My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Sunday, March 25, 2007

THE WEEKEND EDITION!!!!! ( pay no mind to the human elbow)

HIYA HIYA FOLKS! How are you doing? good i hope. Heres to a nice sunday from sunny germany . News wise, its pretty quiet , which is good, or could be bad depending on the situation. So with that, go grab some fav beverage, snacks and sit back and start sundays blog off , with this!

Great, once you throw the word,, ´´espionage ´´ you can pretty much kiss it goodbye! But thats the new charges made against the 15 marines that iran claims were invading their waters. Of course this has put the poodle in a bind. And iran knows this. Public support for the war was dwindling faster then the bumper stickers in the states Bush/cheney 2004! The EU has joined in and also demanded that return of the 15 marines. But iran says no deal . Unless,, the US releases 5 republican guard members they caught in iraq. Yet time and time again, we see the US position on dealing with terrorist, they dont negotiate, not even for the poodle. itching for a fight? the humans were talking about this today and one made the comment about how some back in the states would say, ´´just bomb em´´ why yes, that will sure as hell make iran give back the 15 marines. At least poodle is not using harsh lingo and is going about this thru the proper channels diplomaticaly. So for now, unless something else happens, and this time it involves US troops in iraqi waters , the bombing idea is off the table.

pyscho frau goes free! Yes in a brillant move made by the courts here in germany it was determind that she had served enough time and she was released today. My owners think this worthless cold blooded bitch, should have stayed behind bars for the rest of her natural life. Not even a sorry to the familys of the victims she took part in murdering , nothing. I think there was one ´´it was wrong´´ not i was wrong, so in a sence shes still in denile what she did was wrong and admitted to it along the lines so in a legal way to make her discharge from prison. Some might say well that was a long time ago when she was in the RAF and commited the crimes, true, but shes not sorry about it, maybe sorry she was caught. Heres hoping the police dog her like white on rice .

Next time you go any peace rally or protest, be aware of the stranger that comes up to you posing as a fellow protestor. Chances are they are probably a undercover police office, as the above story goes on to explain. NYs finest, walked among the crowds, gathering information about various groups , who they were, the member of the group and gatherd all this information to used as a data bank with other law enforcment arcoss the state and nation. Gives new meaning to the term ´´they walk among us´´!

IT GETS THE DIRT ON YOU! in what many are saying now, who actually work there,, the USA data base used to collect names that match up or sound simiular to names of a suspected terrorist had gone on overkill! Once you make the list, there little chance your name will be removed anytime soon. I mean look at Ted Kennedy who was stopped from boarding a airplane due to his name matching up or simular to a suspected criminal. It took him hours to get the mess straighted out but if it can happen to him and cat stevens, whos converted to islam and to this day isint alollowed inside the US, it can happen to anyone. Good read folks and check out how high the number of ppl who made the list as compare to the list when it first was started shortly after 9/11. Its overkill. And if these suspected terrorist are out there using innocent ppls names or sound simular, why havint they been caught ?

Good job puppet boy! the above link, breaks it down for you folks regarding the albert gonzales case, Hes the AG in washington who currently seems to have alot of ppl calling for him to resign. He said he wont, hes in this for the kids? wtf, anyway, it also reads about presidents radio speach he gives every weekend and in it he says hes determind to stand by Gonzo and has his full support too. HMMF! so there nancy! I swear if you didint know any better, Bush comes off a spoiled child ,who can kick scream cry and make a scene to get his own way. Another good link to the same story can be found here, and its detail about gonzo losing suppport from within his own party!
and another excellent read can be found here as well!

as far as the impeachment, same can be said about Bush, heres another articule detailing this idea,, here.
you go chuckie you go!!!!

and yet she still cant get anyone on the table talk , to come around her way and see things differantly. What does she do? I am sure shes limited in her promises of what she can offer to her dimwitted boss, but the last 2 trips she made, she smiled alot, had some photo ops, shook hands, Promised to have her boss look into things, and then enjoys a fine dinner with heads of state in both countries, and then leaves, smiling and waving. For all that man power it takes to safe guard her vactions, as i call em, it sure isint doing much good with her status as a peace broker. Cons problem is, one, she cant speak any arbic always a good thing to be able to do when visiting palestine! Second, she was trained in affairs regarding the now defunct soviet union. Since that collasped, shes treading water on her skills when it comes to the mid east. Go home condie,, really.

THINK FAST! what flag is this?
iraq? nope, irans? nope. Jordons? nope. egypt? nope. israle? NO! algeria? nope, bahrain? nope.libya? nope. Kuwait? nope. lebanon? nope. palenstine? nope! give up? its the flag of the taliban!!! and folks this next read is a must for everyone whos wondering why the taliban is a die hard force . its a behind the scene look that a very brave reporter did with the taliban and can be found here,, like i said its a excellent read. for more infor regarding the taliban , use this , and by that it means these guys are not boy scouts either or your hidy hoe friendly neighbor.

The Blood Count In Iraq for sunday,,
other news out there for you folks to check out are,,
well seems tonight i wanted murph out of MY chair and kicked em out. But after seeing his face, i decided a good old butt kicking was in order. So i launched my 26 pounds of kitty fat and muscle on em and pinned flat to the floor! should have seen it folks,, he was trapped tighter then say, dennis hasert inside a small planes restroom! now that tight! i pawed, fake bit and bunny back feet kicked him in the stomach untill he meowed. The humans broke it up after 1 min. i wasint out for blood, just wanted to play with em and wipe the look of comtempt off his face over the chair deal ! I WON! Muhahahahahha.. Ok its that time,, so get ready to laugh or curse,,
MORONS ON TAPE!!(well not all are)
Think he was fired or she quit after this yelling match? Holy Moly!!!
oh that was smart! now they know your face EDDIOTTS!
isint this the fat kid that made the filthy mouth rap song ? EDDDIOT!
wonder how many beers he had when he developed this idea?
ok then,,,
he did ask him twice in a nice manner !
id like to see him fire a 10 gauge like that!
how dumb can he be?
think that was alittle to close for comfort?
New Orleans jazz, great stuff!
and this dudes a preacher? whoa!!!!
OK! my blogging time if over for this weekend! Hope you enjoyed the weekend edition and come back for more this friday! Thanks for having a look and have a geat week folks too. Take care and mega thanks to the First responders who rescue ppl and pets lifes! HEROS you guys and gals are! and to the fine pet owners/lovers of the world, take care as well,, and have a eye on the pet food list.
see ya next friday :)
bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity.

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