My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Greetings again to you fine folks that stop down and take a peek here at my view from the litter box. New news indicating secret black sites were used by the CIA in europe and of course it was being denied on all sides of the checker board. Check out this story and see for yourself and then wonder just what who is up to what to whom and why ?

excellent read folks and i might add to take your time in doing so, as the plot thickens with this news breaking story the raw story broke. How these former soviet controlled countrys can condone such actions, when for yrs they had the KGB and the STAZI up their collective ass´s is beyond reproach. This time around its Poland who for yrs was fighting for solidarity. HA so much for that idea.,13319,127698,00.html? although the story above does take a step in the right direction, its biased on its wording when it used,,´´Democrats are stepping up their anti-war rhetoric and casting Walter Reed as the latest Bush administration failure in planning for the war and other contingencies.´´ Um no MORON, there was much more ppl who were truely disgusted by the lack of care at walter reed. so by bashing the dems on this , only goes to show you, that still there are some that wont take accountablity for their foul ups. Bush did mess it up and its another failure on the mans credibility as well.

It was the Dems that brought this up for commitee hearings. Is that anti war rhetoric?
In the same websight above, its goes on to give us this story,,13319,127699,00.html and how its harder for Vets all over the country to get basic care and arrive at VA´s . So in a sence they have double speaked. Perhaps when the editors are sitting in their own urine for 8 hours and bandages that smell from rot due to not being changed at walter reed, they can get back to their opinions this time with a more open mind.

As far as human rights go , and the USA, its like comparing jack the ripper with quincy! Camp x detainees, secret prisons all along the globe, black ops, cover ups of civilian killings during various wars, and protecting known nazis after ww2 due to their science skills, and denying other nations who have commited crimes against its own ppl . I mean lets look at Iraq, rummy was best buddies with saddam when the iraq, iran war broke lose in the early 80s. So as far as the US not sitting in on the UN human rights, good. Iam sure they wont be missed much.

Being how we are the topic of human rights lets open this story up ,, years before they were rounded up and herded like cattle onto reservations the US goverment deemed good enough for them. Of course over the yrs their ´´land ´´ was used for various testings by the US goverment for uranium mines some abandoned and some in operational status,

Since then they have found another way for the navajo to assist the goverment, this time used as shadow wolves, who hunt down smugglers that transport illegals and drugs thru the arizona deserts. I sure hope they are getting paid some serious money for their efforts. Its dangerous work and well, due to the war on terror the Us goverment has to rely on the very same ppl they delcared ´´savages´´ and ruined their customs and way of living. sighting a matter of national sercurity, once again, the trials that start friday of 14 high value terror suspects, will be conducted behind closed doors. Now, some of those inside are already known to have done some pretty nasty deeds, theres no big secret there.
Behind closed doors, might have something to do as to how their secrets were deliverd to the Intell folks. Iam sure it wasint DVD night and popcorn, that got some of those to talk and now face a private trial. Its good to finaly have a trial but iam sure some of the american ppl who lost loved ones during 9/11 and one of the master minds thats going on trial, would like to be able to hear what drove the person to commit such acts . Maybe in 30 yrs, the archives will be available to the public. is dick cheneys rep dead in the water like the fowl he shoots? some are saying since the libby verdict was handed down, its now cast a cloud over the ogar shoulders pretty much rendering him nothing more then a figure head untill his term as VP is up.
Theres something about a man, who claims his national security advisor ,libby, didint lie to him ever! Since the trial, dicks been under the wire avoiding certian questions and ducking political talk shows that might ask him some uncomfortable questions. He ripped wolf blitzer over a question regarding his daughters sexual preferance. God help wolf is he quizzs the VP about the libby trial outcome. Face it dick, your boys are going down, one by one. now if Dick cheney were a smart man, and actually cared, he could help repair his rep by getting his sorry ass on down to arkansas and demand FEMA gets off its useless ass and brings some of those unused trailers that were left overs from Huricain Katrina. But its doubtfull he will. So those folks are once again, facing the same lack of aid and fema responce just like well pretty much every state that has had a national disaster declared. (unless you count the cattle states, beef is much more pricey then say human life). Its a damn shame this is what the Goverment offers to its ppl, fake promises, no money for aid and nods and winks and snickers at the morons that voted for em in the first place.

another reporter covering a story that linked russia selling arms to iran has somehow found himself taking a swan dive from his 5th floor apartment. A apparent victim of suicide? How many does this make now ? Those that report facts and facts that arent welcomed by Putins goverment? 4 , 3? I think most have lost count. Spys poisned, reporters shot dead in their apartments , russian diplomats shot in their driveway, in the USA, and now this man? Um do you see a pattern forming here folks?

Read the whole story befour you jump down with anger. If memory serves us all correct it was fine for the Pope to make statements regarding islam,
however, its not ok for the catholic church to make comments about the jews?

Hatered brewed all over the globe and death threats were made against the pope and plans to cancel his trip to turkey were being taking seriously. Now a huge uproar has began again this over the remarks made from a bishop whom when he visited israel and saw the palestine situation, described it as one looking like the warsaw ghettos.
For you folks, ill say it again, religion brews hate and is the hallmark for wars from thousands of yrs ago. Might open talks and not just with the jews but also with the palenstine ppl be in order to end this mini war brewing?
All this is going to do is spread more hate and reopen wounds from nearly thousands of yrs ago.,1518,470284,00.html Knowing it or not,this young man just became the poster man for AWOL and objection to war and refusing to serve his country after he signed up! Citing conflict with what he deems a illegal war,Agustin Aguayo will serve 8 months in the brig , be stripped of his rank and pay and given a bad discharge once hes free from serving his sentence. Granted back in the states, most employers wont even look at his resume as soon as they see the words ´´bad discharge which means dishonorable ´´ .
But as a combat medic, maybe he saw more then the average civilian on the streets and his conscience couldint deal with it. In 8 months he can give interviews and tell his side of the tale. Till now, hes got 8 months and alot of support world wide for his choice. I wont comment folks, just tell you the story.

other news out there making headlines and headaches,,
i told you about this i think 2 weeks ago, how she was going to sell her secret client list!

and the hits just keep coming for the republicans !

he stated this over a month ago, now maybe congress will listen! RICE?? can you hear him NOW?

Turkish courts bann YouTube,,,,,,,,,

cant these ppl get a break? damn!!!

every time i post the numbers my heart sinks alittle bit more.
Iraqs Blood Count For Wednesday,,

fox news and their fake war on easter?
E-on looking to get N-gas from Iran and kiss off putins games?

NEWS FROM THE HOUSE OF MURPHY and co? Nothing, its still boring around here,, wait till the weekend folks. ;) till then ya know the drill,,,

ONE OF MY OWNERS PARENTS HAD A BIRD LIKE THIS! the pastor came over for a vist talked to the bird and was greeted with a hey hey F you! HE DIDINT COME BACK!
OK folks tiss my time to head on outta of here and retire for the night! hope you enjoyed your visit and thanks for stopping on by and reading my blog,, or not!
Take care and talk to you again come tomorow . be there and bring a friend too:)
Oh and remember to let the cat in before going to bed , danke!
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,Aurea mediocritas - The golden mean. (an ethical goal; truth and goodness are generally to be found in the middle.)

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