My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, March 24, 2007



Hiya Hiya Folks, how are you doing? good iam glad to hear this. Ok its saterday and your sitting there looking at me and wondering, what thrills i might bring you with this blog,, well theres a few things so, lets get it started off with ,,,,say this,,
my my my ! What mess gonzales finds himself in now. First he denied he had any involment with the firing of justice dept. lawyers, then suddenly yesterday the JD admitts that gonzo was at a meeting where discusions took place over such. Since then his cheif of staff kyle sampson had resigned. How the president can stand by this liar is beyond anyones imagination. Even some republicans are showing their contempt for what is a pure lie the whitehouse is trying to spin and deny any illegal activity took place by the AG. Hmm, it leads some to wonder what else wasint uncoverd but will probably turn up soon? will Bush still stand by his man? its been said that when you meet harry reid, your not impressed due to mild manner way about him. However, when he finds corruption and rampant misuse of power, hes more vicious then then lynn cheney and her denile her daughter is gay! now thats GGRRRRR i might add. So when mr. reid says one way or another that gonzos going to depart from his job as the AG , iam prone to believe the man.

In this next story , my owners read it and were disgusted. They hope its not true but whats still disgusting is that remains of victims of 9/11 still lay in the freshkills land fill, where theres no one sifting thru to try and find anything. So when they saw this they were shocked! This has to be the most disturbing story out there today for the news. Plus, why would the man lie , who witnessed this take place? Now papers were filed and iam sure there will be a investigation since its now a matter for the courts. My god, just what is the US goverment doing to its own ppl? even in death they screw em over. this next articule has some doctors in the US, seething with anger over what they call unfair pricing of vaccinations . In the story it goes on to detail that the price of childhood vacs, are on the rise and in most cases, so expensive that the drs. arent reimbursed via the insurance which some refuse to carry. It also states that some drs. have now stopped buying the vaccinations and thus giving them to children. Of course its not rocket science to figure out what might happen if this continues. A increase of childhood diseases and probably marking the come back of german measles, and polio. All due to insurance companys and big drug makers rising the prices or not covering the costs. Is the the USA a great country or what? since its pretty easy now in the states to go bankrupt, the other story above, the parents might use their credit cards to buy their kids the vaccinations! Good read here folks about how easy it is now for loan companies to fly above the general public like vultures and once they have their prey, eat away at their income with the loan . The term good credit is going to be a thing of the past in the states soon, just like the middle class. Anyone can go bankrupt, true but for the folks that needed a second mortgage due to a illness in the family that ate away at savings, these loan companies offer fast up front service. Its the small print that sinks most ppl afterwards. Theres no way they can pay back that loan with the interest rate on it. damn the only thing you can plan on now is death and taxes! wow really? they offer to pay for the vet bills? now thats big of them. Probably only because theres no way the pet food company can avoid or get around the fact their products have killed or made sick, many pets around the nation. With over 95 differant brands of pet food out there, it has pet owners wondering if the next time they feed fido, will that be his last meal? Id just feed em chicken mixed with rice untill they can 100% say that all the pet foods that were contaminated , are now off every store shelf in the states.,,30000-1257356,00.html
sadly the mess with iran and its seize of 15 british marines (one whoms female) isint going to end anytime soon. The iranian goverment has said that the sailors admitted they were in iranian waters. With strong protest from around the world, urging iran to release the saliors growing , the UN slapped iran with more sanctions today! . Iam sure the iranian ppl love the idea that their leader is going to make things harder on them now with even more sanctions imposed. Iran was clever in this sneak attack. waiting untill the british took control of patroling the waters in iraq near some oil rigs. Only 3 weeks into their new post, this takes place? the timing was perfect to say the least. Now iran as 15 bargin chips to use for whatever it deems fit. Its not winning iran and favors with other goverments. Heres hoping a deal can be reached and fast for the sake of the saliors familys and for the sake of another war NOT developing.,2506,L-3380195,00.html is Col. Mustard righ with his words over iran? In his words he says that the world waited to long to topple irans regime and should have done so 4 yrs ago. Some are saying well how could have been carried out in a non military way? plant some US backed terror groups in iran and have some car bombs go off here there everywhere untill the ppl got fed up and demanded a new regime or a new leader? Its a good read folks, hes sniffing up the right tree, but his bark is alittle off game .

The Blood Count in Iraq for saterday, but its progress in Bushs eyes.

Other news out there for you folks to read and ponder about,,,,,
well that didint take very long now did it?
maybe if kathy harris was on the board, he might have gotten it?
it wont get shut, not if AG gonzo has any say over it!
woolmer leads?


Well, its not about us, but about what some folks are saying about tony snow operation he had today to check for cancer, and Beth edwards cancer too. Folks there were some ppl on various blogs, wishing both of them to die. I wont mention any blog names, but its pretty sick to wish cancer on some one whos already had it. And its sick to wish that person dead too. Cancer isint a pretty disease. it dosint care if your white, black, tall, thin, rich , poor, live here, there or anywhere, if your a good person or a bad person, and it damn sure does not care weather or not your a republican or a democrat either! So as you can see on the right side bar on this blog, my owners know what its like in dealing with someone who has cancer. any type of it is bad period. We here at MY VIEW FROM THE LITTER BOX, wish the best for beth edwards and tony snow. and for the love of whatever god you worship, enough with the wishing cancer on ppl. Thank you.

what ever happend to helmets? ouchie!
hate to admitt it but my owners been there and done that!
The Numa guy comes alive via chocolate syrup
something tells me its gonna be munchie time soon for the redhead!
MMAF!!! excellent
funny prank on laptop.
judge judy at her best!
oldie but a goodie
for slo-mo fans, this ones pretty neat.

ok folks, thats my WEEKEND EDITION for tonight. Hope you enjoyed yourself here, come back tomorow for more . And mega thanks to the first responders who rescue ppl and pets lifes. Heros you guys and gals are. Take care folks and take care fine pet owners/lovers of the world too. See ya tomorow. till then, have a nice saterday and remember, no cancer wishing crap either!


MR. CAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity!

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