My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Hiya Hiya Folks How are you doing? good glad to hear this. Ok Tonight we begin with this story that has some of the poor, elderly and sick happy happy joy joy.

Notice if you will in that articule that of the 170 votes for NO, all were republican. Now that really sums it up to yet again, what the republican party stands for. MONEY! Anyways, heres to the New congress. However it still must be signed By President Bush and hes currently saying he wont unless there are some changes made to the bill. I know, folks, god can only wonder, what the jr.dipshit means by changes. I mean look at what he did to the Baker /Hamiliton report. Changed every wording in it to fit his idea whats acceptable.

Late this morning as ´´wasderface´´ was getting ready for work, they heard this breaking news,13319,122089,00.html? and kinda thought, well that was a matter of time. So it has begun for the backlash over the Iraq war and the commander in shit,, err chief. My owners are really starting to get alittle nervous over this . I mean, while bush drags every man woman and child down his sick twisted version of the yellow brick road, hes not stoping to think or if he did, care about the outcome of his desicions hes made. But then again the frigging man has bunkers to hide out in too.

There is some in washington that do throw caution to the wind and have their doubts and worrys,,, . Little to late now numbnuts. They all voted for the Iraq war. I personaly think that alot of politicians test the wind. They stick one finger out and see if the majority of the ppl are for it or against it, and use that scientific analaysis to base their votes on.And being how the flavor of the week is NO MORE TROOPS, naturaly they are saying the same. Or, voicing some concern. Anything to keep that job.

More proof that The Rummy screwed over this man,Gen. Eric K. Shinseki. But when Shinseki said that more troops were needed in the first stages of the war, good ole rummy had em removed and then pretty much forced to step down and become yet another retired Gen. So basicaly in essance, the whole plan was a failure from the get go. And yes humans, go right ahead and blame rummy. Along with a long list of others . Paul Bremer comes to mind for his brillant plan to dismantle the Iraqi army . So that left alot of trained ex-soliders sitting around unemployed to do what? play hang man in the dirt? EDDIIIOTSSS!!!

News from here In Europe finds alot of folks thanking god that their insurance company cant and wont pull a state farm on em.,1518,459300,00.html I saw the brute force of some of those winds here for two nights. It kind of scared me to see the windows here breathe in and out with the winds. Luckily for us cats and the humans, no trees fell on the place and nope no flooding either. Such cannot be said about insurance companys in the states .

Those folks deserve every damn penny from state farm. They paid into it and when the time came to offer a claim, state farm became being pricks and told em, NO! how nice of big insurances to do that . Heres hoping this sets the tone and mood for more cases that have to be dragged into the courts just for the homeowners to get back what was rightfuly theirs from the start! I hate crooks, more then i hate it when the Vet has to check my temp and in goes the old thermonitor!
Hit that above link and read about how yet more human remains have been found at ground zero. Still after how many yrs? Its a damn shame folks. Those that were hired by the city Of NY , should be held accountable for the lack of services. Who is going to be the city offical to tell mr. smith of mrs. smith that they need to come down to the lab, offer some DNA, and see if it matches? Very insenstive to say the least not to mention, pretty damn sloppy work too. I mean of all the hard disk that were destroyed inside the towers that contained bank accounts and records for very rich clients , There was no problem in data recovery. See what matters most humans?

Ok heres one that has the asshole factor . Iam one, for keeping out other cats from my backyard or on my patio. However, if one of my neighbors feeds em, I dont paw a phone call and make death threats against them for doing so . Yet again some humans have to take it a level to far. Let the towns mayor handle this. We dont need some self styled maverick who thinks, they can make threats and get away with it. But this wont end untill some human ends up beaten or worse, dead. And all over a frigging pizza paid for in pesos? I dont think id dare order extra cheese in that place. Once locals found out, that might piss em off even more. God forbid the cheese wasint made in the USA!

Heres a medical part of this blog tonight. Its all about bronchitis . Not a very nice thing to suffer from. The spoiler , one of my owners has this now since oh id say alittle more then a week. Before they went to the drs to get it declared . Kinda icky if you ask me. Heres hoping i dont end up with it. So like most cats do, when they know that one of the owners are sick, we tend to try and crawl up by em and offer our condolances in hopes it makes em feel better? In my case it didint. Seems my dander was abit to much and they broke out into a mother load of coughs. I ran, they gagged . So much for showing anymore sympathy ! News here from Germany is that the storms and the high winds finaly left our part of the region. Now i can find myself back upstairs inside the pet huts. Cause the sound of roof beams creaking from high winds, I cant say lulled, me to sleep very well. On a side note, upstairs i dont hear the human coughing so much either :) Murphy is off for the blog tonight so he s somewhere around here. Hes been behaving well so far and i dont trust this act of being nice. Its to, um wording here,, to much like congress. You know damn well hes waiting to nail me for something.

So, Its now time for the FUNNIES!!!!!!

Gives new meaning to straight up huh?

Better then HALO 2?



This dudes dentist will put his kids thru college with damage like this!

Wonder how many beers dad drank while giving his ring side comments?

Heres hoping mom put a swift foot up these kids ass!

Well humans its been fun but i have a date with the food bowl . Filler up and then hit the pethuts for a nice nap. Talk to you fine guys and gals come tomorow night. Since I dont know latin, i think this little quote sums it up for the gang in washington. ´´Do on to others, and then split´´!!! Sure as hell seems like it. Later folks.

REGARDS,,,,,,,MR.CAIN and CO.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity!

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