My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Friday, February 23, 2007


Greetings folks and welcome to a special edidion of my view from the litter box. Normaly cain does the weekend edition, starting on fridays,but i figure i owe you ppl due to my swift departure last night. So lets see what we can find about to blog,, in keeping with the blogs titles, this next story really got my owners laughing! I think some one in minsters department watches way to much Medium. So for now unseen crud remains at large. In fact, Bush has all but writen off in attempting to caputure binny. The case which the FBI and CIA was working on regarding Binny,is now closed. Ahh the prioritys of the president. Its once again, unseen crud, what goes thru his mind.

Even poodles can smell out unseen crud and decide right then and their that its probably not a good idea to stick ones nose in it. This articule tells of blairs stance on not getting involved in Iran , should the president of the USA, think otherwise. Good boy, roll over,, go outside, run away,, dont come back.

While this crud is seen, ppl dont know just how clogged its mind is with visions of nukes and ruling the world might be. Its been suggested by some to perhaps have this mans pipes checked and see how far along the harding of his brains arteries are. Because a sane person wouldint be so gung ho for war, when there are two other wars, he has his claws into. Keep you eye on this slowly moving crud folks.,1518,468105,00.html One could call this next articule the coalition of the fleeing. After all,in washington, such actions to be done by the USA, equals cut and running. Not so when its done by britian. Someone tell me where the differance is? and why is this considerd a success again? Another case of unseen crud.

This was a case of unseen crud untill the washington post broke the story, and a few blogs followed up on it . Prior to that it didint even grace the headline news on Fox CNN or NBC!

This next articule really sends a message back to the few bad apples in the military that such conduct wont be tolerated.,13319,126277,00.html?
Shit cortez might as well change his name to Rip van winkle. 100 yrs? But in that fable rippy was able to sleep.Heres hoping that cortez cant and its hard labor for the unknown cruddy person he was hidden in his uniform. I dont think even drano can cure that sick bastards way of thinking.

The story above really smacks of some serious ass kissing! Of course most knew that lieberman was a case of unknown crud, seen yet, not known what kind it was capable of doing , untill now. Way to go folks in the state of Conn. You voted for this crud for yrs and now suddenly hes doing a dance from past votes since the formation of dirt. I think its only fitting that Joe receives this medal for his role playing game ,, here you go Joe. Wear it with pride .

News coming from the U.N isint giving Israle any flying colors!
Should these allegations prove to be true and can be backed up, this will have some serious backlash to Olmert and his cabinet. Except this too is another case of unseen crud, due to the fact most tv reporters arent allowed inside and if so, their film is carfully screened and sometimes confiscated if its deemed to accusatory towards Israle. Some might label this as being anti semite, its your right to do so. But when you have over a million ppl pretty much inside a sand prison,walls included, i dont think the the U.N went over board with their assement.

Two seperate incidents of rape in Iraq, two differant outcomes. In one, PM Malki went on record to say that the rape victim was lying and even promoted two of the accused in rank. Somethings just really not right over there. Aside from Iraqis wanting foregin troops out , this is another case of unseen crud at how bad things are . Now sworn rallys of revenge are making its way thru Iraq in retaliation.

Other news out there making headlines, and worth a second glance too,

26 toes on a cat? imagine the scratching post. FREAK!

heres hoping Canada has a no confidence vote soon and gets rid of the wannabe Jr bush soon!

Not a wise demand to make considering the UN report already out there! EDDIOT!!

its only a number!

truely unbelievable!

Fridays Blood Count In Iraq stands as these numbers,,

NEWS FROM THE HOUSE OF MURPHY and co.!!!!! Well the topic was unseen crud, but now for non human crud!

Brings you todays events filled with some serious unseen crud! heres a example of such, after the 4th plumber came out today to finaly fix the humans kitchen sink.
now thats some BAD ASS UNSEEN CRUD!!!!!!
imagine a plumber handing you humans that from your elbow pipe and asking ya to ´´go rinse this out please´´? well thats just what the plumber dude did to my owners. ´´ The Spoiler´´ gagged and asked ´´wasderface to take care of it in the bathroom. It wasint a pretty sight folks. gaging, hot water scolding from rinsing the shit out of it, and it still wouldint budge. So that meant, yeppers,, the old toothbrush time. As the human performed this really gross feat and didint barf, they made sure they did so over the toilet just in case. I did notice some watering of the eyes, lotta swallowing but when they were finished and gave it back to the plumber dude he said ´´looks new´´ and went to work on ripping out old metal hot water pipes and replacing em with new. (´´wasderface´´ washed their hands in the bathroom for 5 mins with hot water soap and bleach) !

He was here for a good hour and 20 mins , cutting this, diconecting that, peering here there everywhere under the sink. He found the problems as there were many and fixed em. So he leaves all is well untill the humans go to put the stuff back under the sink. Ö yes, you guessed it,, a small drip was forming where the new hot water pipe was installed. Ya should have seen em folks, staring at it, with eyes like they saw one of the bush twins without makeup!!! worse then any horror film possible. Quickly they called the pipe service ppl back who in return called the plumber back to fix the drip. One more extra twist with the wrench was all that was needed and the drip was gone! Iam hoping thats really the end of the sink krieg here! I mean 4 times now. And every time us cats have to flee upstairs too.

Other news here,, cains still fat. eats all day sleeps too. only at night does he come out and run around the place. Works for me, at that time iam in bed with ´´the spoiler ´´ purring my ass off from the belly rubs and headbutting hands.


wow! this guys puts jethro tull to shame!
What country is this is again? one cop?
´´ATTENTION PASSENGERS you may shit pickels now´´!
This is what my owners should learn. When cain hears the tapping of a boiled egg hes there faster then hilary clinton at Fund Raiser!
Well folks its about that time where i have to leave and get my things in order for the night. This means eating , drinking pleanty of water and shoving ´´the spoiler´´ aside from more room on the bed. Oh and maybe a claw slap to cain on my way out as well. Thanks for stopping on by and reading my blog,or not!
Talk to you fine guys and gals come monday, cains up tomorow . Dont let em give you any sob stories either of how bad he has it here. at 26 pounds, hes like master card,, hes everywhere.
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,Si post fata venit gloria non propero - If glory comes after death, I'm not in a hurry (if one must die to be recognised, I can wait)

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