My View From The Litter Box

My View From The Litter Box
Cats pets humor

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Yes sir, You Did Say That!!!!!!

But wait! This is what Tony Snow is Now saying.

However, any person with a good memory can recall for themselfs the famous air craft carrier landing the President did. Looking like a rejected version from TopGun, The President changed back into his whitehouse suit and Thus we have this, IF and its a big If too, the whitehouse was smart, they would have hired some folks to scour the internet and remove all photos and articules of that was said. Yanno kinda like they removed any and all pictures of Bush with Jackoff. Cept they missed one . That can be viewed from lastnights post and iam sure now on other internet blogs out there as well ! Now, this one kind of got me into a mood where only one sentence popped out of my mind. ´´Fuck you too Tony Snow´´!! Read this brilliant mans words and ideas. Seems to me and the humans here , that all this man is good for is lying and using the whitehouse toiletpaper to wipe his nose with. Oh and speaking of Morons, heres another one that just cannot seem to stfu already. I think hes still mad at himself due to finding jackshit inside the old vault of Al Capone. Yes Geraldo, we remember that make or break career stunt you pulled from back in the 1980s. All that was found was a few old empty bottles of wine and alot of dust. But then again take a look at his track record. He was the only imbedded reporter during the first weeks of the Iraq war, to be Kicked out. His crime? He drew maps in the sand indicating where he was and the troops he was imbedded with. After the fact, all journalist were told not to!

Heres a story my owners were reading and could only ask why? why hide anything? why not follow all the advice from the commision? why block any attempts to revamp it due to lack of?

As if it wasint already apparently clear on who was going to be the fall guy for the war, this articule comes out. How utterly nice for the troops. If they are going to make them , well force seems a better choice of wording here, spend longer tours, then why not up their pay? And more health coverage for the familes too. On a side note, my owners were pondering as to why less and less medals are giving out in this war as compared to others. Seems the only ones to get any medals are the dead. Why not acknowledge bravery and valour befour hand?

Over in London, The Poodle has made the decision to not have a surge in any troops. Might it be if the poodle pulled this , he might find a surge of the common folks at his front door in massive protest? Or perhaps the queen told Tony, ´´dont be a twit, anymore lap dog antics coming from you and you can find yourself thrown into the dungeons´´!

Speaking of twits, heres a story that alot of ppl probably already knew but didint want to come off as some form of tin foil hat wearing individual. So,,,after all the yrs of denying it and avoiding the topic, its all now out in the open and iam just wondering how George Bush SR aka Poppy, will go about handling this ? Will it be play the ´´ I was a young man back then and made some bad mistakes in the handling of certian choices i made´´ etc yadda. Spooks or spys dont really have much of a conscience anymore.

Meanwhile in the batcave, brautfrau was finding herself deep in a pile of russian poop that just wont end!,1518,458573,00.html Will the brautfrau say oh the hell with it all and start reheating the shutdown nuclear reactor plants ? At the halls of injustice one cant help if the joker, Gerhard-öder Schörder is silently making plans to have his millions he made from helping draw up the gas line plans with Vlad Putin, moved outside of the country banks? Tune in tomorow folks.

Now for a excellent read that one shouldint over look, check this articule out. It sums it up in once neat , rather ahhh shit, package for readers too!

On to the House Of Murphy And Co. Its now clear that ´´The spoiler´´ has bronchitis! So tomorow, they will gather their typhoid carrier ass to the drs for some antibiodicts and probably end up being home for a week. Now I like the idea of having them home with me for a week, but not when they are coughing so hard they look like they are about to have a delivery of a baby. Plus it means that they have to sleep out here on the couch. laying down just dont cut it when ones lungs are slimed up. I suppose, i could get use to sleeping with just ´´wasderface´´ in the bedroom. At least they dont hack and gag and i can ignore the snore fest too. But for the life of me, i cannot understand how in the world a human can still smoke a cigarette when they have bronchitis! It would be like drinking cold coca cola too fast and it burns ones throat, not to mention causes watery eyes too.

And tonight or overnight the weather ppl here are saying that we can expect heavy winds. Great! Winds with gust up to 70+ miles a hour. I fully expect a few sounds of shingles being ripped from the roof if this keeps up all night and come the morning hours too. Other news here,, seems that cain decided to act up and tried to kick me from the the UPS /cat sleeping carton. There i was sound asleep and Cain does his charge effect. We swatted, batted and only after ´´wasderface´´ broke it up, did i go after em. So what does the fat puck do? Jumps up on the coffee table as the human was reading their emails. All they saw was cains head looking down over the laptop screen. I was waiting for the sound of cracking wood as cains large ass broke the supports from underneath the table, but it didint happen. Since cain was up there he took it upon himself to also sniff and give the humans coffee mug a quick lick. That was it!! he was promptly picked up and set down on the floor with words like ´´dont think so fat boy´´!

Ok Time for the FUNNIES!!!

If you have the time ,,and the beer!

Very bad sportsmanship!


Getting Dumped Live On the Air! well worth a listen, when she askes ´´how much is it worth?´´

Why sometimes it sucks to be the Reff!

Jiffy Lube gone bad!


Before anyone askes about the new smiley face, well it seemed blogger for reasons unknown wouldint let me use the one i normaly use. I had to run out and find this little beast! I think ill use this one for now on and cain can use his smiley face. Ok humans, time once again for me to bid you a fine eveing. Thanks for stoping on by and reading my blog,,or not! Talk to you fine folks tomorow. Till then,,,,,,

WORDS OF WISDOM,,,,,,,Avarus animus nullo satiatur lucro - A greedy mind is satisfied with no (amount of) gain.


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