My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Sunday, January 21, 2007



Hiya Hiya Folks, and once again, how are you doing? Good Good iam glad to hear that. Tonight we will start of this blog with a Fox news special. I call it special like the special ed kids that ride the short bus.

Can fox news get anymore petty or lower? Hell even Bill Orielly has some tact, some , but this takes the cake on any integrity for a news adgency. Its pure shit 101. I feel sad for the ppl that watch that garbage and believe every damn word.
Its like some koolaid drinkers cling to every word Fox spews out like it was some passage from the bible.

Looks like Tonys world just got abit more smaller and complicated with the pack hes running with.

Sure there are some that will say, ´´well tony cant know everything his ppl do´´
Rubbish i say. The nazis knew every move of their ppl just like the Stazi did. Somethings smelling afoul on 10 downing street and sure as hell isint mrs. Blairs cooking either.

Speaking of foul ordors heres something my owners found nice to see and hope the smell of all that shit that passed befour the old congress commities with big oil companys is now a thing of the past. PAY UP !!

Ney on Bobs Pay! looks like that Bob Ney will be the first politician to taste the new law that went into effect regarding convicted members of congress and their pensions. If things work well for the moron, maybe his wife can re finance the house and dip into the savings too. But the kicker is, knowing this smear wont see a dime of his goverment pension ! Thank you Nancy Pelosi and the new congress :)

Hats thrown into the ring for the presidency come 2008 now has this,
Its not that my owners dont like her,, but the white water scandal back in the 90s will put a major damper on her chances of winning. Perhaps shes better suited to run as vice prez or maybe serve on the cabinet if the demos win in 2008.
My owners like Edwards alot. But lets see what happens when you humans cross that bridge, come 2008.

Clean up begins! Its a mess folks for some parts in Europe after Kyrill came he batterd and left. My owners went out today and saw some damage done to roofs on business, and trees snapped and laying on the side of the roads.
Also alot of fences were blow over and a few windows were coverd with tarps.
Glad i faired ok with my owners and murphy .

Now someone in Berlin has some splainin to do Lucy,1518,460928,00.html
Eight months old construction, the glass didint shatter during the hurricane but a two ton support beam falls? oh and then another too. Now berlin officals are saying that the total reconstruction bill will be a pocket change of 40 million euro. How nice for the tax payers and for the folks that rely on public transportation too. EDDDDIOOOTS!!!!!

News here from The House Of Murphy and Co, brings us tonight to share with you fine folks. It seems that ´´wasderface´´ never ever saw the Rocky horror picture show before. NEVER! I guess their dad was the type that took one look at the cover of some old beta tape and thought, ´´aint no way in hell thats going on my tv´´.
So 32 yrs later, ´´wasderface´´ got to see the rocky horror picture show.

Um, slack jawed is a good description to use. Some laughter, alot of OMG and in the end they liked the movie. They thought the ending was kinda of bad but laughed bigtime when Tim Curry did his routine. Oh and the dinner table scene too was a funny moment for the human.
I think tomorow they are going to watch ´´the great dictator ´´ with chaplin spoofing on hitler, as they never saw that either. What can i say folks, they lived under a conservative rock as a kid. One parent was lib, the other republican.
Nope , no divorce though. :)

´´the spoiler´´ will be going back to see the dr on monday. They are getting alitte better but,, its not going like it should with bronchitis and well, back to the drs and probably out another week from work. No sleep from coughing all night too.

To top things off , it seem that ´´the spoilers´´ mom walked to the dentist during kyrill the other day. She just couldint wait for a taxi so she walked under trees thru a park to a short cut and got the bus. I think the word PISSED was used when they found out. I mean some old folks are so damn stubborn , theres no telling em anything. Thankfully the old crazy lady wasint hurt but all over a bad canker sore on the gum?

Other news here to tell you about,, nothing. I slept alot today, jumped into the cactus garden and tipped that over spilling sand on the floor. This was greeted with a nice GET OFF !!!
Thank god for dust busters yanno? Sorry humans but, sand for us cats is tempting enoung. Think back as a child when you were playing in your sand box and dug up a deposit a cat left for you. I bet some of you ran off crying too huh? Well, maybe your parents should have kept the thing coverd up when you werent using it yanno? :)

very cool, a future job with the circus !
Kinda looked what Kyrill did!
damn addict!
Funny compiled videos.
Bored, try this for fun.
Nice kid!
This guy needs his knees bashed in with a baseball bat!
No really ppl like this should be deported !
Crime only pays if one wishes to end up on the internet looking
like a complete moron!
So, with those videos, which i hope you liked humans, i shall now call it a night and take a power cat nap!
Humans, please dont take offence at some of the videos. The assclown with the baseball bat was shown , to make you humans aware that there are ppl who think like this on a daily basis! My self nor my owners condone that dillwads actions nor comments.
If you see em in the street, tell me to GTFO of your country!
Take care fine pet owners /Lovers of the world. And mega thanks to the first
responders that rescue ppl and pets lifes. To the troops,, god speed you home.
Talk to ya all next week.
words of wisdom i have not, but i have this ,never eat all the food in the bowl, that way you cant be blamed for killing it off. leave two crumbs!
MR. CAIN and CO!
bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity.

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