My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Friday, January 26, 2007


Happy snowy night to you folks who finaly have gotten some snow! Here in Germany , i can now say that indeed its nice and white outside. GOOD! From my vantage point on the top floor of my house, i can see the moron humans who didint bother to put snowtires on yet, slip and slide up the hill here :) !

Ok so lets get friday nights blog of with something of a bang.
it seems that back then, there were alot of ppl that really liked to go to sears, especialy when they were having a white sale? and then they would dress up like those morons above and do some things like this, and think that the law would never catch up to em. One of the old farts now charged for the murders, was at the time a deputy sheriff, and the other a church decon? how nice for the community . Heres hoping they spend the rest of their arthritic sick asses behind bars.

However, you humans can rest easy now. Today things have changed. If such injustices are commited against ppl of color or religion, well then sometimes, thats called a act of god ya see.
otherwise, then some mighty powerfull men in charge like George W Bush would have at least mentioned it during his SOTU speech right? I mean, even katie is wondering what happend to that part of history ?

Of course there are some that say such a notion is silly to even mention. Ppl of non white color are celebrated, even by white folk too. Take for instance this man,
and how some young ppl decided to throw a party for the day off that comes with this mans dream! I think the photos depicted on the above story ,show just how much progress has been made in some ppls opinion. Maybe its something thats learned and applied in other coutries as well?

Heres a articule that shows alot of that

after all humans, its always someone elses fault. a few ass kickings can make some feel better about the situation . or BLAME CLINTON works too for some.

on the flip side of the coin, brings you humans this to add to the list of other humans being pissed off for one reason or another, good read too.,1518,462149,00.html

yet again here is another side of the coin where alot of ppl are asking , why do we have to rebuild it when someone else decided to flame the flames of its destruction?
The dudes, below, wanted it, told folks he would help rebuild it, and yet not muchs been done. Just where is this fellow anyways?
we all know hes not hanging with OLMIE!

olmie has got bigger fish to fry, now that half of his cabinet has turned up dirty and on the take for money and bribes and kickbacks, oh my!!!!

My owners didint bother to check for the blood count today in Iraq, but yesterdays stood at this number,for everyone there,
the lucky ones that lived, made it see their face, plasterd on newspapers or blogs or some watery version of news.

Because of shit like this articule, things probably are alot worse. Only those that know for sure, arent ready to share with the rest of the word. Maybe some words have to be adjusted to fit it better in the minds of many.

Not this man though. Seems hes had it with those morons in the white house and has called em on it.

dont visit us, too much money and you can get this

Oh if some dont have enough to complain about ,,

News from The House Of Murphy And Co, finds that the human owners went back to Dr. Do little and demanded the dude give em stronger antibiodicts. I think the doc was taken back at this. But sometimes , ones got to speak up or face being taken for a cry baby or someone who knows nothing. Afterwards, the doc relented and wrote mega scripts for the humans to get over the sinus infection thats now complete with blood, and the bronchitis thats almost walking phemonia, from the other human owner.

Oh and the roofers came out yesterday !! just in time too due to the snow fall we have now . One guy was well rather, not really fit for the job . Half of his buttock region was sticking out from his rather too short sweat shirt and had a beer gut the size of oh id say 30 pounds of chewed bubble gum! He made the younger dude, run downstairs to get the roofing ladder and climb up and fix the hole.

I think the large porlty dude was the supervisor and the young dude the new guy? either way, the roofs fixed and all is well in the land of beer, wild pigs and snow :)

I might add, that during the roofing thing, the door was left open and murphy and i, had a chance to sneak out , but opted not to. Probably because of the bitter cold weather, plus the fact that when we looked up, all we saw was massive hairy buttocks from the roofing supervisor dude. He was 3 rungs up and from our view point it was not something us cats wished to view any closer. We ran back inside after and waited for em to leave.

all the more hands the better. and arent these things made of plexi glass today? somes gonna kicked their ass kicked!
trying to impress the mail order bride to be?
This dude caught some very bad wind!
for the homophobe in your family, heres one .
I feel sorry for the poor bastard who married her after this!
Why all feet remain firmly planted on the ground at all times in my house
ok humans, i think I hear someone in the kitchen. That means they are making a midnight snack and for us cats, some serious begging skills must be applied.
Take care fine pet owners/lovers of the world . Danke for reading this blog and i hope you had fun in doing so. If not, well things could be worse, say, you could be like Bush and live in the land where nothings real and all your friends are the invisiable ppl under the oval office desk.
And mega thanks to the first responders that risk their lifes to rescue ppl and pets.
Heros you guys and gals are. GOD SPEED THE TROOPS HOME!
see ya tomorow gang.
MR.CAIN,,,,,,,,,And CO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing you the weekend edition for the love of sanity.

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