My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Hiya Hiya Folks! Tonight we begin the blog with some news from afar,
if thats not alittle twisted,,then I dont know what is. I mean what passes for good taste and class nowadays?
So after you have read that above link you can read this, and think what good came from saddams hanging again? oh yeah, it upped a few ppls egos.
Now these guys kinda got lucky and are buying time befour they meet the gallows over in iraq. Not to say that those good ole boys are anything short of murderous bastards, which they are. Just saying that , after saddam was hanged, more fighting broke out and enraged more ppl. So for these two,,,1518,457749,00.html It looks like they have untill sunday to get thier affairs in order befour they grace someones Nokia!
Tonight iam going to use a new term here and this week i found a story that fits!
Its called ´´dicking around´´? and this articule sums it up.,1518,457955,00.html. Yes after,almost seven years, it seems that perhaps the dicking around will stop and ppl of the courts can come to some form of agreement and put a end to it.
What good are the courts if they are backed up so much that any case can take 6+years ? There are still cases from the era time period of the former chancellor of germany, helmut kohl!
But , he was a dick to begin with too!
Heres a word to the wise if ones comptiplating any war crimes and thinks ´´ahh shit i can get away with it´´!,1518,457942,00.html. True , yes they might for awhile but as you can in the above link,, the past catches up. Now there are some,who might say, well the mans 81 yrs old. let em stay. etc. Yes he is old, a old nazi who really didint care about shooting 81 yr olds while he was a guard either. So,,,,nope, cant use that defence.
Since we have gotten on the topic of war, heres something the humans spied on the internet news . Frosty bacon? The USA neighbors to the north are now not so liking the idea of being known as the country where the AWOL can run and hang out. Now, lets look at this from their view point. It is true that during the vietnam war, many young men fled to canada to avoid the draft etc. Since then, canada has kind of gotten the stigma of being the wuss country. However, if one should ask any canadian what they thought about the above articule, they might say its due in part to the Prime Minister there. Or not. Regardless , my owners and ppl here in Germany dont view canada as the wuss place to run and hide. More like the ideal place to move to since Germany rasied taxes to a nice 19%!
Yes,, 19% tax. on everything. food, housing, cars, gas, homes, just about everything now. well ok if your like a coma patient, your giving a tax break due to having a disablity. Angie Merkels got to do something and fast. But look at the assclowns she has to work with? Rich, over paid stuffed suits who really dont care much for the middle class,unless they can find new ways to tax them! So the next time some one bitches in the states about the sales tax, please have em read this and remind em, could be worse.
Ok, where were we? ,, ok hey humans if you know someone whos had a stroke, and if they say something you disagree with, then you can blame it on the stroke? well it appears that this group of ppl are. How nice! To discredit this mans service record is sad and pretty coward like. Then to mock him because of his stroke he had? I think the Gen. knew what he was saying when he gave that interview.
The folks who disagree are just over hyped morons.
I mean they say that ppl cannot go against what god wants, or what got told man, dont tamper with what god made,, etc,, aside from the fags, but theres nothing from these ppl when it comes to tampering with certian gods creatures.?
Riiight,, its just a dog. Silly me. How long folks befour some humans decide to eat those drugs made for fido because they cant get off the couch, set down the ps3 or xbox and have this urge to not cook anything, but has pizza hut on speed dial?
I give it,, oh, one month and the first case will pop up on the news. More then likely the internet news. It wouldint see the light of day on say cnn or something.
Time for the FUNNIES! Lets see what tonight brings us for humans acting pretty wacky and numbnutted .
Does AA or BA have depends for passengers?
yeah dude, just give em his f..cking towel!
OK humans, Time to call it quits when one is ahead . So far the internet service here didint kick me out, but i can tell when its going to. Blinking lights galore.
Nice for my internet provider to give me a 3 min warning :) !
Ill catch up with you guys and gals tomorow. Have a good eveing, night, day , morning, where ever the hell you might be. Um no latin quote from me, just this.
Rosie, Donald and Babawa wawa,, please get a life and end the spitefull bitch fest already! oh and yeah thats from my VIEW!
MR.CAIN,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and CO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity.

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