My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Greetings folks and welcome back to my view from the litter box. After last nights breaking story about black sites in poland and other parts of europe, heres the offical reaction from those countries and the director of the cia had to say about their no no ops being made public,,,,
of course hes going to deny such a thing. Iam sure he likes his life to much to say, ´´hey your right, we did do this and we were told by so in so to let it take place and recieved a handsome reward for our coperation ´´! But back in 2005, this man said this,
to a polish newspaper. So which story is it? yes no or maybe ? or the famous ´´we cannot comment to this story citing security measures´´? regardless, Think poland is a place my owners will avoid visiting for quite some time if they wish to act like such. Perhaps some miss the days of KGB and STAZI like times where papers were demanded just to use the restrooms!

In more bizzare like news concerning Europe and their new tactics adopted from the likes of this man,
sweden announced today that they too will intercept emails and phone calls ingoing and out from their country . why yes with all those terrorists running amuck over there pretending to be meatball makers, its a must now to invade the privacy of its ppl just like the USA does to theirs. Has the world gone batty? did you hear that noise? its the sound of scratching my pencil of countries to visit! OFF the list.

More news from the walter reed army hospital, this time it pretains to the death of a soilder there. Now one person has come forward and addmited there was a cover up as to how bad things were in walter reed but was afraid that such revelations would give the army a bad rap.
one has to stop and wonder just how many other deaths possibly occured there due to piss poor staff and training? in news pretaining to the same walter reed, this story above has it so that the pentagon lacks the basic insight and training staff wise to properly determine a brain injury that a solider might have recieved! Think its time someone at the top starts to rattle the bars on the folks who are currently running walter reed? Even in small town hospitals, when docs arent sure if there is a brain injury, they send the patient to a bigger clinic that can make sure with use of equitment and properly trained staff, a person isint running around with a messed up cranium! 72% of army brigades have done mutli tours!!!!!!!!! its a great read folks and it shows just how much the troops have to put up with over there. I think its high time congress pulls the plug on this war to nowhere fast. If the US cannot afford or care to find the money to afford these guys and gals the health care benifits once they return now, whats going to happen when this war is still raging on in 2010? Any money left over is being used for more war material. And thru it all Bush still is hacking vet benifits.

at the start of the war after the fall of baghdad, this man was busy in north iraq, helping rebuild what was destroyed. the ppl there had no hate towards him nor his men. all was calm and ran smoothly, even as the first stirings of insurgents began, then sudenly rumsfeld gets wind of this, yanks him from his post and tells him, ´´we arent into nation rebuilding´´! within 6 months later, his old stomping ground was looking like sadar city. Now since rumsfeld was dumped, Gen. David Petraeus said today that its critical to start having talks with insurgent leaders and ppl because theres no way a military win was possible in Iraq! See how the truth can be told once ppl like rumsfeld were told to get out of the way and let the Gens do their jobs? and finaly the pentagon gets smarter and makes military trucks that can withstand a blast from a IED and has started rolling out this new line of trucks mass production,,13319,127822,00.html? i mean it only took how many deaths untill someone got smarter then the bad guy? EDDIOTS!
amazing things can run better well better, ok more then better then before since rummy is gone and the republicans dont control the house and senate anymore.

In other news George Mcgovern says that cheneys has got to go as VP! with wording like disgracing the constitution, Mcgovern goes on to say its time for cheney to leave and no doubt in my mind cheney has done some impeachable offences. Its a good read folks and maybe Dick will read a paper sometime and stop watching FOX. Its about time someone called Dick on his VP mishandlings and tell the man that hes not worthy to have the title of Vice President.

Speaking of Fox,, seems will decline a debate on Fox . Citing tour conflicts, which is edwards way of saying ´´stick it fox theres no way iam going on your smear show´´ edwards will not be appearing on fox nor any other demo canidate for that matter. Good, send fox a message that their smear tactics just wont work anymore.
let the assclowns sit around and have a bitch fest , no ones listening to them anymore.

with libby still slack jawed over his conviction and now perhaps its turning into lock jaw, it didint take much time for the big push on bush to pardon him by the conservatives! like vultures they flew straight in for their ambush and pretty much demanded that bush use his powers to offer a pardon for libby. The big question is,, will bush cave in and do it, or avoid more scandal on his already blemished record as president and decline the pardon? its 50/50 with this and after all does bush really care about libby? Bush will be a free agent soon as his term expires. I think then he can hop on his Mt. Bike and crank bostons, ´´dont look back´´ and destroy other nations that loom out there on the horizon! supenas being issued as we type is the word over at camp dem. looking into misconduct by the AG and its firing of dept of justice layers who didint think the way gonzo thought they should, The fallout from the investigation into why the prosecutors were dismissed continued yesterday. ´´ Sen. Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) hired a top defense attorney to handle a related probe by the Senate ethics committee, which is investigating allegations that he pressured a New Mexico prosecutor to bring indictments against a Democrat just before the November elections.The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote today to authorize subpoenas for Justice officials, including Michael A. Battle, who carried out the firings, and Kyle Sampson, chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales.´´

excellent read folks and it just might find another one of bushs boys looking at some serious punishment if not losing his job!

In another par for the course with FEMA and its never ending bungle of mishandling funds and short changing the ppl when a disaster strikes, the story above goes one further . Fema refuses to give some of its surplus trailers to the victims of the two torandos that tore into arkansas because President Bush hasint declared it a disaster area! Nice! more brilliant accounting for bush and his band of bastards that controll the purse strings! Maybe if say one day a family member of fema is stuck with their ass hanging in the wind, and they get a trailer pronto, might fema be revamped and this time with a fair and balanced plan as to whats important and whats pure waste . Even with the firing of mikey brown, fema still reeks . someone made a big goof on the new one dollar GW coins! Seems in god we trust wasint stamped on the coins. The coins have the words on the outside edge , something the US mint hasint done to coins since 1932. The Mint isint sure how many coins are out there missing the logo and as far as the value goes, its still yet to be determind if there will be one. The mint can request those in possesion of the mismarked coins to hand them back for exchange of a correctly minted coin. If i had one, id keep it !! :)

Arrests made over missing uranium in the Congo ? so says this articule. Notice the fact too that there has been other cases of missing uranium over the yrs but no one noticed the amount and didint really think to much over it. it also goes on to say ´´A mine in Congo's southern province of Katanga supplied the uranium that was used in the atomic bombs that were dropped by the Americans on the Japanese town of Hiroshima in 1945.
To thank and reward Congo, the Americans funded the creation of Congo's nuclear centre in 1958. ´´´ Think the US has to many uranium mines ? like mastercard, they are everywhere! I wonder if some one out there has a fact sheet over the number of mines the US has.
other news out there making headlines,, and headaches are,,

norway gets sued over himmlers nazi program for master race children.

bill gates warns the US on its kick em out of the country is making the USA dumb and dumber by losing more ppl with brains who wish to live there?

Dachhunds race dying out in germany.

a very nice greeting for bush during his tour in latin america.

no freedom for this moron!

human sheilds? isint that a no no ?
need a new RV? wanna go see the great outdoors? fema might be selling some!

brings us once again with not alot . aside from almost tripping ´´wasderface´´ in the kitchen tonight, and in the process having my toe stepped on, things are ok here. Cains still sleeping all day under the dinning room chair, far from reach when i want to play , ´´lets pounce on cain´´. There was another bed fight last night as i fought for control over who gets to sleep next to ´´the spoiler´´ this time cain lost out as i did a combo paw punch on his head. he took off and sought solace from ´´wasderface´´ who was out in the living room during the 30 second fight. DING DING i won, TKO! OK FOLKS, yanno the drill,,


OK folks, my times up here . Hope you enjoyed yourselfs. Take care and talk to you fine gals and guys come monday. Cains up tomorow for the weekend edition!
Have a good weekend and thanks for stopping on by and reading my blog,, or not!
Oh and remember to let the cat in before going to bed. Which is where iam off to now. Bed and snuggle time with ´´the spoiler´´! and remember to check those GW dollar coins and hang on to one if its not minted right ;)~
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,,Conditio sine qua non - Condition without which not, or an essential condition or requirement.

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