My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Monday, March 19, 2007


ahem,,,,and i quote
Barbara Bush tells Diane Sawyer on ABC’s “Good Morning America” that she will not watch televised coverage of the war: “Why should we hear about body bags and deaths, and how many, what day it’s going to happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Or, I mean, it’s, it’s not relevant. So, why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?”

Greetings Folks and welcome back to My View From The Litter Box. Heres hoping you had a great start to the week too. So lets not waste any time here and get this puppy going! While its a novel idea, it wont happen. Only when fried chicken flys in your mouth or hell freezes over, will Bush and his band of bastards ever see the inside of a courtroom or some commite to answer any questions! With the whitehouses team of lawyers, somehow they will wiggle free from the hook, or make some secret deals here and this will be brushed under the oval office carpet! Yes, gonzo might be the fall guy to make some happy, but the real culprits wont be held accountable. I know, it sucks.

ok theres maybe one on Bushs team that might tell the ppl the truth. Of course its taken Rice 4 yrs and over 3000 american service ppl dead, and god only knows how many Iraqis too. Iam sure rumsfeld is pleased with her new calculations she came out with and admitted there wasint enough troops on the ground in the first place. Somewhere colon powel is slamming his fist down on a desk muttering words like ´´dammit you "§$%&/ why didint you open your mouth before i was fired for saying the same thing´´!

my owners read this articule and stopped and thought about what it must feel like to never know what happend to a loved one. One of my owners grandmom lost a brother in ww2 and never knew what happend, only that he was somewhere in stalingrad. no traces, nothing. Still hurts the old lady to this day, so if you can imagine the pain from one old lady from a event that took place in 1942, then maybe you can imagine the pain these folks have in not knowing where their loved one is! today its easier to find folks, computors , finger prints etc. But still with the conditions in iraq and its civil war, finding out any info on a missing loved one is sometimes impossible. And a long painfull wait too.
Sure there are some that might say, ´´well under saddam, they never dared to ask what happend to a loved one´´ true but, hes not around anymore, and some folks still cannot get answers. One hell of a mess. excellent read here too about Iraq, then and now,,
I know, iam using a picture here that the pentagon deemed offensive. Not to the many servicemen and woman that were killed in iraq. are we supposed to forget them? They were once a civilian and had a life before the military. Now hopefully with the above articule and its story behind it, they have a face and a name to them. There familys have a say about what they were like before the war. Not forgotten and rememberd as ´´wasint he the dude that died in iraq?´´ type thing either. a picture, a face, a life, all captured on film. good read folks and heres hoping the film gets max exposer too! NEVER FORGET THEM!! in the next story if goes on to say that due to the US military being stretched thin, its pretty likely that its not prepared for anymore conflicts around the world.Hell, probably not even in their own back yard. Example,, when katrina blew into town. Its almost as if rumsfeld, thought that new tech gagets can make war easy and lessen the troops needed. But as we can see its not the case, so who ever sold that sorry old bastard that idea was a fool.
Bush a bigger fool for listening to the sales pitch and then making the decision for war. Sadly, as we are learning more and more, it was just a war for oil. black gold, or whatever you wish to call it. its pretty alarming folks that the US finds itself in the position its in now. God help em if another katrina blows in!

another rummy type?,1518,472454,00.html kill em all and let god sort em out type of guy? heres hoping not! Since the Nato handover , the New US command US General Dan McNeill is doing things on his own, without notifying NATO headquarters. Folks knew that when the command was handed over,it was going to be a complete CF! and so its starting to look that way. If hes a wannabe renegade, that he has a better chance at blackwater.
Not notifing Nato command when undergoing a serious mission can result in needless deaths. Not just the troops there from other nations but also from civilians who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Heres hoping this mans time as command leader is fast and not furious. Otherwise, you can will see a repeat of Iraq.,1518,472508,00.html now iam not a big fan of russias Vlad putin, but since he made the comments about the US overstepping its bounds in the world, the story above is a excellent read. Is the missle defence feild a good idea? yes, but not in europe. If it must be implemented, then do it on some remote island where there are no ppl living there. Go to the map of the world,, look for locations where this missle defence can be put up, see any? it can be there cant it? its uninhabited. But noooo, bush wants it right in the middle of europe where millions of ppl will be affected by it. So what does that tell the vlad puttin?

getting back to washington and its part of in contribution to mankind,,
really ? lying to recruits? offering cash to join up? under age drinking? hanging out with em off hours? sexual harrasment? threats of arrest if they dont show up for a appointments? looking the other way about prior arrest records? wow,, it cant be right? but it is and NOW the pentagon is finaly doing something about it. In what many were calling questionable tactics used by some military recruiters, washington is mulling the idea over to install cameras inside recruitment centers around the nation to prevent the above.
Might it be due to complaints from many of the former ( we hope its former) style of getting ppl to enlist in the military? Wonder how this will pan out,will their be outcrys from the military saying its unconstitutional to do such with the camera idea?
If this story isint about rampant abuse of power , then what else can one call it?
Seems if your a bigshot who holds office in the state of Tenn, your light bill is free, no charge. Nothing, zip, nadda . While there are many familes struggling in the very same state to make ends meet and pay their bills on time and make sure their electricity isint shut off, these smucks run around and need not worry about such silly notions as to pay your bill!
Unreal and no you cannot make this stuff up folks. Its a felony by the way too, but its highly doubtfull any of the ppl involved will do or see any jail time. Makes one wonder about their cable bills too or their home heating delivery,, was that fixed as well?

ride taxi ride , this piece of shit out of office! new accounts on what took place in the firing of lawyers working for the justice department, this ones a real doozy too. How can the whitehouse stand by their man and not fire this moron? or maybe gonzo has mega dirt on em and they need time to find a solution to their current problem?

The blood count in iraq today, i know tony snow, its just numbers right?
other news out there making headlines and headaches,, are as follows,,
joe blowhard would sell his own mom down the river if it meant his ass stays in office!
let the games begin,,,,come on folks, stop with it already!
good enough edvidence, but will it stick in a court of law? NO!
fox news properganda,, ahh the fools that watch that news show.
breaking his silence and possible time as a free man!
seeing the landing here live, it looked like one smooth touch down!
well cain had to tell you the story of me taking a wizz on the bathmat the other day. Its true folks, i did pp on it. But only because there was a human that could be looking at me during my pp trips to the catbox,,iam bladder shy? either way it didint go over well i did hide for awhile after my dirty deed on the bathmat.
Other news here,, more ice and snow during the night, even some lighting.
The humans left the bedroom window open half way and they checked and saw ,, small sleet pellets on the window sill. Not good, as its wood. it was quickly cleaned up and made dry again. What gets me is the way the wind blew it inside. Never used to happen like that before. Tomorows weather,, the same. icky sleet and snow showers will 60 mile per hour winds in gust.
ok its time for Videos to be posted, so without further delay,,

spoof about hillary clinton.
timing is everything?!
why dont they wear helmets? omg that had to hurt!
fill er up! not if he flys like that.
dont hate her because shes pretty!
spoof on geico
these guys are amazing!
block buster boredom?
not only is he a moron, he looks like broomhilda too!
thats some really bad stuff!
not something my owners would do, but its neat to see the plasma inside.
sugar,, ahh honey honey!
bad mistake
Pull dont push on door!
whatever he did pissed this lion off!
i hope this asshole gets Ecoli and whats up the name they give it? EDDIOTS!
warning , graphic morons doing some pretty disgusting things! it envoles poop!
Ok folks, thats my blog for tonight. Thanks for stoping on down and reading it ,,or not! Take care fine ppl and i will talk to you come tomorow , same time. Bring a friend. Hope you enjoyed your visit here too :)
Be safe,, be cool and always keep your back to the wall and shoot from the hip, err something like that!
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,Bellum omium contra omnes - Everyman's struggle against everyman. (Thomas Hobbes)
Sincerly,, Murphy von Bauer!

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