My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Greetings again folks and heres a happy happy joy joy story to start with.
Given Vlad Putins latest pipeline wars over gas, is he attempting to mop the floor with certian EU countries ? Will this make some in the EU review their old policy on nuclear power and reheat those reactors? Articule can be found here, lets hope its not a case of Mop and Glow !,1518,460120,00.html
Oh and The Con( rice) was in Germany today to work on among other things, the stalled game of check mate involving North Korea. Wonder how well that turned out or,, still the same old same old?

News from the states bring us tales of ice! Seems that in the state of california, the citrus crops were lost to a bad 3/4th of all . Thats going to make for one hell of a expensive glass of OJ. Other then the oranges now frozen, the icy weather had also left 54 ppl dead, and countless others without power. Amazing with power companies. They can shut your power off in seconds if your bill isint paid in a certain amount of time, but turning it back on? ahh gonna take a good 4 days if not more. Um dont they have any disaster plans? or just make it up as they go along?

Heres one for the Most Moronic Comment. why yes,, just get over it! Same for the jews , get over the holocaust too! Oh and while hes at it, maybe he can tell the native americans to get over the fact the white man took your land and dumped your asses on reservations. Yes, everyone just get over it. So, should this old bastard become ill with some disease that renders him, say crippled, Make sure we all send get well cards to him with the words, GET OVER IT !!!

This next articule is one where me and my owners arent sure if it would help things over in iraq. I mean maybe it might, or not. But if some are willing to help and attempt to get back some form of normal then by all means do so.
It cant hurt . Brother helping Brother.


Now befour someone thinks OMG a nazi lover,, please be advised that the above symbol is actually a hindu symbol for peace!!! read this and then wonder just how
Iam sure that if the German Goverment agrees , there will be some moron with a shaved head, demanding his rights to wave a flag that contains his version.
Cept its not for peace, and it really represents the Swastika. Hitlers ideas and whatever the crazy prick was thinking. Always one bad apple ruins it for the good ones.

Fear not Germany. Your language is safe from being over run by English! Check out this articule my owners found and read with some amusement.,1518,460012,00.html One of my owners, the american from NY speaks gerlish. Its broken german mixed with english. Good thing most folks understand just what it is they are attempting to spit forth and make into a sentence. However , there are the old folks whos only english lesson they ever took was when the british and american troops from 63 yrs ago, knocked on their doors. Got milk? in german, its Haben sie Milch?

Speaking of troops, lets speed it up and enter 2007. A new war fought differantly and with this comes much more cases of mental illness troops are suffering from.
Now its come to light that even the Navys top shrinks , say there isint enough mental health facilitys or professionals to help the soliders.
its a damn shame too folks. Our brave men and woman do NOT deserve this shit they have to face when they come home. Some one needs to make this a priority now before its too late!

For the fans of the bold and the kinda ok looking ,soap opera, heres a story that may make some gloat, or some go,, awww. Sally died.
The beloved bitch will no longer grace the tv screen with her famous character, sally spectra! One of my owners,, who shall remain nameless loved her character and actually saw the actress in person once.

NOW for the most flip flop my owners have ever seen, this one comes from none other then the´´maverick´´ John MCcain! Yes folks read this and make noises like HUH? This land mark piece of shit politican should Never Ever be elected to presidency , and heres why!

Yo johnny boy,, your done! toast, its over. Go slither your ass back to the rock your crawled out of. Oh and about your POW status? Well i mean its the flavor now to use this term,, GET OVER IT!

News regarding The House Of Murphy!

The humans are slowly mending their sick and sorry asses back to health. The coughing has become less, though still servere when it hits. I think the antibiodicts are kicking in for ´´the spoiler´´ . ´´wasderface´´ might have to wait a few more days to get rid of the nasty strep. But tonight they were actually laughing and acting kinda like themselfs. And cain has stopped sneezeing too.

I still misss ´´the spoiler´´ not sleeping in the bed. I make do with ´´wasderface´´ who late last night made the mistake of trying to pet my belly . Wrong move.
Only ´´the spoiler´´ is allowed to do such a test and task of complete trust. I didint claw em too bad, but swatted at em to let em know,, back off biotch!

Oh and someone asked me to post my life story here on the blog. Um i might but folks my first two homes were kinda like a lifetime movie batterd wife /kid/husband ordeal. Lotta fights and moron owners i had before i made it here with my forever home. Picture the classic shower scene where one sobs and slides down the shower wall while the water pours over the body? yep , that would be me with my life story. Ill have to think about it.

WTF ever happend to Hunter saftey courses? are kids today just given paint guns and mom and dad thinks its only a toy? EDDDIOTS!
rock gullys, hicks and lighting trees on fire makes me wish i could jump over flames with my crotch exposed too! EDDDIOTS!
Pretty cool, but a light lunch and keep your mouth closed is a good idea.
Now you know humans, (warning contains gagging)
One of my owners had one of these as kid. A Go cart too, They were run over
with the go cart by another sibling. accident?
MMAOF!! some countries might accept this .
alright folks, its end game for tonights blog. Hope you enjoyed yourself and learned alittle too. If not, then please submit a comment and ill be sure to read it.
Thanks folks for stoping on by and reading this blog, or not. Talk to you folks tomorow night. There we shall learn more new wise events and maybe even more dirty little secrets just waiting to hit the front pages of newspapers and mags.
And remember Humans,, John MC cain is a asshole, paint guns are not toys and base jumping hick style can cause massive cranium damage, not to mention having some ones naked ass being filmed and posted on the internet!
Live and learn.
WORDS OF WISDOM!!!,,,,,,,,,Vix ulla tam iniqua pax, quin bello vel aequissimo sit potior - Scarcely is there any peace so unjust that it is better than even the fairest war. (Erasmus)

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