My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Sunday, March 18, 2007


HIYA HIYA folks how are you doing? good iam glad to hear this. well i hope everyone had a great st. pats day yesterday and arent paying for it today with the mother of all hang overs! But some do swear by the old hair of the dog that bit you idea, either way, i hear a pickel and a strong extra sweet cup of coffee can cure a bad hangover,,,

Except this one,,, imagine a country where only 5% of the population say they feel safe in their own homes! Basic everyday things like going to school, garbage pickup,electricity, is now done by a test the wind, if its a bad day , theres no doing the above. A good day and not like laura bush details as only one car bomb a day either, might find some of the things ,able to do.

and what does the mastermind of it all do to reflect on the 4 yr anniversary of the war in iraq? go see a football game! The whitehouse said that president bush has nothing special planned to mark the 4 yrs the US has been in iraq. Not even a mention about the fallen soliders either. What a guy! But it could be worse, he could have opted to go for a bike ride! Its like the mans in hiding after his brillant plans turned into the NON midas touch. But he never was brilliant nor his plans from the day the DR smacked em on his ass and said congrats to poppy and babs.

Like good little trolls, following their superiors orders, the FBI is still fixing its mess of how it goes about monitoring phone calls other means of communication that the public does on a daily basis! Still more hemming and hawing over there in whats right whats wrong and who can they blame to take the fall ? and now a audit was called for. Iam sure that will fix the problem. but the ppl of the US should know better then to expect anything to change at the FBI when the above articule shows that during a leak regarding a CIA covert agent, the whitehouse didint even bother to investigate where the leak came from? Now if thats not top notch national security , then i dont know what is? Reason why they never botherd to look was because the rat bastards were INSIDE the whitehouse. Its not rocket science folks, its politics!

thats alot of crime for the army of one to have commited! Good score for the gang over at the CIA! but now begs the question, if this man did commit all those crimes, what about the other ´´bad guys´´ sitting in camp x that were originaly charged with the crimes the man above did? are they now innocent being how case is now closed and its offical that he was the mastermind of many terrorist attacks, etc? Did the US go a bit too far and might find themselfs now scrambling to think fast and find another charge to hold someone ? guilt by association i hear, might be possible in a military court!

really ? or just a bunch of tom clancey freaks talking smack? If it was true would anyone care? no. Walmart has a sale now on the nitendo Wii and american idols new contestants are on, not to mention the death of a glamour former playboy model and the articule above sees the likes of the back page of some newspapers or not at all. And forget, Any cable news like cnn, fox to cover a story like above. its not something ppl want to know,, theres just not enough proof. dead bodies are proof, car bombs, proof, war is proof, breaking news is proof. The stuff above is based on quotes and tips of agent x who wont reveal their real name. so, thats not enough proof. If only it was pudding and bill cosby was doing the CBS news !

rouht row scooby, looks like billy bit off alot , and might choke on it when the shit hits the fan over his comments. a good read folks and ill let you make up your own mind in deciding weather or not hes right or wrong with his comments. like the saying goes, to many cooks in the kitchen ruin a good dish.

more disgusting news coming out of the walter reed scandal. It gets worse folks, this time around a QC quit over protest due to the conditions inside the walter reed building. Now that the chief master of bed pans was fired and then asked for retirement papers, (cover thy ass for a pension) the above articule shows clearly that the place is falling down all around. How Kiley didint know about the conditions is beyond anyones imagination, maybe the army should have brought him a Segway so he could have more mobility to tour the building that was under his command! and if thats not enough, get a load of the next story regarding walter reed medical!

5 star hotel like hopital rooms for some at walter reed. But not the wounded troops unless, they have recieved the medal of honor, are a officer of high rank, a member of congress, president or vice, a overseas ambasador, family members of all the above. If they are just grunts, they get the mold ward where mice droppings were found along with dead cockroaches too. Oh and dont forget the open shower floor plan too, where the floor above had pipes poking thru the ceiling and leaking. IS this now going to get the ball finaly moving to improve the conditions at walter reed? doubtfull,

The lame responce was this,

A spokesman for Walter Reed declined to offer any comment on the situation. But a Pentagon public affairs officer called and promised a response soon.IAP, the private contractor that took over maintaining the hospital last month, released a written statement, saying it acted "without delay" to deal with the situation at Building 40, but that it took a little while to find "electrical schematics" and bring in a "high voltage subcontractor."

the blood count in iraq for sunday,

other news out there for you folks to read,

no need to worry !

the dump truck taxi is getting closer for rubber stamp man!

makes sence, i mean, all those possible ocean front propertys ooooh!

stick it? ahh but now theres poland to ponder about.

Bloomberg has his hands full with this one!

the ppl are fed up and took it to the streets!

seems tonight as one of the humans was taking a bath, murphy decided that he needed to use the bathroom. Course with the human in the tub, it ruined the setting he had in mind for the cat box trip and decided to, well, pee on the bath mat as the human watched in horror! they yelled ´´what are you doing´´ as murph laid his ears back flat and strained hard to empty that bladder on the bath mat. Shoulda saw his eyes folks, they were bugged out bigtime as he did a very fast piss by and then ran for his life! Of course the humans were not thrilled with this little stunt and murph hid upstairs for most of the night. I guess the name like PISSPOT being yelled ,might make a cat stay hidden .
I think murph did it to TAG IT! MINE! some cats do that. dont ask why, cause it is what it is.
Ok well i cant say its funny time , due to some of the videos being not funny but rather odd and twisted. But there is humor in most, so ,, lets rename it and call it,

what a bunch of MORONS! warning,,shooting of wolfs/foxes!
owned by the new wooden spoon trick!!
herman needs to retire!
more skiing fun!
pretty ballsy job, but why all the lights there and not inside the civilian zone?
nothings changed in the south! this guys a asshole!!!
nice group of adults! watch this kid grow up and kick the morons ass!
why? they hurt, ask one of my owners who was zapped by friend as a prank!
my owners would have thrown their laptops out if this happend MMAF!!
and folks wonder why in the states the crime rate jumped ?
ok folks, thats my cue to like get off the comp! thanks for having a look at THE WEEKEND EDITION! ,heres hoping you enjoyed your visit too And many thanks to the first responders that resuce ppl and pets lives! HEROS you guys and gals are! CASE IN POINT? this story,,, see what iam talking about? Oh and sorry about fridays blog pooping the bed. google here had a major meltdown for 40 mins and there was no way to save my post :( i know, i swore too .!
Take care fine pet owners /lovers of the world and i will talk to you fine folks again come friday. Have a great week, till then.

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