My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Greetings again folks and welcome back to my view from the litter box. We made it thru monday (boy was that a dud day) and now its tuesday. You know what that means right? 3 more days untill friday. My apologies last night for the never ending sentence my blog became. Blogger had a hickup it seems. So with that lets see what we can do with tonights blog. Oh heres something,,,

wait, 20 months ago rummy was the SOD. So he had to have know about this and did what again to fix the problem? orderd more troops into combat. Seems theres alot rummy had hands on and oversight. All of which now seems to be coming back to haunt him. Take for example this case thats gotten the nations attention

Rummy was in charge as SOD when this took place. And its up to the SOD to determine who recives the silver star medal too. So rummy awarded the silver star to tillman yet this was before the offical report from the army over what had actually taken place. Now new allegations made by tillmans family suggest a coverup and want a congressional hearing to take place . Far to many unanswerd questions remain over tillmans death, and once again the Army is using tillman for its glory properganda machine. Heres hoping someone comes forward with the truth and this story gets its TRUE long awaited ending.

Hmmm,, perhaps condie ! So far its looking good on paper and from some of words used by arab nations its looking better too for this to take place. But in the end, Olmert was a bit cool to the final touches added . Olmie, dude, take this deal. Your losing power in the eyes of your paper who wish sharron was calling the shots. Your battling a corrupt cabinet and now you have this to contend with,,, I mean the cons there offering you and your neighbors ideas to come up with in what many hope is a end to the fighting thats been taking place since 2001. Olmert has to show he has some back bone . If he ignores this and hopes it goes away the mans a bigger fool then his ppl believe him to be. My owners read this and wonderd just how this could have happend. And as usualy both sides are blaming the other over whos fault it is. Some are saying its due to israel constant meddling in to daily affairs that left the palenstines unable to complete upgrades, other nations have said they tried to warn the palenstiens that the structer was not safe and said it could burst. Either way it happend and its killed upwards to 20 ppl so far and finds many still missing. I cannot imagine the horror of seeing a wall of sewer coming at me and my family . Not to mention its now a major health risk for those that have to still live there.

Might work!,1518,473933,00.html NATO has come up with a plan they say can help the situation with afghanastians opium problem. For yrs now Nato troops were discouraging the local farmers from growing them, in some cases destroyed crops that made the farmers rethink their loyality and switch over to talibans idea of thinking. Now with the new plan it calls for buying the poppys and offering them to major drug makers to be used as pain relievers and other forms of medical use. Some say it wont work, but the current plan now is not working and it can hurt to try this new idea.

Is your name sounding like someone from these groups? if so , your really screwed! Turns out that if your first or last name sounds like or sounds something like someone from a terror group thats made the US list , your chances at obtaining a bank loan, credit card, or even being approved for a car loan is nadda! With TIDE and its list growing faster then the poppys , some regular folks in the states are finding themselfs being denied such loan applications. Turns out its against the law to issue anyone anything,with a name that is on the list. The goverment provides this list to a long list of business´s in the states that must cross match before approving anything, even renting a apartment ! I think they really should go over that damn list and it. Innocent ppl are being caught up in it due to one small misspelling or sounds like.

latest pools are out what most americans think is a good idea over the issuing of suponeas in regards the troubling actions that took place at the AG office. More and more amercians are thinking that such issuing is a good idea and think that there is something the Bush admin , is covering up. Polls dont lie folks.

Its a hella lot heavier then a cellphone!
Um, iam sorry folks, but just how in the hell someone can forget they are packing heat when the enter a public building is beyond me. My owners pack heat and ´´wasderface´´ did in NY. Um wearing a holster, consealed, your still aware the guns there. Its heavy, the holster strap is reminder even for folks who owned firearms for years. But to walk into a Senate office building with it? Not to mention the fact that gun wasint even belonging to the man, who had no licence to carry it, is also a big NO NO! as a gun owner for yrs, one of my owners would NEVER ever let someone whos not a registerd gun owner, hang on to their pistol. and not loaded for the love of common sence either! Webb made a major moron error here . In most states, such errors can cause the legal owner of the gun to lose their licence. Iam sure the Anti gun groups will salvitate over this story!

The blood count in Iraq for Tuesday ,,
other news out there making headlines or headaches for some are,
another report of the goverment using its ppl as lab rats and then conducting test after the fact some have died ? Insane really!
they voted again, changed the language that was deemed offensive and now have passed it again. Bush will still veto it.
Bruno needs to go back to Italy! it was there that he was released in a attempt to reintroduce bears in germany. Course some edddiot, ended up shooting him in bravaria. Makes one wonder whats to become of the wolfs they wish to re introduce into the wild.
talks, see BUSH that helps, talking. Not bombing every damn thing you deem a threat. I swear some in washington conduct salem witch trials on other nations.
what ´´my life is shit´´ really means! AID reliefe coming soon?
not that anyone expected anything differant with this law suit. Enjoy your broom closet office rummy.,1518,473987,00.html
SUE THEM ALL! its not 1945 anymore and this isint ´´old europe´´.
a mixed blessing? but its not global warming. So if man cant club em to death, they simply drown due to being to young to swim.
Ive seen the blogs, some good some really bad, that have on certian ppl that are complete morons who lack basic insight . Iam going with this new news about Tony snow. and Elizabeth Edwards too.
Both have cancer. It was beat but came back. Now for mrs. edwards its a cancer which cannot be treated. For tony snow, theres a slight chance perhaps maybe.
regardless,, Its come to my attention that some blogs allow ppl to comment about the above two and wishing them dead or suffering long . Um, lets get one thing clear. Cancer is NOT a disease that you would wish on your worst enemy, period.
As cain mentioned on his blog last weekend, cancer has not a care in the world if your a republican or a democrat. Rich , poor, black , white, a good person or a bad person. It cares not if you were a den mother or if you were once a news broadcaster . it cares not if you have a family with kids, it cares not if your young or old.
It cares not if your from the south, the north or somewhere in the middle. All that cancer cares about is destroying your good cells, skyrocketing your protien levels and in some cases, causing a very agonzing death. It leaves behind family s that are weeping from the loss of a family member. It also leaves behind for some, a painfull reminder that , there were some in the already hatefull world, who wished your loved one dead from it. Theres nothing to take solace in such words in that. So i would like to ask ppl, to really think about saying something so hatefull , mean and completely lacking any human emotions aside for contempt and hate, to refrain from wishing such, and not post it on blogs .
My family has had its share of cancer when it came to the humans. Some lost the fight, some won, some are still fighting it. It saddens me to read such blogs that do not delete hatefull wishes of death on ANY cancer patient. Its not those to decide who gets to die this way or that. And please spare me with any ´´its gods will for doing wrong too´´ Because, even the most decent caring ppl have persished from cancer. new borns to the very elderly. with that , we here are My View From The Litter Box, wish both Mr. Snow success and wish Mrs. edwards our prayers for her time left on this earth. Good luck and god bless you both.
thank you.

id like to think that by accident and not intentional!
the chia pet?
why i hate thunder and lighting storms !
for LARPING folks,, this vids for you. ???
um, she could have tapped em on his shoulder. Jeeze!!
ok this made my mind up. NO cruise ships for me! holy moly.
what a waste of a nice lollypop!
maybe he was using windows vista ?
was it MILLER time for this granny?
bad on air slip ups!
oops! AND ZAP!!!
Thanks for stopping on by and reading my blog, or not!, hope you enjoyed yourself. Talk to you come HUMPDAY! till then have a nice tuesday eveing, or morning. and remember to let the cat in before going to bed , danke!
oh and remember,, when closing the fridge door, make sure one of us cats areint half inside of it. It does hurt !
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,Tarditas et procrastinatio odiosa est - Delay and procrastination is hateful. (Cicero)
Murphy von Bauer.

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