why dont they just call them casper captures! if you research this blog, i brought you a story via yahoo, that had The Con telling Iseral that under no circumstances where they to have any talks with Syria. NONE! Now in a sudden change in Bush policy shes the only one allowed to have these talks ? Um wait a min. Being how Rice dose not reside in any of the countries above, why only she can decide who gets to talk to who? Olmert had every damn right to have open talks with Syria being how his nation is dealing with the mid east crisis. Is Olmert nothing more then a yes man to his puppet masters back in washington? I almost bet the bank that the folks who voted for Olmert wish they had sharon back in charge.! Is Olmert Condie whipped?

´´wait, i saw some votes over there, coulda sworn so, but now they are gone!
The above articule now has hillary losing her grip on the black votes she had managed to steal away from this man,,
shit happens hillary !

In what some are calling a very major upset and shift in voters now looking away from Clinton making the gap closer . In time it will probably turn completely towards Obama and that leaves hillary out in the cold. To be honest, my owners just arent that keen on hillary. Theres just something there, call it a gut feeling that shes really a repub neocon under dems clothing. If it comes down to it, my owners would vote for Obama first. But thats just their opinion folks.

what a shame! America the richest nation on earth( or so myth has it) and this report out shows that only 40% of ppl there have any money set aside to be used for the E.R piggy bank! That means for some, say a furnace has to be replaced, or a new transmission for their car, would dip into their regular paychecks, as they have nothing set aside for such events should it take place. And of the 40% who do have the E.R piggy Bank, have a annual income of 70,000$ or more. Sure says alot of the gap of the poor Vs the middle class alright!

In what is just plain a damn right shame and did not have to happen take a look at this next story, and all over this, His mom didint have the money 8o bucks, to have the tooth pulled. Medicaid dentist are hard to find and by the time she found one, her sons abcess tooth have infected his brain! Two brain surgerys later, he died from complications, that were brought on from a infected tooth.
I cant even begin to try to imagine this kids pain he had as i know of some folks that have had infected wisdom teeth . This kid suffering and now dying is showing just how the dental health care is in the states. Shit the health care for that matter too. It didint have to happen period. And to top it off, his brain surgery he had to undergo and the hospital bills now stand at over 200 grand! I hope his mother sues the shit out of the dentists who wouldint take em as a patient due to being a medicade patient! Being a temp homless person , kid for that matter wont excuse this one bit! Todays Blood Count In Iraq, stands at these numbers!

other news out there making headlines and making ppl shake their heads too,,,

desert training in theater now!

for 50 grand he was a coward, now today Kerrys a hero to the swift boat asshole ?

100% asshole!

oops, its in english not the standard,farsi ?!!

hes fit ,just over look the drooling and sobbing at cross examinations!

it will never leave the ground at this rate!

one way of lowering the Euros value ;)

NEWS HERE FROM THE HOUSE OF MURPHY and co, finds us cats kinda in the dog house from lastnights bed fighting . Somehow or another, cain and i ended up boxing paw style on the bed, thus waking ´´the spoiler´´ . In our fleeing the scene of the crime, one of us used ´´the spoilers´´ back as a launch pad and yep, left em a pretty good scratch. It didint win us over any more votes, when the fight continued in the hallway, this time making ´´wasderface´´ shhhh stop it guys routine at 2:00am in the morning. By this time ´´the spoiler ´´ was wide awake and stomped out to the living room for a cigarette declaring us cats nuts and making threats of keeping the bedroom door closed at night ´´if this shit keeps up´´! Well i think that did it, because today we were on our best behavior and didint paw box, or fight at all. However, the night is still young. But its doubtfull we will chance losing the bed rights, being how its storming outside and the sound from the hail coming down is making us nervous :(! ok yanno the drill,,,

ITS FUNNIE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ok folks, its that time here where i must depart and make my way to bed. Hope there are no more cain ambush routine from lastnight too! Thanks for stopping on by and reading my blog,, or not! Take care fine guys and gals and see ya here tomorow but abit early then the norm. Oh and remember to let the cat in before going to bed. BE GOOD AND BE GOOD AT IT!!
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,Probae esti in segetem sunt deteriorem datae fruges, tamen ipsae suaptae enitent - A good seed, planted even in poor soil, will bear rich fruit by its own nature. (Accius).


Me said...

I LOVE this blog!
With all these links, it kinda reminds me of Sans.
I'll be back to visit if it's OK with you.

Anonymous said...

radical,, tiss fine with me !!!!

:) !!


Friar Tuck