My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Hiya Hiya Folks. Miss me? Sorry about not being here on friday and lastnight. Seems i came down with something of a upset stomach. The end result was me barfing alot and well some down time inside the litter boxes too. Dont think my owners appericated that, but i didint get yelled at it for it so, thats cool. Ok theres a whole lotta things going on news wise so lets not waste anymore time here and get to it.

While my owners certianly do not wish him death, if news accounts are acurate and it was some form of heart attack or stroke, then this mans gotta cut back on the polysat fats! As half of his country is lacking food, or facing food shortages, hes not looking like he went hungry anytime soon. So since hes there, he can now talk to this man,,,
because as he simply puts it,, its the last shot for peace in the middle east. Wise man actually who the US would do best by listening more to their arab friends and not some moron in washington who knows jack shit about customs or traditions in the middle east. Would you as a american want some other nation telling you what you can and cant do,how to do it, who you can have as friends and what is not ok due to their beliefs? Hell no!

seems thats the number of hours President Bush has to scramble a bombing mission in Iran, should the wise leader decide to do so. Nice, this man can command a bombing raid in 24 hours but after huricain Katrina it took his sorry ass 5 days to send in some national guard members with limited supplies of food water and medicine? Shows where Bush priorities are, oh and his skills too. BUT, there are some saying that if Bush does bomb Iran, he can expect some top military brass to quit on the spot. Its clear that there are some who dont agree with the president if he should make a move against Iran. Now if this is true, this is the first time anyone can remember a cou´p by members of the US military, should the event take place. This next story has my owners and other humans iam sure wondering the same. ´´if they are aware of the suspects intent, why arent they being rounded up´´? Or is it something along the lines of scare tactics being used and masterd like the USA pulls on its citizens as well? Very odd indeed.

Is this man ready to make nice ? some say yes, others say no. His recent firing of his top men due to their involment with iranian outsiders , might suggest hes not interested in having to share the lime light with another group, or hes just acting this way in order to save his own ass ? check it out and decide for yourselfs. Your a world leader. You demand your staff and others follow rules and implement drills to make sure during a actual event , things run smoothly. What do you do to lead by example? Go for a bike ride! I mean, is this really the best offer america can come up with for a president? And who were the morons that voted this man in to power? why ? I can picture it now during a fire drill at some school and a few kids decide to ride their bikes, instead of doing the drill. Thier answer for not being there? ´´the president rode his bike why cant we´´?!

Looking for Mr. GoodBar? try as they might, the conservatives cant seem to find anyone that fits their bill. Hes got to be anti abortion, anti gay rights, love war, over look corporate greed and stealing, condone more then one wife for some , skim a few bucks here and there for his own wallet, be a closet case and put down all others for their lack of morals. Who are they going to call to find such a person? Moral busters!! Unreal in their dream like world of which they dwell and expect others to follow in their footsteps . Good luck guys!

now some might argue that this man isint privy to some of the intell that the Bush admin has, that argues Iran is indeed interfering in Iraq. But on CNN late edition with Blitzer, this man went on record to say, he has no solid proof that Iran is sticking their nose inside Iraqs daily business. Even some of Bush top military ppl are saying the same, theres no proof that Iran had any involment with Iraqs current problems. So , whos telling the truth here? whom do you believe? yet another story to discredit the Bush admin, over Irans involement. This ones extra special and a jaw dropper to. Excellent read folks!!! more dead, more blood count numbers as of sunday!

Other news out there ,, take a look. sends a nice message to todays youth. MORONS!

This is NOT america!!!

more problems for Italys goverment?

get the rock salt ready folks Ö !

ITS FUNNIE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

Brings you of course my sick bay time. My owners tried to figure out was making me sick. I didint eat any more house plants, so? I did however find a bug on the floor due to the warm temps and ate it. Maybe that was the problem, dunno. Anyways, iam back for well one night . Sorry folks for not being there for the weekend edition . Murphy filled my spot and did ok.
Other news here, the sinks fixed, no more water wars and the humans are doing great.
And murphy had to brag that he was adored on a blog he visits by a few folks that love tabbys. Pfftt, big deal. I think alot more ppl like black cats because we listen when told to get off the back of the couch, the dinning room table and MOVE out of the way too. Oh well, i guess tabby s are a aquired taste? I am not chopped liver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well it s OSCAR NIGHT! and iam getting ready with ´´wasderface´´ to pop some pop corn and watch it live here :) cant wait ! I hope the departed sees marty get his much deserved Oscar finaly!!
Take care fine pet owners/lovers of the world! And mega thanks to the first responders that rescue ppl and pets lifes . HEROS you gals and guys are!!
Talk to ya next friday. have a good week :)!
Mr. Cain and Co.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i brought you sundays weekend edition for the love of sanity .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[url=]jnAZv[/url] , oMMlrcldCyEL ,