My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Greetings folks who have paid yet another visit to this blog. Heres hoping your day went well . So lets get it started for thursdays blog. ( germany is 6 hours ahead here) should we all do the ketchup song now? articule below as follows.

Its now offical that Mr. Kerry Ketchup will not seek a second attempt to run for president in 2008! I guess, that botched joke he made about troops being stupid, really nailed it for his career as a president. He could however ask to have a seat at the cabinet if the demos win the 2008 election as say, the head honcho at the Food and Drug Administration.

Less then 24 hours after Bush made his SOTU , heres a story thats a clear indication that congress just isint up for the ´´one more chance´´ deal. Now its just sort of like prelimiary but if its already failed there,, you know its going to do a nose dive on the house floor and die in agony like most bills do. Sorry Bush, but ppl have had it with your one more chance crap.

Heres a story my owners read and wondering just what this could and will all lead up to. Perhaps they are taking the scenic route home? << but then again, something tells all of you humans, thats not going to be case. Now we kinda know why bush said lastnight in his speech that he wants americans to cut their gasoline useage by 20%. Of course, there will be a shortage once the shit hits the fan over in Iran.

Another story, this one comes from london. Now america was founded by forefathers who saw fit to keep seperate church and state. and that used to be the case, because of the crappy way it was and still is done over in london. check this articule out folks,,
Cherie needs to stfu and get out of her husbands office.If the Poodle had any balls he would tell the daft twit to leave his job to himself to manage.

Were you ever oppressed? watched? kept from living your life free? couldint march and demostrate to show your displeasure over your goverment? were your views, hindering your job advancments or did you lose your job over em? did a univeristy kick you out because of all the above? if you said yes, its too damn bad you didint live in the former Commie east germany. Because now they are paying folks who had to suffer thru all that.,1518,461890,00.html Yes, yet again, the west must bail out the east . Id like to know where the money is going to come from, but then it dawned on me. After they raised the taxes here up another 3% making it a total of now 19% taxes on everything, thats where the money will come from and be used! While jobs leave the west to help the east, and now money will be shoved up their asses, its kinda of gotten us folks who live in the west alittle puzzled. But pffft, someones gotta make up the differance yanno? Enjoy west folks.

While we are speaking of the east of germany, heres a rather gruesome articule my owners spied and were horrified to say the least!,1518,461986,00.html Um,, wtf? Now thats some really sick ass twisted SOBs . read it but be warned its not a nice story for cat owners or lovers either.

Instant asshole? no need to add water? just shove a mic in its face and like a chia pet one gets this! This man not only looks slightly off kilter, but his so called journalist reporting is briming with bullshit from top to bottom. I have no hope for ppl that watch or listen to FOX news. If anything, iam pretty much laughing at em. my owners snicker at some of em while viewing the daily show and a clip is used about Fox news.

if this does indeed to turn out to be nothing more then a bunch of drunken assclowns who beat down someone for looking like a terrorist, then id say, kick em all off the campus. and no more football either. My owners for the life of em, cant believe that this could really happen because of someone looking brown and has a accent? Unreal shit folks. I mean in Moscow, it is comon for skin heads to stomp, beat and sometimes kill folks who arent white or dont speak russian, true. But then again, the United states is NOT russia !

For the love of mankind, shove a hailburton stock in it already DICK!

With missing shingles still, my owners are hoping the roofers get here fast with this news!

Some odd news,,

News from The House Of Murphy and Co, brings tales of more illness. Now it seems that´´ wasderface´´ is sick again with the sinus infection they thought they were over. It seems that the dr, whom both of my owners went to, was and is alittle wussy when it comes to perscribing antibiodicts. So now its back to the drs again this friday for both of em. Ones sneezing and blowing their nose, the other, still has bronchitis and its not getting any better. 4 weeks of this shit and even i, am begining,to think the humans , doctor is a EDDDIOT!!

The roofer didint show today. Nice. And its colder then a witches tit outside since a cold front moved in too. Cain and I got into it again tonight. I was just messing with em and he suddenly freaked out and jumped on me. mega weight so we fought untill one of the humans barked a squeaky voice for us guys to ´´stop the shit´´ . I ran upstairs, cain hid, etc. same old same old. Ok lets end the news here for now and do this,,

Well folks its that time of the night where i must go snack , then do a paw wash and other assorted washings that i will not share here with you.
Thanks for stopping on by and reading my blog, or not! Hope you all enjoyed your time spent here, if not, use the comment box to offer any insight or ideas.
Talk to ya fine folks, come,,,,tomorow. Take care and remember to let the cat in before bedtime. And if your doctors dont heal you humans right the second time, find another one who will. always ask for second opinion. You do when it comes to your pets right?
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,Cuiusvis hominis est errare; nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare - Any man can make a mistake; only a fool keeps making the same one.

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