My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Friday, January 19, 2007

scared litterless!!!

Well greetings again folks here in hurricane swept Germany. Ill do my best to blog amid the winds and the sounds of creaking cracking and seeing things whip past my windows. It seems that KYRILL is here and hes one bad mother!
Read the link above and you folks can imagine there are some ppl here that never saw a hurricane like this befour . One of my owners is from NY and they can only remember way back in the early 80s when NY got the tail end of some hurricane.
Lotta winds and rain, some trees fell down and the mailbox was smooshed by a fallen tree limb. Thankfully here, nothing like thats happend to me. Lets pray this old house holds up and me and my owners arent waking up muttering something like´´ gee, i dont think we are in Kansas anymore´´!

On to the news of the world from today thats still being talked about tonight.
Yes Arlen specter, that wonderful former lawyer of a man admitted his role in providing Bush with more power for the president to use as he see´s fit. What a great swell man he is. But what can one expect from Specter considering his background? Yet another Moron. Oh that magic bullet theory!

Now that smart ppl voted last Novemeber and said bye bye to the neocons, here a articule thats a good read. Thank god someone pulled in the reins on Bush and his wire tapping program. Iam sure my owners really didint want some numbnutted moron listening in on their phone calls over to the states. I mean some of the convos were like female stuff. ICKY! But then again, wasint one of the homeland security ppl arrested not to long ago for having pornographic material on his office computor? Maybe he got off on that phone call, who knows!

Being how this man, under oath said that hes not sure if his grandparents came into america legaly, I think he should keep his mouth shut over things like this. Since then to pretty much everyone , his credibility, is shot. Another Moron factor. Since we are on the matter of certian ppl in power, heres another story that adds mystery and suspence to it all.
Is he becoming like another George W Bush? His own ppl having little or no faith in his abilitys to lead the country? Doubting his war moves and now wishing they coud have back the old leader? Another good read for you humans, time allowing of course.

How nice for the troops! What are they doing in the pentagon and the whitehouse? playing at some wacked casino and the chips are soilders lifes? Unreal shit ppl. How much is enough? wait, dont answer that. Only Bush knows the answer to that question , or mabye not.

Quick,, think fast, whats 1.2 trillion dollars worth say, in food, real estate and other esentials? dont know? read this,, it helps .

Someones making a shit load of money from this war on terror. And it sure as hell isint you or my owners. This goes all the way to the top ppl.

U.F.O.s ? So says this gentleman. Um, i dont believe in green guys from mars running amuck let alone any alien abductions either, but this is a interesting read and the pictures and video do make one ponder what could it be?

For tonights most truely moronic comments made since yesterday, here Tony ´´perkin´´ Snow, doing what he does best, lie spin and sputter. Watch it for yourself and remember humans,, ´´no one could have Anticipated´´ !

On to News From The House Of Murphy, and Co.! This morning when the humans woke up and watched the weather here, they saw this on the screen, and were like OMG!

My owners acted fast and made sure they secured the balcony . Theres alot of flower pots and garden stuff on it for the flower beds. They thought they had it but as soon as the winds came blowing in, the tarp was lost and is probably blowing somewhere over into holland by now.

So now outside sits one large bag of potting soil thats probably soaked wet and well, will grow some damn good mushrooms this spring. They didint check to close as the winds were up to 80 miles per hour and the gusts were making the windows really breathe deep. There were a few times i could feel the fear from the humans. ´´Wasderface´´ said something like oh forget this and took a pill that looked like little purple football? after a few they were calm. I think they lost some flower pots though.

There was one sound of something hitting the roof and rolling before it fell off somewhere. ´´wasderface´´ heard it while making dinner but didint mention it to ´´the spoiler´´. I think tomorow they will have the inspection thing . But to pass the time and nerves, the humans snacked on some crackers and cheese and olives.

Now me with olives,, heh,, i cant resist. They threw me one, and folks i was looking like the brazilain soccer player dude!! Massive paw swipes and battings. Till cain came along and ate it on me. PIG! I got another one and this time made sure i batted into the bathroom right in front of the litter boxes. Yanno to coat it with the fine litter that makes its way on the floor? theres no way cain was going to snack on that :) The winds blew, i played and all is well now.

I think the worst part of Kyrill is past. Heres hoping where ever he ends up , no more deaths happend due to it. That shit was bad bad i say!!

Time For The FUNNIES!!
ok i can understand this moms anger at her dimwited kid, but the use of the F word was abit too much.
Dont mess with skaters. Skinheads find out the hard way.
ATTENTION SKIERS, call this man!
No wonder why health care is so damn expensive!
Um,,,,,,off the meds?
OMG dude get a grip! so you suck, lots of ppl do.
ahh i see the ole irish arm wrestling routine comes back?
Well like all good things, this too shall come to a end. Folks i think i will call it a night. There was way to much excitement for me tonight. I think i used up one of my nine lives too. If i wasint hiding upstairs then i was downstairs inside the UPS box. Heres hoping Kyrill leaves Europe and fast!.
Thanks folks for stoping on by and reading my blog,, or not. Talk to you ppl come monday, as tomorow its the start of ´´THE WEEKEND EDITION, With CAIN!´´
Iam sure he can fill you in with the hurricane damage too.
Till then,
WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,Aliena nobis, nostra plus aliis placent - Other people's things are more pleasing to us, and ours to other people. (Publilius Syrus).

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