My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

WHOA!!! adjust that shutter speed next time folks!
well , another eveing and another post. I must inform you reading this , that nothing new took place between yesterday and tonight.
I know its a dull slow life i live here. Anyways here a link to the cat page iam still on but my owners no longer post my journal there due to some being ´´offended´´ ahem,,,
Ill let ya fine folks judge for yourself on that grand conclusion that was made ;)
There ya can see all the friends I made on there, how many times i won due to my journal entry and whatnot. Man i made a shit load of friends on there too! just read murphys bio and scroll down to see who this cats friends are.
On another note, i checked ebay again, this time i spied the PS3 going for bid at 1,500$
a fool and his money are soon parted yanno? now the news is that there are glitches for the ps3 and it wont play older games like it promised! WELL ISINT THAT SPECIAL! Thats like buying a car but it cant go in reverse so make sure you are capable of using wide U turns.
the stupidity of some iam telling ya folks.
lemme see what else i can blog about tonight, well the cover of newsweek with gwb looking like a small kid and being led by his dad ghwb and the caption, father knows best! OUCH!!!!!!!
now that has to sting if i was the president and saw that little bitch slap, but it seems that its the truth and once again daddy has to bail out the loser . this time he bankrupted a entire country not just some oil company. LOSER!!!
Oh and it seems that cyrstal meth has made its way here to germany. how wonderfull for us non druggies! why its so potent that it even melts the euro currency . imagine shoving that shit up your nose. can you say,, dead in 4 yrs? yet some folks dont get it or dont care.
never understood why ppl piss thier life away on drugs. sure sure, the humans here give me a knockout pill when its time for my vet visits. but only because i refuse to be stuffed inside the pet carrier. but the effects from it, cant say that iam like wow dude,, got anymore?
but thats just my observations, from a cat.
also in the news over in the UK some folks are suing the goverment . it seems that once they have been arrested for herion possesion they are locked up, given methedone for 28 days then thats it. Those assclowns are saying that is cruel and should stopped ! how wacked can it get when some druggie has more rights then say you or i or my owners? detox em the hard way.
ya get nothing and like it and ask for seconds! whats next? ppl who were convicted of murder and who get let out of jail will now bitch that its not fair they cant own any weapons?
seems we are being to pussy on criminals and being too hard the law abiding folks who uphold the laws. nuffs nuff folks. But then again,, look at the UK!
well thats my view from the litter box this eveing. If it offended you, well tough! some things ya just cant sugar coat yanno?
take care fine folks who read this blog. talk to ya probably tomorow :)
words of wisdom.
dont rob peter to pay paul!


Anonymous said...

Me and the boys from NY like your sight. Keep up the blog and we hope this JOURNAL wont be bringing you anymore crap from people too.

Anonymous said...


that was one heck of a camera shot your owners got.
what did they use? reg camera or digital? Murphy you might have said things that kinda made me hiss because i have kids.
I never wanted you to leave catster either. Sorry it happend and well, Best of luck to you buddie .