My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Greetings folks who came back for another dose of reality, feline style. The news of the day is more and more troops from various nations are pulling out their troops from Iraq, or in the process of. Iam sure that has Bush feeling fine. hell he even went so far as to say that with the british troops leaving it was sign of success . Ok lets start the blog off with that ,,,
so says ´´The ´´Con. I find it strange that suddenly 4 nations have expressed their opinion on Iraq by withdrawing their troops now! Why didint this happen say 2 yrs ago? befour there was iraqi on iraqi killings and kidnappings? Why the rush to get out? ´´Con´´ does her best to explain the new development with words like ´´helping the iraqis defend their own interests´´. Ok ill bite, why didint she push for this yrs ago? I mean she advises the president pretty much on what shirt to wear to lunch, iam sure he would have listend to her right?

I think i might have the answer to the above, because its partly due to Dick,
Mccain calls it a mistake for britian to leave, , cheney calls it acheivment? And so long as DICK has the president pretty much by the short hairs, things will run the same in Iraq untill the day the treasonous prick leaves the whitehouse. Maybe he can write a book about it all too. I mean, there are former whitehouse staff that are going to write books ,, heres one for example,, remember the commitie hearings that were held for Bolton? recall the one man who said bolton was a kick up kiss ass type of guy? well according to this news articule , hes a super prick and is going to paint a not very nice picture of the bush adm, and his fellow co-workers as well! Think hes doing this out of spite or because he feels deep from the bottom of his heart that the american ppl need to know ?

This next articule finds many ppl thinking the same thing. Ass kissing is a art in washington,
Why not have this on their lapel? It will clearly show whos the one wiping their noses with whitehouse toilet paper. Show the ppl the medal of ass kissing ! Mccain should wear one , oh and tony snow too!

Excellent articule which might help folks understand just how the United States ending up being in such a mess, globaly . all about Rumsfeld and how his role in Iraq played a large role in where the states lay today!,13319,125218,00.html?

now they say it wasint engine problems? its offical, it was shot down and joins the ranks of 8 other helicopters over in Iraq that have become a moving target for the insurgents! Why does the Army have to lie?

is america becoming a master race mentality? Good read for you folks, and makes some stop and think too. Well more of the intell folks that is. For some it might just make some go grab their hoods and hold a sears white sale party.

ttp:// even blair knows a good thing when he sees it! To bad bush has to be a EDDIOT and let some of his ppl freeze in winter , even in NYC the poor last winter were receiving their home heating oil from Hugo. so why does bush have such a hard on for hugo? OIL!!!!!!!!!!!

ttp://,1518,467714,00.html Looks like Germanys low birth rate is about to change ! SOCCER SEX? Seems that during the world cup, lots of folks were having more sex then normal? End result is mega babies for germany. Wonder if they can beat france as the leader in birth rates?

Other news out there worth a read, are as follows,

well they blew away Bruno the bear last summer ! EDDIOTS!
this crosses the line completely.


Prodi calls it quits.

good news for a change!

its falling fast, henny penny the coalition is falling!

Fitz tells it like it is!

Wednesdays Blood count for Iraq . Here are the numbers,



all those missing teeth come in handy for something.
Shame that Ken Lay wont be around to see this film!
Well iam afraid thats it for my blog! Hope you werent too dissapointed.
Oh and thanks for stopping on by and reading my blog,, or not!
Talk to you fine folks again come tomorow.NEWS FROM THE HOUSE OF MUPRHY is still the same so,, updates are coming.
Take care folks and remember to let the cat in before going to bed. and remember these words from RUMMY henny penny the sky is falling.
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,,Caeci caecos ducentes - Blind are led by the blind. Leaders are not more knowledgeable than the ones they lead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's me again, smoke (-: