My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How Much was that again?

Greetings folks yet again this cold evening here in Germany. Lots of news to report to you, some of it you will find just flat out lies and others will get you to think.
so grab your favorite beverage and some chips for tonights wonderfull trip down lie lane,! bathroom breaks are allowed if need be :)

Over 20 billion dollars was removed from a federal deposit bank in NYC in the years 2003-2004. The funds were allocated for the Iraqi goverment, well the intern Iraqi goverment, who requested the money. Only 10% of it can be accounted for.

Now id like to ask the person(s) in charge of this, just where did all the money go to and show me what is was used for that still is in operational use.
2.9 million in shrink wrapped pallets were flown over to Iraq to be used to assist in the reconstruction , that money cannot be accounted for.
There are many in washington that have to wonder, if they have a brain that is, if that money wasint perhaps by ´´accident´´ given to some shady ppl and in return used to buy weapons for the insurgent.?

Since the New Congress came into power, these are the questions that are being asked and the former officals that were over in Iraq at the time of its dissapearance, can only offer up a muster of,, ´´We dont know´´! You dont know?

I find this excuse to be not only offensive but a downright lie. The United states goverment has no problems in keeping track of possible terrorist and freezing their bank accounts at any given moment. They have nano auditors that can track where the money is coming from and what its being used for. Sadly in this case, The US cannot even account for its own money that came from the tax payers.

Now if some reading this whos a taxpayer in the USA, if your bloods boiling and in your a rage, good. Contact your local representives and demand that they get to the bottom of this. There is no excuse for it . Its one hell of the worst frauds commited against the american ppl BY so called american ppl, who happen to have been in charge. Disgusting PIGS! remember humans, you get what you give!

And yet there are ppl still living in tents down in N.O. and surrounding gulf areas that have had no assistance offerd to them from their very own goverment. It begs the question, just who is the USA goverment looking out for ?

This next articule made my owners laugh! One would assume that with all that money that is being pumped in to iraq, it would be safer and more stable for something like the above articule to transpire. My owners know of no one who is willing to risk their life as a civilian contractor . Perhaps all those busted ex congressman , now sitting in jail will do best to serve their country and redeem their selfs over in iraq. Instead, the taxpayers pay for those corrupted bottom feeders untill they are sprung from a federal prison.

And in a move thats bound to piss off the rest of the world, this really smacks of big pharma greed!
Why not share the info with the W.H.O? no, instead due to a agreement , the indonesia goverment will sell the virus and any new cases to the who, because of a contract they signed with a a US pharma firm. Um , whats up with that?

how this man can smile is beyond many. Hey Libby, did you ever hear of Vince Foster? it might wipe that smirk off your face.

Anytime a lawyer keeps his client off the stand to testify, brings the smell of something foul. But in the above articule, thats just what his lawyers might do. In order to keep the jurors from ever hearing his voice. Guess the libby tapes are something they fear that can tie their client into the outing of a CIA agent. But we all know who let that slip and hes been called DICK among other things.

Last night i blogged about the story regarding how the KKK is making a slow rise in the states. Its not alone in its slow growing . Now here in Germany , officals have confirmed that the right wing hate groups are growing in numbers. Mostly in the East, these groups have been recruiting the young . The rise of hate crimes has some worried in local goverment , who must come up with a plan to off set this growing trend. I have a idea, send in the riot police, bust their heads with some ugly stick and ship em off in jail. Nato has recently been showing its displeasure by some of the other nato forces in regards to not commiting its troops to do more. case in point is Germany. But in a move anounced on wendnesday, german officals decided to send 6 tornado jets over in Afghanistan .

However , there are set conditions as to where and how the jets will be used.

The tornados are equipped with mega high resolution cameras mounted on board that can determine the good guys from the bad. News came from berlin that if the german pilots see offensive action being taken against the troops on the ground, they will have permission to use deadly force in order to save the other nato troops who are taking fire. My owners were like ´´about damn time´´!!

News from Europe brings you humans this and its not a pretty read. my owners were really taken back at the amount of scumbags who linger on line in search of child porn.

600 of these came from the USA! now thats alot of folks who have spare time over there to indulge in their sick and illegal practise of finding child porn. Some of the images and videos that were downloaded via a credit card, depict very young girls being raped , screaming while the camera rolled.

Ppl like the above deserve two options once caught. One, spend the rest of your life in prison, or two. with no prison time, they are taken out to the holding area, sat naked on a log, and huge spike is sledge hammerd into their scrotum region.
Then tip them over backwards . My owners and alot of other ppl agree that once this practise is used, and shown,, it would make it a even more deterent for those sick untreatable pediphiles. what,, too cruel? please, ask a young child who was raped, what cruel is !

Why there are some that say it goes against their religious teachings and want it banned, there are others who insist that this exhibit should be shown for the public . Then , after, the public can make up their own mind. My owners dont have a gripe about possibly being this young mans relative somehow from many moons ago. Why should others? good read for the arm chair science buffs out there.

Other news bites out there , worthy of a second glance,,

watadas mistrial!

this is just plain retarded! talk about homophobe!

crews list of the corrupt.

good old CNN smear tactics!

and with deep regret, gives us the blood count for wednesday in Iraq.

News from The House Of Murphy , brings you , not much. It seems that due to the neighbors my owners have, the harriet olsen type, they have come to the conclusion to now throw out the spent cat litter at a inlaws. Apparently someone complained about the odor coming from the dumpsters. Now i dont know of any fresh smelling garbage dumpsters, that would make humans stick thier heads inside, breathe deep and delcare , ´´thats the sweetest smell ever´´! But to avoid the old bitches and pet haters here, My owners now dump our liter at another dumpster. So far, there have been no complaints from this plan of action.

Cain has now stopped barfing on a daily basis. Its now clear that the leaf(s) he ate from the red dragon tree, have passed thru his system and hes back to be being the power feeding machine he once was!!! good, i think ´´wasderface´´ was tired of playing the bounty towel game . Follow the barfing kitty around the house and clean the mess. On the downside, since his appetie has come back, this leaves me with making sure iam there before him at the food bowl to get my fair share!

Otherwise, its only crumbs he leaves. And we had a slight dusting of snow ! slight and once the sun was up this morning it melted. Not that my owners mind, who wants to shovel the snow they showed on the tv from Oswego Ny? That was wayyyyy to much snow. Oh and come this saterday, the humans hook up a router with bigger , bad ass power for faster connection speed ! good, that means it wont take some damn long for my blog to load yanno? i think its like 4000 something or other for DSL connection. now thats cool chit folks!

I bet the fished loved that idea!

and i bet some of you humans with the last video clip had your mind in the gutter too! TST TST TST!!
Its that time of the night for me to say, see ya! Thanks folks for stopping on by and reading my blog,,, or not! talk to ya all come tomorow night. Till then, dont forget to wash your lucky underware! Us cats dont have to worry about such a thing.
Take care humans , oh and remember to let the cat in before going to bed too!
till then,,,
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,Qui dedit benificium taceat; narret qui accepit - Let him who has done a good deed be silent; let him who has received it tell it. (Seneca)

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