My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Monday, February 12, 2007

THE WEEKEND EDITION Feb 11th 2007!!!

How goes it fine folks that found their way back to this blog? good iama glad to hear this. Well there was certianly was alot of jibber jabber going on today during the sunday political talkshows. Iam sure you heard or read or even watched a few of em too. Some were insightfull, while others lacked any hard concrete proof they are indeed talk shows.
So lets just blog this puppy about the internet news shall we? lets get it going with this,,,

In the above articule , even top ppl within the mix are saying that the US is doing everything it can do further instigate a war with iran. Ok, it probably wont become war with boots on the ground per say, but regardless, somethings bound to happen that will trigger a responce by either Iran or the United states. Now with a third military ship heading towards the waters just off of Iran, its a clear sign that somethings going on. Question is,, who has the biggest balls and knows when not to blink. Playing a game of ´´chicken´´ like this is surmountable to insanity
To further bring home the point , should the United states attack Iran or vice versa, some say that, it would only ensure the slow death of this nation . its a excellent read and this man nails it down tight and flat .
There are some saying that now the military in the states is facing some serious problems with gangs . With the army being the main military focus of its attempts to keep their recruitment level at best, substandard, it has also over looked and allowed some ppl with criminal backgrounds inside. If this ever spills over into the battle field, and my owners pray it wont, not only will it be devastating for the troop moral but quite the embarassment for the Army brass as well.

Guess who had a rally ? why yes, the ever present and growing in popularity, neo nazis! How wonderfull for the rest of the world. Yanno my owners saw one of these morons once. Of course since he was all alone waiting for a bus, he didint act all bad ass nor gave anyone lip service either. Its only after downing say,3/4ths of a keg of miester brau, that the mice become lion like. Laughable yes, dangerous when in large drunken groups? even more so.

Given the above story deals with the truth of uglyness in some this next articule my owners found was one of eehh?

Its not even borderline funny. What if some ppl decided to play mock terrorist and throw a mock beheading party? Would that not greatly disturb the familes that have lost loved ones based on real actual events? EDDDIOTS!

News from the politcal wire , gives us this and how john Mccain shows his double standard actions. If there ever was a homosapien, that mimicked a fish out of water, id have to give that best action vote to , yes, you guessed it, John Mccain.

But of course not to be out done , these events like this , are creeping back inside at a alarming pace. Wasint there just recently a law passed and signed that prohibits such actions? or at least scolds those who partake in it? HA, thats good ole washington for you folks. Slip you a 5 for change and reach inside your jacket for a 20 bill!

This one coming up soon, has got my owners at first thinking it was some form of sick joke. I mean , maybe someone made a board game out of it right? but its not and its real and its not sending a positive message to anyone other then the folks who like to blow things ups!,1518,465438,00.html
DAMN!! what will the bank be called i wonder, the bank of blow jobs?

NO E.U. for YOU!

not with this articule. Theres no way in hell that the eu is going to let turkey in , if things of this nature keep happening.,1518,465046,00.html

Try as they might , the facts remain that a large number of turks dislike the fact that the truth hurts. There was a armenian slaughter or genocide in the 1920s, and if turkey wont own up to it, but instead have a few of its citizens shoot dead a reporter on the street, its even more proof they are trying mighty hard to keep it under wraps.

Cockpit Crime? So says this next articule. More light being shed on the blue on blue snafu that happend in the early stages of the Iraq war when british convoy came under attack by a US manned A-10 war plane. There was one recomendation that some form of punishment be implemented but that was struck down and ruled out. Since then, one of the pilots has gone on to be promoted . No matter how hard lies are hidden, in the end they always have a way of coming back to bite the person(s) in the ass who told them.

Some other news out there thats making headlines,,,

he cant answer any questions as its a matter of national security routine iam sure.

Diggs burys the drudge!

wasint aware of ppl that are fake bloggers .

good read folks,, have a look and make up your minds.

oh iam sure its been hurt worse before putin said anything.

And with great regret comes Sundays blood count numbers for Iraq.

Before i begin with the funnie section, id like to apologize for my blog being late and showing up for monday! it seems that blogger had a melt down half way thru and there was no way i could save it. So with that,,

Not bad really. Not my type of tunes but still good!
and my owners thought their driving teachers were pricks!
What the little kid said at the end was Ouch, shit, in german
OK fine folks who come here and read this blog, yanno the drill its my time of the night to fill up at the feed bowl here and get ready to watch the grammys with one of the humans whos awake. Although i had no idea who half of these singers and bands are :(
Take care fine pet owers /lovers of the world and mega thanks to the first responders for rescuing ppl and pets lifes! Heros you guys and gals are.
Talk to you come this friday.
MR. CAIN and CO!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity :)

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