My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Monday, March 26, 2007

YAWN,,,,ahh another monday and i see you have come back to My view from the litter box. Thanks. Why are mondays like say, looking a pile of fresh laundry that has to ironed? Boring, not fun and it has to be ? Perhaps its another reminder of what the day will bring. More of the same from last monday or something differant? So, imagine my suprise when my owners spied this story. Its not on the monday menue that i can remember. Tst tst tst,, now it has began,
WHAT? so says this story . Now, i dont know whos to blame for this really. Its looking like more and more iran is playing some serious headgames with the world, with the nuke power program its says it will get no matter what! And then of course the above story with the 15 marines seized by iran claiming they had illegaly crossed into their waters! I do know , that by blaming others for the action of another isint going to make the matter better. If anything, it will make it worse for those involved. Lets not do a CIA FBI thing, where for yrs, they refused to share information and well look what happend with that brilliant idea!
yeah yeah, MR. tuffass! and iam sure you would have bombed em too! in another display off ignorance, this guy shoots his mouth off based on what? probably the same info you and i read . Its not the USA troops and the british do things slightly differant then them. Perhaps it was a trap and the brits knew if they attempted to fire it would result in their immeditate death , or maybe the enjoy the idea of life too much to take a chance and get shot ? either way, i dont think its ok to say ´´well i would have done or that´´ if they werent there at the time of the event took place. Speculation yes, but its for the brits to solve. Not a invite for washington to go bombing every damn thing under the sun! BUTT OUT!!!
Like little kids gathering easter eggs, Musharraf is gathering up his politcal rivals like eggs and tucking them inside his basket! hundreds of em too, thats alot of eggs for one man to keep and claim they are against the saftey of the goverment , or whatever wording he wishes to use. Face it Musharrf, that dump truck taxi from washington is coming, and your the fare! well that only took what a few days before they spoke out? But wheres Malki in the middle on all this? its the brits that are safe guarding his country and hes still not held any press show to demand the release of the 15 marines that iran has! Its not winning malki any favors from anyone really. And for the war opposers, its only adding more fuel to the fire. By not demanding iran release the brits, you can probably bet the UK Troops will scale back most of their operations in iraq and tell em your on your own untill we get em back! So when malki sees his saftey ride to and from the green zone become only one humvee , he might then speak up!
my owners had to laugh when they read this one. Its a slam dunk no brainer! Now lets give you a few examples of what ´´wasderface´´ has witnessed on various blogs, chat rooms and websights that back up this story. It goes like this!
the french for some in the states are still called ´´french faggots´´. the folks of oriental origin are still called ´´chinks.. Folks from germany,, yep ´´nazis´´ and for the UK? ´´ slimey limey´´! Now why do they think the rate of tourist have dropped? would you go to a country and overheard these remarks and recommend it to a friend to visit? hell no!
My owners read this and wonderd about it for awhile. ´´ it was better when the mob ran it´´ comment made em laugh! Sadly that comment might be true! ´´it was better when the mob ran it´´!. Little italy isint the way it used to be. But keeping with tradition is what folks want. To cancel this is like to cancel this citys parade, it would not go over well at all! But what can you do? badda boom badda bing! Pfft And Bush touts this as progress? its a crying shame really! a good read folks. Maybe bush spoke to the wrong god, when he invaded iraq,,, because i dont think god wanted this to take place. But still in bushs eyes its progress being made . Only a proffesional shrink could tell you just what goes thru that mans mind. Denile? being surrounded by a bunch of asskissers, that show him good reports, and limit the scope of the bad in iraq? or is bush hearing thing,like, ´´your doing good george, dont be believing non of that talk you wife made about one car bomb a day .´´ just you dont go believing one cotton picking word of it! As i said before its a crying shame folks really!
He talked to the insurgents, why cant bush? syria had talks with israel, why cant bush? iraq talked to iran , why cant bush? because hes a moron thats why! In Bushs eyes, talking with the those folks shows a backdown, sign of weakness, cant be tolerated. Must ignore the signs that talks are needed and keep on doing the running the circus and pretending to the world , things are fine . Its no wonder why the Brits have not asked the US for any help with their troops that were seized by iran. Bush wouldint talk, he would bomb , then say, ´´see its progress,, hehe,, god told me heheh´´!
The blood count in iraq for monday is this,,
other news out there making headlines,, or headaches are these links,,
anytime a person pleads the 5th, you know damn good and well they are hiding something!,0,4770733.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines
they found some traces of her drug system containing blood!
they , dont know but are pretty good at TIDE! this makes sence how again?
no comment really. i just cant!
more please,, thanks , gear up!,1518,473953,00.html
Get your snorkels ready! and figures they get the claim to it all!,1518,473862,00.html
quid pro ,,,,,,,,,,,
ok so your wondering where are the pics i post on the blog? BLOGGER or ALICE is being a down right bitch tonight, i know,, i miss my pic selection too! So, my apologies,, but go ask alice, as she was freshly formed. and dont go chasing rabbits, etc.
well iam sorry for my blog lacking the pics tonight! only one would load. Heres hoping its better tomorow night. Thanks for stopping on down and reading my blog, or not! Take care folks and see ya tomorow night . take care and enjoy the eveing! or morning,, or where ever you might be. Heres hoping its a safe place and where you can do your own thing too!
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,,,,Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero - Seize the day, trust as little as possible in tomorrow. (Horace)
Regards,, Murphy von Bauer.

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