My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Monday, January 22, 2007

Iam Back!!!!

Happy monday to ya fine ppl who stop by and read my blog. My weekend went well, i slept, ate and played alot. Plus i mananged to beat up Cain alittle bit too for added kicks. Hey, the cats pushing 26 pounds, i think he needs once in awhile a reminder to like run and exercise more. If that means by me chasing em, even better for his over all health right? So without further delay , lets start the blog off tonight with this fine read, all i can offer in my opinion is that iam glad iam a cat and drinking from toilet bowls that do not need any form of pertroleum and eating grass from the ground not out of a plastic bowl, is fine with me. Now for you humans, everythings made from some form of pertroleum and thats kinda got you alittle over the barrel.

As for the ´´surge´´ of troops that president bush was tooting very loudly this past week, it seems that instead the USA and its ppl have gotten a surge of dead troops. 23 familys somewhere somehow will have to accept that this past weekend was one of the worst for the troops and the never ending violence in Iraq. How my owners wish that someone would start Impeachment proceedings against the man in the whitehouse! Plan after Plan of Bushs war on terror has done nothing but make things worse and at the cost of a great many lives too. My heart goes out to the familys and thier losses.

Can we really blame em? They were royaly screwed over by Bush sr twice and then again by the son bush jr. I think 3 times was the charm and these folks are saying piss on that, its our time for some self preservation buddie.

The next 3 articules my owners read and which i will post, might leave some with a bitter taste in their mouth. Perhaps even the words anti-semite, might spring to mind. I assure you folks, thats neither nor the case. I point out bad shit on all walks of life. Religion isint a factor when a crime is commited. So heres articule one for you to read,,0,3305965.story?track=rss WOW what a stiff sentence for that man!

Yet somewhat more of the same,,,1959356,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=12, good read for you humans.

Guess the idea started back then over 60+ years ago?

If your getting the point iam trying to make , good. If not, ill try to explain. Why is it that dollars are being counterfited and those caught let go with a meager sentence, or just swept under the carpets, and in some cases, kept hush for yrs? Makes no sence folks. If that was a average joe caught doing that, we all know damn well and good, his sorry ass would be off in some federal prison for a considerable amount of time.

Since the above topic kinda dealt with lame duck punishments, heres a articule my owners read and found amusing and were happy for the duck! Amazing for the duck, and iam sure creepy for the lady.

oh and yet another excellent read is this link, sad too. Iam hoping this mans futher predictions do not come true for the country in question.

This could be a good thing actually,

Another story of curious George and his bad case of being deaf?

LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE WOW thats alot of ppl launching their plans to run for the next presidency. My guess is, over half if not more, will drop out amid scandal and or past mistakes that will cost them their partys endorsment as well.

NOW, i understand justice john roberts comments about judges not making enough money. but i will add that unlike himself, judge judy has more human like quality and isint a wet blanket to watch in action either. Maybe if they installed cameras inside the supreme court, their ratings and pay will increase too?

For whom ever knows these LP covers and actually listens to the music from em, all i can say is WTF? check it out folks and decide for yourself.

News here From The House Of Murphy, still finds things the same. My owners were disgusted that Berlins new train station will be closed due to construction flaws. That leaves many ppl without any means of transportation and not to mention the loss of jobs for the ppl who worked there. Some one must be held responsible for this major F-up. But then again, as they heard the verdict for the scumbag from Volkswagon, and how he stole millions from the company and paid for things not from his pocket but from the company itself to keep his little lover happy in her expensive lap of luxuary, they kind of new he could would become another ENRON, Kenny Boy Lay! . Peter hartz recieved only a 2 yr probabtion sentence.

Hmm,, seems there are many judges who look the other way or love the idea of padding thier wallets with some money. Course this will never be proved untill the old farts are dead and gone, but comon ppl? 2 yrs probabtion ? its sick. but piss on those ppl, the time will come when they will have to answer for it.

Other news from sick bay here, finds us seeing ´´the spoiler´´ off to the doctors once again. I really hope the Doc gives em more powerfull antibiodicts this time to really rid their lungs from that damn bronchitis. Other then that above , iam ok, your ok, its the world thats messed up.


MMAF!! geeze lady i eat these things and use em for actions toys!

some one grab the frozen peas STAT!


Good for a childs development?

If thats his only talent, he might better apply for unemployment!

Just how dumb do humans have to be to figure out it would probably hurt?

MMAF!! no comment either.

past time fun? looked like fun untill the ditch!

man, who voted for this asshole again?

This guys lucky he didint get his ass beat!

Finaly,, videos from my cousins or long lost relatives?

Alrighty humans. Its my cue to leave you fine folks and meet up with you once again for tomorow nights blog, here in Germany. Thanks for stoping on by and reading my blog, or not. Oh and as cain mentioned last night, the window dude comes this spring and we get new windows and blinds installed! yea,iam sure us cats will love the sound of drilling, hammering, glass shattering or a scream if the window man plumets from the second story! I think ill be upstairs for this two day event.
Untill tomorow,,,,

WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,Impossibilium nulla obligatio est - Nobody has any obligation to the impossible. (Corpus Iuris Civilis).



Anonymous said...

Wow--is Cain really 26 lbs? I guess I'm not such a big boy after all!


Anonymous said...

Elvin, cains pushing it.

my owners are afraid to take em to the vet. Cain eats non stop 24/7

Thanks buddy for stopping on by too :)heres hoping you and your owners are doing great !!!!!!!

regards ,

Murphy aka,, the bastard of MHADR!