My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, March 03, 2007


and ill get back to you folks,,,brb! sorry phone call came in,,
Ok where were we? oh yeah Hiya Hiya Folks how are ya doing? Good Good Iam glad to hear this! Things here are good too , ok so lets round it up for you in a neat pack , starting with this,,

Seems since Ann coulters gutter comments about john edwards being a fag and her use of the word , i thought enoughs enough. Since the media didint comment on her foul lingo which i hope hurts Mitt romneys chances bigtime as hes judged by who he hangs out with, i feel as though its in my duty to post this for ann!

fitting dont you think?
seems Howard Dean had some words for the sybil . Good read folks , check it out and then email CNN or FOX or CBS or any other news stations out there and ask them why they arent covering Ann coutlers use of hate words? if they are aware of such, why do they condone it and continue to have her on their shows as a guest?

+ =

So says the above articule regarding Bush and his push for private health services. Excellent read folks . But then again, everything Bush every did ended up turning to pure shit! His oil company, gone. His once term as owner of a national baseball team? ended horrible, and well look at his presidency and you get the picture of this mans ability.

ahh the same old song and dance!
Sighting once again the famous, ´´its a threat to the national security´´ routine, a judge has thrown out a torture case brought against the C.I.A yet again! I thought all those new changes that were made in the yrs after 9/11 ensured that security was top priority and the ppl didint have to worry anymore? Now suddenly they are saying in a sence, that ´´well its not quite safe as we led ya to believe´´? wtf? can it get anymore Hitler like over there in the USA? whats next, being arrested because you forgot your drivers licence at home as you went for a walk and a police officer stops you? Because after all, no drivers licence or papers might mean a threat to national security!

is what happend to this man, left, have anything to do with took place with this man?
and getting back to that national security thing, Um, this took place in the nations capitol! Washington. The shootings took place just a few days after Joyal went on television to say that he believed Vlad Putin was responsible for the death of .

Now even a moron can spot a incredible amount of suspicion here as to why some one took pot shots at Joyal. But, like most cloak and dagger events, it will simply fade from the news, and perhaps a homless man will be arrested for it. Move along folks, nothing to see here, routine?

didint i tell you folks, that wishing that VP cheney was killed during the suicide attack in afgahnastan was bad? In the above articule, due to a few morons making comments about the seriousness over the attack, suddenly the ´´liberal bloggers ´´have come under fire from the right and the middle. Read the articule about it folks . It just added more fuel to the fire to the 70 something ex klans man down in florida who still thinks that all liberals should be strung up along with them pesky queer folk too! EDDIOTTS!!

whos the weakest link? This satire on Blair and Bush is hillarious! check it out . Good job for the dudes who put this togeather too ;)

Other news out there making some headlines ,,

The Blood Count In Iraq For Saterday,

did he hand out little flags too?

cool to see this!
another 7,000 troops needed for ´´the surge´´?
well laura its not only one car bomb a day now is it?!
remember how the republicans said that the dems would cut funding for the troops? HA!



ok thats it for tonight! I hear one of the humans putting down some food in the cat bowl for tomorow morning. Meaning, it should be there for us , so they can sleep late. But like a republican at some fund raiser if i see something extra i can get and not get caught at it,, ill take it and play dumb the next day!´´ FOOD what food,, i didint eat it,,´´!
Take care folks and hope you enjoyed your visit here. Talk to you again come tomorow night :) till then, beware the mento dad!
Mega thanks to the first responders that rescue ppl and pets lifes, heros you guys and gals are! take care fine pet owners/ lovers of the world.
MR.CAIN,, and co.
bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity.

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