My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Monday, January 08, 2007

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Good eveing yet again folks. Before we start, one of the humans freinds asked them how come my blog always shows one day ahead for them back in ny.
easy, its because i start my blog after 12:00am here in Germany and NY is 6 hours behind time wise. So technicaly, iam doing a very late night blog here or a dinner time hour back in ny , blog. Whatever floats their boat .
Ok,, time for news of the world. The beach photo comes from this link, scroll down a few and there is the articule about the picture and more facts. My owners and i think its pretty damn neat . and not to far from being perhaps say a actual event from happening if President Bush cant clean up his act.
To make my point, My owners found this articule and after reading it, sat back and really started to wonder if perhaps some in charge in the U.S.A. are maybe NUTS? At a cost of 100 billion too. Now just where in the hell is that money going to come from? I mean, Bush still cant get some parts of the gulf states rebuilt but has money for newer nukes? Um ok,, now whos calling the kedal black again? why its president pot!

Moving along, heres one that made my owners look at one another and go Ehh? Now theres no way, in hel,,,,sorry, no way that this man did not spill the beans on some folks while he was a priest and report back to his spy handlers during commnist russias rule over poland!
He claims he didint say anything to em,, which i find to be bullshit. I can picture his defence,, ´´well mr.smith, i didint tell the secret police all about your love for small hamsters,, just that you know, you reallllllllllly liked em alot´´!
Or for the housewife who was banging boots with the milkman, ran into father commies confessional booth and asked for forgivness. Oh he gave her that iam sure, and informed on her little indiscretion to. I wonder how many confessions this man listend to? It gives me a creepy feeling to even think ,about this.

Now it seems that condie is in the doghouse with some folks. Seems Mizz Rice, decided to hand over saddam over strong objections from some military folks from within the US command. I think , its a case of passing the buck since it all backfired. Now everyones looking to blame the other as to avoid the serious fallout from the hanging of saddam. Some ppl in power really shouldint have been appointed into their current post.

I know there are some that say its for ´´Operation Freedom´´ etc. I tend to disagree and heres why.
Read it and weep! It really sickens me to think that some ppl are being used for the rich and greedy to insure more money for them. All at the cost of so far, over 3000 soilders and 50,000 iraqis. And being the skeptic iam , i think the last number is probably way higher then what the whitehouse puts out. Seems thats how things are done in washington. Screw over the little guy and make every dime possible. a word comes to mind for those ruthless bastids,, COWARD.

Its a shame that the democratic party didint endorse this man during the 2004 elections. Much better choice then John Kerry. Anyways, this man, clark, has gotten his boots dirty. Didint toss his medals over the whitehouse fence and seems to know alot more about tactics then BUSH could ever hope to know. Sadly if 10,000 clarks talked untill blue in the face to bush, he still wouldint listen. If clark runs for the 2008 presidential election, iam sure my owners will vote for him. Id vote for em , but i cant, cause iam of feline nature. Plus i cant reach the voting machines either so good.

Finale, heres hoping that the NRA gets off its ass and tells off a few ppl.

its time that the NRA stops being kissy kissy to the republican party and demand that they stop screwing around. Now one of my owners owns a handgun, they dont enjoy hunting , yet they dont object to it either. If Bush has his way, soon rifles and handguns will only be used on the target range. No hunting allowed, yet Bush might be able to rip open and rape the wildness in search of more oil! That makes no sence at all. Whos going to go deer hunting then? Dick cheney? shit he would mistake a cow with horns for a buck and ´´pepper it pretty good´´! Once again, all Bush did was take the NRA´s money and votes for a ride and shit on em. wasint even aware the man was married!

ok on to this weekends blogging and cains paragraph from hell! what did he do?
I came on tonight and re read his posts and was impressed but um, i think he forgot the space bar or something. He claims that the comp was acting funny and blogger was on the fritz or something. Ill give em the benifit of doubt but, if it happens again, then someone needs a lesson on how to use spaces/breaks into sentences. News from The House Of Murphy And Co.!
No snow yet again here in Germany. Just winds, some very high, and rain. Iam begining to think that our snow was hijacked by the folks in colorado. Now it seems that one lady out there is taking to selling her snow on her property on Ebay! Pick up only i suppose. Speaking of snow, bodie miller lost a ski today during the mens downhill salom. If hes not having flags face plasterd on his helmet hes wiping out or not finishing. This time he lost a ski. But the swiss dude who started out rank 60 came in first and beat out the greats. Good for him. Always nice to see a underdog come out on top :)
Ok well cain added a new icon for the funnie section. I gotta admitt, its cool. It adds more of a personal touch he said, i just think its cool. So ill use it.


some humans should never own a tickel me elmo!

Alright, time for me to once again leave you fine folks and thank you for stoping on by and reading my blog,, and cains weekend editions too! or not. As you can see, not much excitment going on in The House Of Murphy and CO.!

Talk to you ppl tomorow same time same place. Dont be late ;)
and now its that time where I, once again offer you the famous,,,,

WORDS OF WISDOM!,,,,,,,,,,,,Quandoquidem inter nos sanctissima divitiarum maiestas, esti funesta pecunia templo nondum habitas - Among us, the god most revered is Wealth, but so far it has no temple of its own.


1 comment:

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