My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Monday, March 05, 2007


Greetings folks and welcome for another week My view From The Litter Box blog.
Theres alot of news out there, one most that sticks out in the americans is the walter reed commison hearings today. Utterly sad, to hear the stories that the soliders told and their spouces too. Theres really just no cause for such a thing but its not Walter reed, seems this has been going on in other parts across the nations VA hospitals,, case in point,,, read it and wonder why this was all just kept hush hush and those who could have done something about it didint. Just turned a blind eye and stood behind the commander in cheif, who was pumping more and more troops into the war and once home, pumping more and more money OUT from the vets benifits and well as you can see, possibly even the VA hospitals that care for the vets. GREAT JOB morons who voted for Bush and even better for the arm chair warriors who think Iraq and its mess can be won.,13319,127437,00.html? One thing my owners never quite understood, was when Malki over In Iraq, told Al sadar, that hes no longer is going to be protected and oh by the way a raid is coming into your city so make sure your not around nor your bad boys either . Is Malki serious? Washington let this moron somehow slither his ass into the Iraq goverment and has the balls to tell the bad guys when the US troops and other coalilition forces will launch a assult? Thats like giving your enemy battle map plans and making sure they know everything. So like most expect, today when the Army entered Sadar city, they encounterd nothing. The streets empty of any bad guys and not a single shot was fired on them or they returned fire. Somehow somewhere , there is a group of ppl that just love the idea that the war in Iraq isint going to end anytime soon and is making billions of it too. might this next story be somewhat assinine? 2 weeks the british troops announce their pullout plans, they leave a sector they pratroled and boom, a suprise unannounced visit by Iraqi and british troops find that like a kindergarten, you just cant leave some alone for 5 mins and come back and find things running smoothly. Signs of torture, and up to 30 prisoners were discoverd inside. Of course when news of this reached Prime Minister Malki, he was angry at the invasion by the british and iraqi troops , but made no mention over the discovery of abused prisoners found there. Something isint quite right with Malki, hes playing the Us for money, dry humping the country into more inner fighting and all bets are on, he wont be living in Iraq when he steps down from his post.

Karzai is pissed and this time,he has good reason. Now, the facts are still coming in and one thing that cannot be disputed is the suicide attack on the military convoy. However, reports from witnesses there, suggest that the Troops went ape shit afterwards and fired in all directions , killing 9 civilians, and wounding 30.

Reporters on the scene said that the US troops demanded they delete their film and video they shot after the attack . Karzai is a guy whos all heart and is trying to make his country safe and stable. But due to the Iraq war and Oil being more important to washington then his country, hes pretty much left the job of over seeing military ops to nato without a whimper . And he damn sure didint phone ahead to the taliban and tell em, ´´hey the americans are coming, flee town and come back when i give the all clear sign´´ much like PM of iraq Malki. So when something like the above story happens, More ppl are willing to believe Karzai and in doing so, get to the bottom of what happend and if there was illegal killings based on ?? then let justice be done. Once again the ottman problem comes back to washington and for washington to decide, weather or not there was a genocide commited by Turkey in 1915 to 1925 befour things quioted down do to allie troops forcing turkey to stop the slaughter. And par for the course, the turkish goverment is already sqawking about it, sitting in denile isle every time its brought up in congress. Words like, ´´could greatly damage relations with washington and bring about upset in certian uses of air bases near by , the turkish goverment has hinted it might suspend such operations if congress declares a genocide or simply agrees there was one and puts it before a vote.

Hinting also that such a thing to happen might make violence from declaring such spill over into iraq and iran and turkey wouldint be able to stop the spread of it,, its bullshit! and washington knows it. Do some research and you can find that in 1916 a delegate from the United states wrote to washington telling them of the rounding up of the armenians and death marches, killings and daily slaughters, untill the turks deliverd the armenains to their final resting place, the syrian desert! pictures dont lie nor do the witness still alive today.

ok we coverd alot so far and this time up is Germany. And how the US goverment tried to play twist the arm in order for germany not to go ahead and indicte13 CIA officers that had seized a legal citizen and had illegal fly overs and stop overs in germany. washington wasint pleased. after all they cant have any truths be opended up and exposed for the illegal activities they have done in the name the war on terror! speaking of, check this story out. ahh that pesky david hicks trial! now its gotten to the point where the defence lawyer is finding himself facing charges! Seems if the other side cannot win farily, they must resort to accusing the other of illegal actions and comments. Its a good read folks and kind of makes you think why now suddenly is the defence lawyer getting the kick in the teeth, unfairly i might add. Why could it be that the charges against hicks are made up and there are no laws on the books that can show hicks commited a crime? due to the crack down on illegal immigrants fleeing faster then ann coulters friends after her comments, its now a possiblity that coldorado might have to implement its prison systems into doing work once done by the now gone migrints. Farmers who once relyed on the migrant workers have seen them leave and now have very costly crops that need to be attended to. Solution? let the prisoners do the jobs.

Ok but this has some really worried about possible prison excapes and at 60 cents a day , what prisoner is going to go out in the hot sun and bust his back? or will it be a forced labor idea? good read folks and all its going to take is one man who wants freedom more then 60 cents a day, attempt to excape and in doing so, something major happens. But thats how it goes, and like karl rove said, ´´i dont want my son picking tomatoes´´!

Just how these two can sit there and not say anything , after the fact that Mary cheney was in attendance at the CPAC, when ann coulter made the fag comment is beyond me.

But maybe in marys world, she need not worry over the term faggot or fag. Perhaps her group of ppl are just to damn coward to speak up and condem such hate words. But iam sure one day, when marys unborn child enters the world and goes to her or his first day at school and god forbid ann coulter reproduces, and those two meet up, it would go something like ´´hi fag´´ hi hater´´! and yet mary cheney says nothing. not even her heather utters a protest. So ,enjoy it mary when one day your kids in day care and another kid repeats names their parents said.
what ? are you going to sue the parents? the school? better sue ya daddy first, he didint mind having those hate folks sponsoring his re election back in 2004!

Other news out there making headlines or headaches are,,

jesus and edwards !

remove the pics and remove the scumbag from society as well!!

dick gets a bloodclot! yanno its not funny and dangerous too. One of my owners had one once! pass the buck Kiley you "§$%&/(! more Ann please!? Like i said before, cnn sucks along the same lines as FOX and msnbc.

Blood count for Monday in Iraq,,

like fox and other networks, the troops dont matter!
Brings you, the same old same old. Seems ´´wasderface´´ has to go see a eye doctor about something wrong with their right eye. Might be the car accident they had when they were 12 and since then a scar thing grew on the retenia? thingy?
dunno, but iam sure this means if they have to have surgery, my time around them will be limited do to hair from me. No more toilet visits and jumping on their lap as they do the wakey wakey routine :(
Other news here, sees ´´the spoiler´´ doing great and since the sink problem is fixed finaly, that means the window man cometh soon! ahh screens where i press my nose against without falling out and windows where i can spie thru and no one can see me doing so EXCELLENT! cause some of the neighbors here are mean and hate cats etc.
Cain got the better of me today. There i was minding my own bizz laying on the bed next ´´wasderface´´ when suddenly 26 pounds of pure puck jumped on me and had me pinned! maybe it was the bed shaking or my panic meow, but it woke ´´wasderface´´ and they werent pleased with this assualt on the bed and so close to their face either. So we ran, they got up and that was the start of our late day here :)! ok folks,, yanno its that time,,,,
KINDA FUNNY, But he had to bait the squirl? MORON!!!
WHEN HE SAID OLD MESSING HE WAS RIGHT! messy and needs practise bigtime!
Times up here for me on the view from the litter box! Hope you folks had fun and enjoyed yourself. Thanks for stopping on down and reading my blog, or not!
Talk to you fine folks come tomorow night, till then dont forget to let the cat in befour going to bed ok? otherwise, kiss good bye your screen doors ;)!
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,Nemo ante mortem beatus - Nobody is blessed before his death. We never know what is future preparing for us!
( for Smoke, hang in there buddy!)

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