My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, February 24, 2007


Greetings again folks. News here gives us cain off duty for his part of the weekend edition blog. He over ate and now suffers from barf sessions and numorous trips to the cat box. See what happens when ya dont share? I hope the large puck gets well soon. In his contract it does state hes allowed sick time when we signed it so with that lets see whats going on in this great world created for all , but is being ruined by some pretty moronic humans fast.
Looks like Frances wannabe Führer, Le Pen is at it again. This time around hes raising money to make another attempt at winning the election. Or cement some form of power . Hes already got the attention of many who are concerned and in some ways, biggoted over the immigrants that arrived in france. Basicaly hes pushing pretty much to have a brown shirt reform . Keep your eye on this soup de jour! and bringing up the rear of frances Le pen and his assinine comments comes news of this winner above. He swears he never said to bomb meca, however, if you read the articule , hes caught in a lie and its proved he did indeed say it. What is this world filled with´? war mongrels and morons in office? , I think i answerd my own question from the above! Its ok to use these bad boys so says the USA! Great news for other nations to drop em all over places of ´´conflict´´ and then not even tell the ppl after ´´the conflict´´ where they were dropped. So any poor smuck walking around could find one and pick one up. Nice, just wonderfull for mankind. EDDIOOTS!

The Con has spoken! Olmert better have heard her too. In another brilliant move by the whitehouse, Israel was told under no circumstances to have any talks with syria. None, period. Now why is that ? If Israle wants to talk to damascus, why should they seek approval from the whitehouse? Its their country right? or is it really just another puppet goverment , which theory do you believe? not only are they short on any qualified ppl to rebuild major infrastructers in Iraq, they also have far to many corrupt ones inside already. This makes for a even bigger problem on how to solve simple things you or I take for granted everyday. Things such as clean running water, electricty, and garbage pick up are rare . The highly trained ppl fled iraq most going to sweden for refuge there. Didint Rumsfeld wonder who was going to fill that hole or paul bremer for that matter? EDDIOTS! a case of sorry dude? There is no set routine in Iraq once your stopped by the police or the military. ´´can i have your drivers licence and registration please´´ isint a comonly heard phrase there and now due to a major oops, the story above will probably add more fuel to the fire, or hopefully die down in a few days IF the US issues a offical sorry dude. Time will tell folks.

another one bites the dust? in whats now becoming the standard practise in the bush admin, yet another attorney has resigned. Its becoming rather obvious what gonzos doing and to a few select set of ppl too. Sounds almost like what Hitler did to remove those he deemed as threat to his empire.

Yet another medal for John mccain ! This time he even admitted he saw nothing wrong with sucking up sometimes. Although it was said in a half hearted and half witted manner, at least the mans honest . Enjoy the medal of ass kissing john. You and joe lieberman can spend sunny sundays polishing em up to.
This next story really really smells afoul! what do these two ppl have in common? thats exactualy what their familes are trying to determine. Another pat tillman style cover up of a death that the army offical says was a suicide, despite overwhelming edvidence thats suggests otherwise. Why the lies ?why the cover ups? why no direct answers ? Its a good read for you folks and makes my owners ponder, just what the hell the deal is .

quick, think fast. Your co pilot is going insane , your 10 miles above the earths atmosphere, there is no 911 to call, what do you do if your a astrounaunt? Duct tape em !
I swear you cant make this shit up folks. So thats NASA´s training on how to restrain a batty co pilot or flight commander. Um, might there be some form of a better protcol to follow? as soon as the space cadet sees the duct tape being ripped off in strips theres probably a good chance he/ she is going to do something very extream and take your ass with em .

Other news out there making the headlines worth a look,,

was conrad byrd there licking his lips and really sorry? or sorry it was abolished?

sorry about the arrest but not about the treatment?

THIS will not go over well with many!

the pope speaks out!

I dont think my owners will eat there when they visit NY this spring or summer.UGH!

so bush knew about the threats from binny and did nothing. more chatter and still hes not worried?

ok so why asking for a fly over if they dont intend to do so?

Saterdays Blood Count In Iraq gives us these numbers,


As i mentioned at the start of the blog, cains off for his weekend edition. Bad case of upset stomach. Much to the delight of the humans iam sure. The sink war looks to be over now as the humans kept a hawk eye on it all day and eveing when they had to use it. paper towels laid down showed no sign of drips so thats good. Oh and the humans were watching the news here this eveing about how France now has a serious problem with large hornets/wasps that prey on honey bee hives. All i could think watching that was, thank god the window man comes out soon and puts in screens in all the windows. Theres no way id chase one of those over one inch long bastids inside the place, should one fly in. Even´´the spoiler´´ who rescues bees from inside, said, NOPE! it gets the magazine or 409 oven cleaner spray. Kills em instantly . ;)~







Id say her REP IS RUINED!


And with that i gotta end this blog. Its that time of the night here where one of the humans retires, and i go with em to bed and enjoy the slumber without the other human and of course cain! Thanks for stopping on by and reading my blog, or not! I might be on again tomorow night depending on how cains feeling. Till then take care folks.

WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,,Respice, adspice, prospice - Examine the past, examine the present, examine the future (look to the past, the present, the future)


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