My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Monday, March 12, 2007


Well my it certinaly is a news day today isint it? Greetings again fine folks and welcome back to my view from the litter box! So now that the chief master at bed pans has retired, or stepped aside, lets blog alittle bit more about that and other on going issues buzzing around the globe .

The above story goes on to say that according to one cable news outlett Kiley was actualy fired,but did summit a request for retirement.So the Chief Master of Bed pans wont be around for any committe that might be set up , seeing now this man is considerd a civy! Shame,iam sure there were alot of questions this man was going to be asked.

Sadly the USA military hospitals arent the only ones that have been lacking in treating the war wounded.,13319,128259,00.html? For british troops,coming home and going to medical military hospitals are seeing the same results as was the case at walter reed.One soilder was forced to spend the night laying in his own feces after checks to make sure soliders were ok for the night were not carried out. As a result of this, his family now says hes contracted bacterial infection. The same can be said for the british troops who have returned and suffer from Mental illness. lack of care or oversight there too. And if thats not enough to make some quite angry at the goverments use and abuse the troops,heres yet another story that shows just how far the US goverment is willing to stretch their troops.
while over in iraq,they have seen 3 tours for some and now the ones that were out on medical leave, untill they recieved orders to report for a new medical exam board in which the army doctors there, declined their injuries and told them to report for duty for redeployment to Iraq. In the story, one of the injuried was told by a DR that if he continues to wear the protective armour while over in Iraq, he could face serious medical problems later on down the road with his spine. I mean the poor SOB already has 3 neck vertabraes fused togeather from wounds sufferd in combat in Iraq, yet this new round of army docs, told him its ok your fine and report back to duty .

Is the US army now a army of bandaids and ductape? same can be said for soliders suffering from mental illness, Post tramatic stress and for some suicidal thoughts, and were told, your fit to fight , report back to your company. Once again its showing the troops and the public the very ugly side of the Bush administrations do or die mentality in Iraq.
or read the pretty version of the same story here,, it does not take rocket science to figure out why the sudden plans to have Haliburton,leave the US and set up shop over in another country. TAX AVOIDANCE! and probably it wont be easy for any legal investigations either into its shady dealings and deals it has commited since the start of the Iraq war either. Dick knew once the Dems returned to controll, his company would be in sights of investigations over bid fixing and over charging of its work and some cases its not completed contracts or questionable work done.

If this isint a kick in the faces of the american tax payer, then i dont know what is.

in the story above, it details that for some USA citizens who dont have proper papers such as birth certifcate (not a copy in some cases) or a passport, or drivers licence, it means that they will not be able to qualify for medicade support. This brilliant new plan was drawn up in The United states fight on immigration and having illegals collect medicade. However, in the process its left thousand of US citizens in the lurch who lost, or cannot provide enough proof they were born in the states and are entitled to the benifits. Lets say god forbid your home catches fire and as they tell you folks, leave the house, everything inside can be replaced.
Not in this case.
For some, even copies of the original stored at some courthouse isint good enough to be granted benifits. For those that possses a passport( um how many ppl who cannot afford health care have a passport? for what? to go on a vaction with what money) that is deemed good enough to show your a citizen of the states. Who ever wrote the new rules for this new law, didint quite think ahead did they?

knock knock, pack your things you have to get out!
In yet another really thought out plan, fema decides to close down one of its trailer parks where yes believe it or not, there are ppl still living in fema trailers over katrina. 12 noon and soon knocks on the doors , telling the occupants you have to leave, pack your things. With questions being asked by the ppl living there and fema giving vague answers and in some cases none at all, the ppl were rounded up and later relocated at another trailer park. No warning, no mails saying a new place is being set up and come this day yr etc, you have to vacate the premises. Nothing. Mass panic as ppl stood around wondering where they were going to go, what about their kids and what about their new mailing address. there was nothing to prepare for . just a knock on the doors and told to get out.

I think those ppl have been thru enough and for Fema to pull that shit really just goes to show you yet in another example that fema still hasint gotten its act togeather and probably wont untill Mike jerkoff leaves once Bush leaves office.
Sorry Jerkoff, you cant pin this on brownie this time around !

psssst,,,, wtqrtqrwetü!
secret talks being held by iseral and palenstine? so says the above articule! It goes on to detail that the talks are not persay about the current situation in the middle east,just that they are keeping their back door channels open for talks to by pass the regulations to have even a remote converstaion with one another.
I think Olmie and Abass can hammer out a plan if washington keeps its nose of out it.
And as far as condie rice and her halfass attempts to do so, might it now be a good time for her to keep her mouth shut over it? Shes had 6 yrs + to offer and help with the road map to peace. But that road map took a back seat since the iraq war was sprang into action under false allegations.

Rices reputation is cooked. She might better stay home and concentrate on her ´´what to do list´´ after shes out of her office. because some are saying that since this news story broke,,,,
shes really has some explaining to do! was she privy to knowledge that there was fake edvidence that Bush used to shimmy up support for the Iraq war? The Con has not much wiggle room left.,1518,471196,00.html

making the list?

In what many knew was coming due to Germany involvment in assisting other nations in afganastan, new threats posted on the internet are beefing up their claims to target germany due to its presence there. For the wack job extreamist out there, it wouldint matter if a nation was there helping feed their hungry, they still would delcare them bad and attempt attacks on their aid or other humanity assistance. Germany didint buy into the iraq war lie then and hasint still. However the situation over in afgahnastan did require NATO assistance and germany agreed that this was a worthy cause. Now with the kidnappings of two germans in iraq, the extreamist will release them only if germany agrees to pull its troops from afgahnastan. Well thats not going to happen anytime soon folks.

My owners fully expect a terror attack here someday soon. alot of ppl do. But this in no way shape or form will hinder ppl into terror like trances, afraid to leave their homes. If anything its going to make it more diffacult for the many muslims living here. More tighter securtity, more profiling, more eyeballing from the GSG9 on anyone who speaks of support for such acts. even arrests too!

Lets look at german history, they were bombed to oblivion in ww2! i think a nation who went thru that and rebuilt can deal with a few threats and possible attacks from a home grown cell mad at the world! And lets not forget long befour bin laden was around planning attacks , germany had the RAF terror group to contend with in the 70s . car bombs, airliners hijacked, kidnappings etc. If there is a terror attack, i will feel sorry for the victims and sorry for the innocent muslims here who afterwards will face more hate and more scrutiny from the goverment , that was never there befour.

has chinas ppl fought back? seems that more and more discontent in rual areas of china are fed up with they call local coruption and the wide gap between the rich and the poor. This riot, in the Hunan province, was said to be sparked by a increase in public transportation. BBC says it sources claim that more sporadic clashes with local police were still going on Monday.

There is a deep divide within chinas middle class and poor. More and more farmers land is being taken from them by the local goverments , whos orders came from somewhere at the top. Making room for more urban settings and buildings . In the meantime, the local goverments pay the farmers what they think their land is worth, and with the coruption running rampant, that can mean a lower number value.
refusal to accept this buy out often results in forced land grabs and farmers ending up beaten imprisoned and at times seeing no money for their land. Its not a fair practice chinas doing to its poor. And if this trend continues, you can expect to see or read about it, more and more riots and clashes untill someone from the top puts his/her foot down and offers the farmers a good value for their land and ceases its illegal land grab.


due to a new provision adopted by the US, day light savings time starts 3 weeks eariler then yrs befour. For some thats great, for others its a headache.
In the story link above the pengquin, it details that some find the idea a great idea as it means more time for kids to have thier outdoor spring sporting events start early , local bizz can stay open longer and probably cut back on crime in some areas too. But for religion it can mean a headache. quote´´Farmers will lose a precious hour of early light. Orthodox Jews, who wait until sunrise to say morning prayers, lobbied against the provision, and airliners complained it would throw their international schedules further out of sync with Europe, costing the industry millions of dollars.´´
and theres that pesky problem with computors and other tech gagets having to be reset and for some that could spell trouble.

For my owners, that means they can watch larry king and anderson cooper at a better hour at night here in germany, but on for 3 weeks . :( then Europe changes over to daylight savings time.

other news out there making headlines and might be worth a second take,, the Blood Count In Iraq For monday.

not to bright a idea there GHWB!

gonzos limelight fading fast?

let the austrians claim their home grown son! strip away i say!,1518,471168,00.html

after AIRBUS and its failure, can you blame em for going it at it alone?,1518,471159,00.html

generation intifada?,1518,471171,00.html

69% say no pardon for libby!!

dick cheneys words come back to haunt him! GOOD READ!

Olmie really needs to rid his cabinet of morons that give him a bad name.
( and iam quite sure other nations have had some misconduct too)


Folks it was a wonderfull day! Warm temps, where the humans went about the place in in t shirts and shorts! the sun was out and a warm breeze was blowing thru the place. I think ive gotten my spring fever or something because all i wanted to do was race around the place and play with cain, in some cases beat cain up fun wise, we dont draw blood, and plop on the humans lap and of course get underfoot too!

cain mentiond something about little bugs in the kitchen lastnight on his blog and well today ´´wasderface´´ whos the offical ´´take care of the mess gross shit´´ person in this place, found what they believe to be the source, a mealy worm party inside a bag of flour! as soon as they opened the bag, those german mealy worms, (which differ from the american ones) dropped out on the counter. Being the wise ass they can be ´´wasderface ´´called ´´the spoiler´´ over to show em the mehl party that was going on and chased em with the bag of flour. cursing and laughter followed with dumping the bag of flour and the tin of flour into a small plastic bag, followed with baking soda and oil! it smothers the little bastids and that was dumped pronto outside in the trash can! since then, the mehl bugs( mehl means flour in german, has dropped off and soon will cease to exsist in the HOUSE OF MURPHY! ICKY! for bugs and how to rid them from even the most eat off the floor homes! like mastercard, they are everywhere!












Well its my time here on blogger to bid you all a farewell and hope you enjoyed yourself . Thanks visiting my blog,, or not! talk to fine ppl come tomorow night.
Till then remember to let the cat inside before heading off to bed, otherwise, expect yowling and the sound of the screen door being shreded! ;)
see ya again come tuesday ,,,

WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,,Cogitationis poenam nemo patitur - Nobody should be punished for his thoughts

Cogito ergo doleo - I think therefore I am depressed.


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