My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Thursday, March 15, 2007

BUT WHAT ABOUT Daniel Pearl ?

Greetings once again folks and welcome back to my view from the litter box! Heres hoping you had a nice thursday and now, go grab your fav beverage and sit back for this blog :)
As i was pawing thru the news today , i ran into this story thats all over the place,, and how the confessed to alot of crimes, but there was one that was left out!

no mention about the murder of mr.pearl by the so called master mind of 9/11.


cnn did mention pearl one hour after i made the draft on blogger. ok, for a min there i was thinking that the american news folks forgot about mr.pearl.Who by the way used to work for a newspaper near where ´´wasderface´´ grew up as a kid.

OK iam back so lets get this blog going,,,,news,, theres alot. Remember my dump truck taxi blog from lastnight? Seems one mans about to become the first fare on that beauty. maybe he can even play with the air horns too as it delivers him to the dumps the whitehouse uses to rid it of trash. Oh and its confirmed that karl rove had his hands in this mess too, buts it doubtfull KKKarl will be dumped. He knows to much and could spill the bushs beans!

More lobbyists caught , this time around its from this group of folks. seems that espionage isint cool even in the eyes of the US goverment and now its attempting to keep the press away and hold trials for the two men involved behind closed doors. I know,, its probably going to be old famous ´´matter of national security´´ routine. But if they use that , then why the trial on the espionage in the first place? isint homeland security making sure things like the ablove cannot take place? give me a break folks, those two clowns charged will walk and see no jail time. Le pen, aka le pain, is at it again. This time hes really serious now that Jacques Chirac has declined another run for office, le nazi, er Le pen is looking forward to his chance. But it wont happen. All that Le pen is nothing more then a Ralf Nadar type dude thats going to split up the votes and make it harder for the other canidates to have a bigger increase of support . Besides, if Le Pen , ever became the leader of france, all hell would break lose. Hes the type of guy to delcare,, ´´let them eat cake´´ when it comes to immigrants! and speaking of immigrants, it seems canada has not problemo with the idea of it. Actually it helped canadas growth grow by some 5.4% thats pretty good for a industrial nation, Compared to other nations that saw lower numbers. So for the slow birth rate canada has now, its the migration of other ppl from differant nations, that will keep canada growing and doing better then some other super G8 nations. Did you hear that washington???? well perhaps is more babies were born , the states growth rate would be like canadas! But its not and now there are ppl saying that more and more money is being pumped into the seniors programs then the youth programs!
So what are we to do? tax the hell out of the old folks to help pay for children programs? Bush made the no child left behind act, and well hasint acted on it. With 40 million kids running around in the states with NO health insurance because its not affordable, and parents working more then one job each to make ends meet, what does Bush go and do? make some cuts into the budget and slashed off some funds for the little ones! If only that damn weapons of mass distruction speach wasint given, and ppl didint fall for it, and there was no war in iraq, might the money be there for the future generations?

probably why my owners only eat DOLE! what is this ? hiring a bunch of terrorist to make money? They even told the Justice Department back in 2003 that chiquita was making payments to these terror groups and were warned, yet still continued to do so. Their punishment for crimes, like providing material to terror based groups in the form of money? a fine ! thats it. a private indiviual would be at camp X where nobody knows your name. the fine for chiquita is a slap on the wrist,,25 million dollars. BAN Chiquita period!

what is it with the lure of adolf hitler , that has some still embracing his party? nazis in taiwan? yes sir!! hell there is alot of NSA party all over the world, by embracing this party its not going to make china very happy.
Sure its a small group but growing at a fast pace. They say that hitler turned germany around and made it into a country that was better self supporting and made sure its ppl came first etc. Yes but it didint take long for the nutcase hitler to decide, border countries look nice, lets invade then murder them for,, oh, just because i said so! EDDDIOTS!!! But the sad part is, that if you read the first link, there are some that actually think hitler was ´´cool ´´ for his murder of ´´sub humans´´ as he put it. Ok moron, when china comes at you and cracks your head open with some clubs, there are some who will think ´´thats cool´´ and probably post it on youtube! TAG? humor!

Was this man IMMORAL Gen.Pace? good read folks from the link. seems the British goverment was delighted when he cracked the codes that the germans used during ww2 with their enigma machines. A hero in the eyes of the british military. Untill,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he was found out to be gay! Then, it didint matter anymore. Never mind he probably saved countless lives as he decoded the german navy codes, never mind it tipped the scale of ww2 in to the hands of the brits and the americans, in the end, he was simply tossed aside.! Once hailed a brilliant man, he commited suicide. So Gen. Pace and others out there who say gays are immoral, i bet it saved some of your family lifes if they were in the military in ww2.
another case of EDDDIOTS!
my owners well one of em nearly choked on their coffee this afternoon after reading this! WTF? is she nuts? wait, dont answer that. Hil hon,, you just proved to the many who have been saying it from the start that the only reason the USA went to war with iraq was for the OIL! in her brilliant plan she has formulated inside her head, shes gone on record to say that she will scale back US troops and keep them at small bases and off the streets . and if there is ethnic cleansing, the US troops will not get involved!!!!

“remaining vital national security interests in Iraq” as she puts it, (oil) wait theres more,

“that serves as a petri dish for insurgents and Al Qaeda,” she said. “It is right in the heart of the oil region. It is directly in opposition to our interests, to the interests of regimes, to Israel’s interests.”
uh huh,,didint she watch Bush tout his ethenol support while he was over in latin america?? isint america looking for other ways to use non oil products to make cars go vrooooooooom?
as for the Israel part,, Olmie can take care of himself hillary. Hes shown that last summer. and there is NATO should Israel come under any direct attack.
Hillary honey? You lost the vote for president here !

DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe if hillary reads and sees the high rate of suicide by soliders in Iraq, the highest ever in any war, she might reconsider her plans? its a crying shame that this has to happen to the brilliant young minds of the brave men and woman in iraq. There s little support to help them deal with the situation. Once back home safe from harms way, the war follows them like a ghost war, a loud sound here, some sudden motion etc, its called POST TRAMATIC STRESS DISORDER! and yet there are few programs offerd to help the returning troops deal with it. Forget the Goverment, that can take 8 months to be seen and have any help . For those that dont get it,, picture it like this!

your driving down the road and suddenly a car runs into you head on. your alive, the other drivers dead and a few weeks later your back behind the wheel of a car.
flashbacks,, rapid heartbeat, panic, fear, the body goes into fight or flight mode and your only goal,, get back home, the safe zone. except once there, your told maybe, by some that ´´its all in your head´´! well no shit sherlock! thats what the troops who suffer from PTSD go thru on a constant daily basis. and writing scripts for xnanax or valium isint the answer .

seems that when it comes to booze,, the europens have out drank the rest!
while its not a articule my owners brag over, it does show a incline in the amount of binge drinkers ! the nations with the most suck hards?? the irish, the brits the finnish and the danes! PROST?
Hmm maybe the EU is wise to ask the german goverment to lower the speed limit. with that many lushs running around, getting behind the wheel of a porche isint a good idea after having 6 pints of ale !

other news out there,, have a look,,
no surprise there!
the band of bastards bicker!! GOOD!
major backlash!!
the spud brothers just want to get along? ahem,,,,,
subway gets the torpedo? bummer, i like those subs too!

tartor sauce?
stick it !!


oh shes bright, dance right off the stage!!
GROSS bad skate accident, not for the faint of heart!
russian solider zombies MMAF!!
game show ball busters!!
MMAF this dude is crazy funny!
Wonder if wallmart will start selling these in the sports section?

Ok folks,, thats my view from the litter box from here warm germany! heres hoping you enjoyed yourself and thanks for taking a look at my blog,,,or not!
talk to you fine guys and gals come monday as its the weekend edition come tomorow and cains up!
remember to let the cat in befour going to bed( danke) and have a excellent weekend folks!
till then, best regards,,
Murphy von Bauer!
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,,,Videtis quantum scelus contra rem publicam vobis nuntiatum sit? - How great an evil do you see that may have been announced by you against the Republic? (Cicero)