My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Alexander Litvinenko's

Vladimir Putin.

Now if some of you folks have been following the news amid the holiday shopping frenzy or the endless turkey supply thats been forced down your pallet, you might be kinda scratching your head going ´´wtf´´?!
It seems that now in russia if you no likey the press or any outspoken former member of its russian cia version of spooks, its now the fashion to have those ppl killed.
Yes folks, it seems that good old Vlad can do pretty much whatever the hell he wants in order to quell any light being shed on his corrupted views and values over ppl and life.
heres my message to vlad, once a fucking commie always a commie! His fingers are just dripped with blood over the death of a female reporter who was found shot to death alittle over a month ago inside her moscow apartment. Nothing says love your style of writing then 4 bullets to the head.
And now we have yet another vic of good old vlad and his murderous ways. Alexander Litvinenko's . Why yes, he somehow came into contact with some form of massive radiation and boom he was in the hospital. Sadly he died, along with him, any info he had and was working on to expose good old vlad the terminator putin, and his illegal goverment he calls a free way of living.

But folks lets not forget that indeed our dear president bush declared that he looked into this mans eyes, saw his soul and it was good.!
so whatever jr. dipshit in the whitehouse says, well its gotta be true right? just like the war over in iraq is such a wonderfull state of affairs. Why even when big Dick was over there to offer support to the troops this past thanksgiving, he said things were going good.
of course the fat worthless lying piece of shit never set footout side the green zone and wouldint dare.
So while the USA turns a blind eye to what vlad and the boyz do in order to avoid bad press, the usa still condems some other goverments about thier lack of human rights?! oh please, piss up my leg and tell me its raining!
so thats my rant for politics tonight. Theres no way to change it so long as duffus and dumbass are in power and with thier special xray vision can proclaim, we looked inside and it was good!

ok new topic. oh and vlad,, go f--k yourself too,, ok where was i ? oh yeah new topic.

well thanksgiving came and went and no my owners didint rush out and hit the malls either today like they wanted. Once they got they there and saw bus after bus dropping off the older folks, they knew this was NOT a place they wished to spend 4 hours inside. so off to subways they went for a early lunch came home and did a ebay it baby for the things they wanted to buy for xmas. gotta admitt they saved some money on this idea too.

yes with ebay at least in the states, some morons with no scruples are bidding on OJ simpsons book. last bid was for 15,000 grand. thats alot of money to read pure bullshit. But some folks just dont care about anything but getting that book, reading it and knowing that the money went to some nutcase who still owes the victums familys some 3.something million they won in a civil court case.
FOX networks all of them , just showed the world that all they ever cared about was making money . be it on lies, or pure spin bullshit. fair and balanced my ass! about the only thing balanced is rupert murdocks bank books! all the rest is just that, shit! and if anyone still watches fox news, then i can only conclude that this is the type of person that eats canned spaghetios over the sink at night , in thier boxers and thinks they are a werewolf too!
sadly i wish i could say that last statement i made up, but one of my owners, actually knows a person like that over in the states!!! makes you once again go WTF??!!!!!!!
Well thats it from here folks. Hope the turkey day went well and all was content with the dinner and company that came along with it.
my dinner was good and my brother and i got our standard holiday meal too. yes yes, there are some folks out there who think, its just disgusting to feed pets human food for the holidays.
to folks like that i say, hey dont take so much pride with your cactus garden your made.

thanks folks for stoping on down and reading my blog. talk to ya fine folks come monday. or maybe tomorow, depends on if anything new and exciting happens yanno?


Give me liberity or give me death,,,,,,does not mean, give me my cable package without having to use the parental control that comes with it!

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