My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Sunday, March 04, 2007

isint that pic below of Mars something
else? great shots from NASA! Good things
are possible there when they dont have batty
employees, attempting to kidnapp another!


HIYA HIYA FOLKS! How are ya doing? good good iama glad to hear of this. Well some are saying that the clintons are a dual force of super power when it comes to getting folks to attend speaches or other Hillary funded ideas . Heres a articule today that also asks the question , why didint Hillary do enough during Bushs lead up to the Iraq war? and when will she come out and say, i made a mistake?

Because iam quite certian the next story , the ppl in it, might just accept that , instead of no answers only death and well things like this!,,2026079,00.html Heres another good read for you folks that might help you understand the differances in Iraq with her ppl and their customs too. Might if some of the so called slam dunk experts in washington, have read something like this, they might have thought twice about force feeding their ideas down a nations throat and wondering why the outcome is the way it is today!

In other news , seems this man isint happy that he didint receive his treats from washington like he was promised? Not that hes saying hes going to go back on his word, but he did offer up a good point that his lack of goodies, might discourage other nations from following the same route he took his country to. Of course, being how the recent N.korea deal was made, maybe hes just slightly pissed off he didint get the same great deal ?
More horrible news that came out of afghanastan today! Mullah dadllah did say he wasint playing games and he was prepared to serve up a dish of his version of justice , however, instead hes gotten himself a one way ticket to a date with a drone. Not that hes thinking hes going to rule the country right? one man, ruling the entire country, when Nato is there kicking ass? silly silly man.The tragic news is that unless Nato somehow sends out a message to the ppl , this mans got the attention and sadly the support of some of the ppl! course shooting at the ppl nearby after the attack didint win NATO any votes either!
Funny how things like the above story happen at a time where it was critical to make surethat movie got back to the DHS version of blockbusters! Like every other nations agencys , once again another vital piece of information is lost. This time it came not in the form of a file , or court transcripts, but a DVD, made by the US during intergations. A excellent read for everyone and it makes some ponder as to what was on the DVD and if this is really case of we lost it or, we are saying its lost, tough! or rummy told em to NEVER show it, because it did show abuse and torture?

What a really disturbing articule folks. New meds to treat these critters,
might, just might end up making humans sick from eating them. Under strong objections from the AMA, the FDA had decided to go ahead and give the green light to a new vaccine to bovines, in order to help prevent the spread of cow flu, something like a lung infection that cows can get and spread. The AMA is saying that this new antibiodict can trigger a humans tolerance to certian antibiodicts, rendering them useless in the event a human gets sick. I dont know of many ppl that when seated a fine establishment will look at the menu and ask if they can get their steak medium rare with just a dash of amoxocilin! My owners already said, when they visit the states, its Bio Bio beef for them.

Other medical news, well if you can call it this, gives us this story over this,
OMG! those poor folks who opened the package and found this, are forever scared for life when it comes to the UPS van. The health experts said, there is no health threat from opening the pack, ok but what about mental health? Do they think these folks are just going to forget about it? If that was my owners, i bet ya one of em would be freaked out for life.
Can we be brutaly honest here and say that the only reason the others spoke out against mizz coulter was due to it hurting their chances at being the pick for presidental canidate in 2008? I hardly think Mitt romney gives two dice rolls over the term fag and probably used it a few times , along with Rudy. But the good outcome is that it smeard those in attendance that night and will be forever linked with Anns comments. There goes the gay vote morons. And you can thank that dumb blonde bitch for that too! WAY TO GO !!!! Sundays blood count in Iraq, here are the numbers.

Other news out there making headlines ,,,
yes dont mention Bush , ignore him and ppl will forget your backing of him?
more protesting still going on!
fighting for those votes!
no rights for them,
when emotions behind a trigger can mean bad things!
ahh the GOP and doing what it can and do best!

NEWS FROM THE HOUSE AND MURPHY AND CO, finds things somewhat differant on this blog tonight. The humans did some deleting of worthless so called spyware and other crap offerd by a Internet service that shall remain annoyomous. New programs were installed and thus hopefully making for a smoother time here at blogger .com. Time will tell i guess. Nothing else really going on here so lets do the part of the blog where ,, its


complete EDDIOTS!

A dish towle can work the same !

I give em A for effort and funny too!


Well folks its that time where i must depart and do my nightly routine here.
filler up at the food bowl, then some water chugging and see a man about a horse before i retire to bed with the human and murphy.
Thanks for having a look at my blog, hope you enjoyed yourselfs too.

Take care fine owners/lovers of the world and mega thanks to the first responders that rescue ppl and pets lifes. Heros you guys and gals are!
See ya next friday. Till then , have a good one :)


MR.CAIN and Co!!!!!!!
Bringing the weekend edition for the love of sanity.

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